I. Grant Spong
Contributing sermons since Jan 18, 2014
Newest Sermons
An Atrocity (Judges 19)
Contributed on Mar 20, 2025
How could such an atrocity occur in Israel? Could Christians commit atrocity? Let's look at Judges 19.
Should we make excuses or mourn the atrocities committed by humanity? Can any barbarity be more gruesome than that recorded in Judges 19? Did these events begin with a man's attempt to reconcile with his lover? In those days, when there was no king in Israel, a certain Levite was sojourning ...read more
Dan's Apostasy (Judges 18)
Contributed on Mar 19, 2025
How does Dan's apostasy warn us today? Let's look at Judges 18.
Did Micah’s hired priest lead the tribe of Dan into apostasy? Have we wandered from the faith taught by Jesus and the apostles, making idols of man-made doctrines? Let’s look at Judges 18. Did the tribe of Dan fail to take their allotted inheritance in the land? Did they send out scouts to find ...read more
Priest For Hire (Judges 17)
Contributed on Mar 18, 2025
Are pastors for hire for money or obedient to God first? Let's begin in Judges 17.
Do we get our standards of right and wrong from God or the world? Do we ignore the strong correction Jesus gave religious leaders? In whose name only can we be saved? Let’s begin in Judges 17. Did a man named Micah (not the prophet) steal silver from his mother, return it, and did she use it to ...read more
Samson's Reckless Life (Judges 16)
Contributed on Mar 17, 2025
Could Samson have lived a better life? Can we? Let's begin in Judges 16.
Could Samson have lived a much better life and still fulfilled God’s purpose for him? How can we live much better lives? Let’s begin in Judges 16. What happened with Samson and a prostitute in Gaza? Sometime later, Samson went to Gaza, saw a prostitute there, and went in to have sex with her. ...read more
Samson's Strife (Judges 15)
Contributed on Mar 16, 2025
Can God use a person of terrible character for good purposes? Let's begin in Judges 15.
Can a little squabble quickly escalate? Can we make peace? Can God use even the worst leaders for divine purposes? Let’s begin in Judges 15. Did Samson return to find that his wife had been given to another man? Later on, at the time of wheat harvest, Samson took a young goat and went to visit ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Bible E-Course
Contributed on Feb 3, 2022
Spirit Of The Law
Contributed on Sep 29, 2021
Contributed on Aug 16, 2021
Contributed on Feb 4, 2021
Contributed on Dec 28, 2020
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Poem Of The Sheep & Goats
Contributed on May 16, 2022
Song of the Sheep & Goats When the Son of Man comes again In his glory All the holy angels with Him Throne of glory Throne of greatness He'll sit on then I was hungry; you gave to me I was thirsty; you nourished me I was foreign; you welcomed me I was naked; you covered me I was sick; you ...read more
Mark 11:1-11
Contributed on Mar 20, 2018
Jesus’ Mock Parade Imagine for a minute a grand parade. It might be one of those that celebrates military might with tanks and rockets. It might have brass bands, flags waving and marchers goose-stepping in rhythm, with a dictator either clapping from a grandstand or even at the head of the ...read more
Fail In Order To Succeed
Contributed on Jul 15, 2017
An old axiom says that failure is the stepping stone to success. Are we afraid of failure? The road to success is paved with failures. Before the farmer in the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13) had a successful crop he failed in three areas. We fail in these same areas. We allow the devil to snatch ...read more
Sow Indiscriminately
Contributed on Jul 15, 2017
In the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13) Jesus spoke of the kingdom of heaven being like an indiscriminate sower. This contradicts theories surrounding church growth of targeting certain statistically measurable demographics. There is no such target audience in this parable. The seed of the kingdom ...read more
How Urgent Do We Approach The Harvest
Contributed on Jun 13, 2017
In Matthew 9:38 Jesus describes driving workers into the field with the urgency of a harvest that cannot wait. Yet, so often our churches have become ho-hum about God's harvest. How can revival come to our land when our churches are so Laodicean in attitude? How can our dying western ...read more