Howard Strickland
Contributing sermons since Jan 12, 2006
Newest Sermons
Just One Word.
Contributed on Nov 27, 2024
With Holy Spirit leadership, the next movement and or, decision you make can be realized through your belief in the Bible, while learning Gods voice. The Holy Spirit becomes your go to, He selected you to live through.
Just One Word. John 14.26 Rev. Brian Brown tells the story of being at the community pool with his family. Kids were screaming, playing, and splashing in the pool, music was playing, the lifeguard whistles were blowing and in the midst of the conversation, his wife shooshes him. He said, ...read more
The Supremacy Of The Son Of God.
Contributed on Nov 7, 2024
What do Christians believe about the world? Really it’s quite simple: We believe that the universe is God’s world. God created it, He made humans in his image, He called his creation good, He gave us the ability to choose, and He actively holds the universe together.
The Supremacy Of The Son Of God. Colossians 1.15-23 Is life nothing more than a roulette wheel? Are the life circumstances you and I face nothing more than random, chance events bouncing into our lives like a ball randomly spins on a roulette wheel? A roulette wheel is driven by chance. In fact, ...read more
The I Am.
Contributed on Nov 3, 2024
His name is the root of who you are, because your name is fully backed by Him. Knowing this truth puts our lives into perspective. -He is the sovereign God, and we are His.
The I Am Of All I Ams. Exodus 3. If you’re in Lake City, Fla., one of these days and happen to run into a 50-something fellow with a sandy mustache, a receding hairline, and aviator glasses, you may be in the presence of I Am Who I Am. Columbia ...read more
Topless Jars.
Contributed on Nov 3, 2024
he NT tells it like it was. This was a group not likely to succeed. It is most likely they would- not have been chosen by a board for Jesus, but they were chosen by Jesus. (Peter M.)
Topless Jars. 2 Corinthians 4:7AMP Peter Marshall, in a sermon entitled, "Disciples in Clay," pictured the apostles before an examining board which was appointed to choose Jesus' close associates. Peter stood there smelling of fish, unkept, with bad behavior, plus he was uncultured, ...read more
Heavenly Jerusalem.
Contributed on Oct 15, 2024
What believers want most, Confidence. Abiding faith. Peace, God is with me; therefore, it will be okay. The power of love in action.
Heavenly Jerusalem. Galatians 4. Do you realize as a saved, blood bought Son or Daughter of God, you have heavenly Jerusalem living within you. (Christ in you... you have become the temple for the Holy Spirit, 1 Cor. 3.16. Galatians chapter 3 & 4 teach us that before Jesus Christ, we were ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Message 5 On Vision, Pledge Day
Contributed on Mar 26, 2017
Freedom Series 1
Contributed on Jun 29, 2016
Pt.3 Of 30 Days To Live
Contributed on Aug 15, 2015
Pt.1 Of Messages On- What Would You Do If You Had Only 30 Days To Live?
Contributed on Aug 15, 2015
Pt. 2 Of Messages On How Would You Live If You Had 30 Days Left
Contributed on Aug 15, 2015
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Grace And The Waterfall
Contributed on Jul 14, 2010
GRACE AND THE WATERFALL Last week I went for a walk and I saw a beautiful rock under a small waterfall, it was continually cleansed. My friend found a rock, but his rock wasn't found under a waterfall, and it's not as pretty and as smooth. Grace ...read more
Every Morning In Africa A Gazelle Wakens And ...
Contributed on Feb 11, 2008
Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakens and knows it has to run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakens and knows it must outrun the swiftest gazelle or it will starve to death. The saying goes, “ It matters not ...read more
A Farmer Noticed A Highway Department Truck ...
Contributed on Jan 19, 2008
A farmer noticed a highway department truck pulling over on the shoulder of the road. A man got out and dug a hole, then got back into the truck. Then the other occupant got out, filled up the hole and got back in the truck. Every fifty yards this amazing process was repeated. “What are you doing?” ...read more
Norman V Peale Wrote A Book Called, "The Power Of ...
Contributed on Dec 24, 2007
Norman V Peale wrote a book called, “The Power of Positive Thinking.” His manuscript was turned down by 18 different publishing companies. In his disgust he threw the manuscript in a trash can, but his wife Marquette went to get the manuscript out of the can. Rev. Peale dared her to, so she leaves ...read more
Charlie Brown Told Lucy "There's Just No Hope For ...
Contributed on Dec 24, 2007
Charlie Brown told Lucy “There’s just no hope for our baseball team, and Lucy said, “Well Charlie, you lose some and you win some”, ...read more