Wade Martin's church

Faith Assembly of God
Smiths Grove , Kentucky 42171

About Wade Martin
  • Education: I graduated high school in Springfield, Illinois in 1970. Then graduated Lincoln Memorial University, in Harrogate, TN from in 1974 with a Bachelors degree in Humanities, I have taken classes and many seminars. Berian classes, Boot Camp, and Ky. School of Ministries. I have taught young preachers in KSOM
  • Experience: I traveled 6 years playing Southern Gospel Music. Then taught school in Lee County, Virginia 6 years.It was a joy to head a jail ministry for 5 years, I have visited jails and prisons in 6 states. I was an associate pastor/evangelist. In 1981, I went to full time pastoring in West Prestonsburg, Ky. This is a very small mountain missions work. In 1989 I moved here to Smiths Grove to pastor. 40+ years in the full time ministry. My dream is still before me. I have made missionary trips to Haiti. 16 days in israel was precious. I am on You-Tube and Facebook
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I try to make my sermons practical and applicable to every day life. I must point others to the cross.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: I have studied many years. I love study time. I have thousands of sermons over my 40 year full time ministry. Basketcase preachers. The problem of the heart is the heart of the problem. Speak to the Divine Possibilities.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: ME ON DEATH ROW? I stood on Death Row in a prison. I was with a criminal, he had been locked on Death Row 18 years. I spent the last 5 days in the prison with this criminal and his family. To me he was not a criminal, he was a precious friend’s son. I was there to witness the execution for the family. I am not here to address the pro’s and con’s of the death penalty, but to tell you I stood with a man condemned to die. I never thought about being identified with a criminal until minutes before they opened the curtains. I thought Jesus is here in this room.
  • Family: My Dad is a Church of God Pastor of 65+ years. Dad is 89. My older brother was a Methodist preacher of 25 years. I have been married to Linda 50 years. I have two sons they are part of our worship team, and they play music with me. Both my sons and the oldest grandson are police men. Three of my brothers have passed away in three years. ( They were 58, 67, 54) My three older grandsons play music with me.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My Mom was my greatest fan. She loved my tapes and would share them with others. Mom died August 1998. My Dad has been supportive and my music partner for years. Dad was my pastor my first 21 years.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Don’t ask? Don’t tell? Linda is my helper and my friend. She says they are humorous, illustrated and thought provoking. She has listened to me 40 years. I am glad she doesn’t want to go to another church. I hope?
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Today is a good day to make a good day. Be patient and keep plugging away no matter how you feel. Pastoring is not like a carpenter, you can’t see at the end of the day what you have accomplished in ministry. We see in a time bound perspective, our personal scope of vision must not hinder the work set before us. Be quick to forgive. Walk in their shoes and try understanding. Learn to be quick to say I am sorry even when you think you are right. . Then try again.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Bible, the word of God does the work of God! I love the Bible. I thank God for the ability to read and study.
  • Hobbies: Studying the Bible and preparing lessons. I love music, I and my family play music. I have traveled playing the bass guitar and lead. Haiti is one of my loves.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: I would talk all night if I thought this was my last sermon. I would warn that we are headed toward death at 60 minutes per hour, or 1440 minutes a day. We need to establish a priority system and invest our time, talent, and energy wisely. We tend to waste life on trivial pursuit. I have invested 40 years in full time ministry. I do not regret a mile I have traveled for the Lord. I believe what I preach. Seems we love to invest in the temporal but we are approach eternity.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Once, I bent over and ripped my pants. Another time, I was doing an illustrated sermon with a loaf of bread, as the rich man wiped his face and threw the bread to the dogs. As I wiped my face, I didn’t know the loaf of bread had butter in the middle, I rubbed butter all over my face. Recently, I was doing an illustrated sermon, that we can determine how much God can bless us. I had a very small metal bowl, a little bigger and a little bigger. When I got to the largest metal bowl, I waved it ov
  • What I want on my tombstone: His servant, how about an arrow pointing up? Live with eternity's values in view for there is too much to gain to lose.
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Newest Sermons

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    Contributed on Feb 8, 2025

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  • The Sifter: Test & Promotion

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2025

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    THE SIFTER, TEST GO BEFORE PROMOTION. By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) Psalm 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. *TEST: more

  • Don't Panic, Don't Believe The Distortions

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2025

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    DON’T PANIC! WHY ARE YOU TROUBLED? WHEN YOUR HEART AND YOUR EYES DECEIVE YOU! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) *COME LET US FOCUS ON JOHN BEVERE’S WORDS: If we don’t risk being hurt, we cannot give unconditional love. Unconditional love gives others more

  • Two Ordinances Of The Church

    Contributed on Jan 30, 2025

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  • The Attitude And Spirit Of Cooperation

    Contributed on Jan 29, 2025

    We can find power in agreement. Search your heart and grow an attitude and spirit of COOPERATION. God's church works best when we cooperate with each other.

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Singing When I Am Hurt?

    Contributed on Jul 16, 2024


  • Watch?

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2024

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  • Confess?

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  • Trapped

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2024

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  • Encourage: Plant A Tree

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