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  • The Measure Of A Ministry

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Dec 23, 2017

    I used this as farewell sermon upon leaving a pastorate.

    "The Measure of a Ministry" Acts 20:17-38 Introduction: Let's see what is revealed in the text: I. Paul's Tenure Two things standout; First, is his longevity and second is his labor. Paul spent more time in Asia Minor and Ephesus in particular than any other place of ministry. Verse 31 tells us more

  • You Gotta Have Faith

    Contributed by Jeff Pearce on Nov 21, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Faith is simple, so they say...

    You Gotta Have Faith Proverbs 3:5-6 ME: Faith is simple, I have a tendency to make it complicated 1: Faith is like a) Belief b) Like a trust fall c) Just take a leap of faith, a step of faith Application: Faith is more than blind obedience, faith is trust that something or someone is more

  • Rock Higher Than Me….

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Apr 2, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We need to go the cross that is lifted up when things in our life looks eerie, scary, intimidating and menacing.

    Rock Higher than me…. Psalm 61:2”From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” David pens the above psalm from a place of desperation, anxiety, pain and agony, he tells God ‘take me to the rock that is higher than I.’ During times of more

  • A Snapshot Of God And Sinners Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jan 22, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 24th Sermon in the Series "Israel's 2nd King". This Series is about King David.

    Series: Israel’s 2nd King- David [#24] A SNAPSHOT OF GOD AND SINNERS 2 Samuel 9:1-13 Introduction: In 2 Samuel 9, David encounters 1 of Jonathan’s sons, Mephibosheth. This chapter is a picture of God’s character and grace. The meaning of Mephibosheth’s name, where he lived, and condition more

  • God Shows He Exists

    Contributed by Luke Vasicek on Dec 24, 2023

    God shows us that He is the creator and the one true God

    God Shows Us He is Real (Topical) Nichole had a hole in her candy bag this halloween. We discovered it after we got home!—point: sometimes things just don't work. It doesn't work when we try to replace God. We try to replace God with _Science_ and _Social Justice_. Science: The Theory more

  • Our God's Name Is Zion! Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Jan 12, 2021

    Just one more sermon with "Z" Our God's name is Zion, ot is it a location?

    The Bible has many names for persons and places that start with the letter "Z" Some familiar and not so familiar. In the NT is Zacchaeus, the tax-collector, and Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, and Zebedee, father of James and John, the apostles. In the Old Testament was Zebulun, more

  • Finding Strength In Sacred Spaces SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The secret place transforms into a sacred space, becoming a desired destination. This journey not only provides protection, but also empowers us with a divine anointing.

    Today, we will explore the topic of the anointing and its significance in our lives as believers. The anointing is not just a feeling or emotional experience; it is the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit that equips us to confront and overcome the works of the devil. Let us delve into this more

  • Finding Refuge In The Church SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A Church should be a city of refuge for those who are hurting and in need.

    Today, we gather here to dedicate this building to God. After meeting in schools for over eight years, we are grateful that God has provided us with this place. As we complete the necessary work to fully occupy this building, we want to set it apart for a special purpose - as a house of God for more

  • Letting Go Of Those Who Don’t Love You Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Aug 20, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon , we’ll explore biblical guidance on releasing those who don’t reciprocate our love.

    Holding on to someone who doesn't love you can be a painful and draining experience. It's essential to recognize when it's time to let go and move forward. In this sermon , we'll explore biblical guidance on releasing those who don't reciprocate our love. "The Lord is near more

  • Back To The Future Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A study of chapter 12 verses 1 through 17

    Revelation 12: 1 – 17 Back To The Future 1 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. 3 And another sign appeared in more

  • Radical Gratitude

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Nov 21, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    If you are going to live a life of gratitude, you must believe with all your heart that 1. God is good. 2. Life is good. 3. There will be a day of resotration.

    I often wonder why we who live in the United States of America, and have life so good, seem to be so discontent at the same time. How can we have so much of this life’s goods and pleasures, freedoms and privileges, resources and comforts, yet be so miserable? Perhaps we have too much. Bling more

  • Meditating On The Psalms

    Contributed by Jim Twamley on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 47 ratings

    What does it mean to find refuge in God?

    A (your town name) trolley driver and a preacher were standing in line to get into heaven. When the trolley driver approached the gate the angel said, “Welcome, I understand you were a (your town name) trolley driver. Since I’m in charge of housing I’m giving you that great big mansion over the more

  • Building Families Of Faith

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on May 5, 2002
    based on 86 ratings

    This sermon tells what is necessary to have families that are pleasing to God.

    Introduction The young preacher was shocked to hear the well-known evangelist utter the words; “Yes, I have spent some of the happiest moments of my life in the arms of another man’s wife.” Then, following a pause, the evangelist added, “That woman was my mother.” A few weeks later as the young more

  • Surely This Was The Son Of God (Whose Line Is It?) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 27, 2003
    based on 114 ratings

    Something happened the day Jesus was crucified that turned a callous Roman Centurion into a worshipper at the cross. It was something he "saw" and something he "heard." But what?

    OPEN: Years ago when I was in Bible college, a movie premiered in the movie theatres that some friends of mine and I wanted to attend. What struck me as I watched, were the powerful images of Christianity in the movie. The movie? It was called "The Poseidon Adventure." How many of you have seen more

  • #2the Greatest Man I Never Knew? Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 2, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Reba McEntire has a song about her Dad, The Greatest Man I never knew? We ponder not recogninzing God’s Presence among us.

    #2 THE GREATEST MAN I NEVER KNEW? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. This is #2 of a 2 part series, The Greatest man I never knew. REVIEW FROM THE PREVIOUS LESSON. It can be possible to be religious in form and not really know Jesus in a real personal way. We must KNOW HIM AND THE more

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