Preaching Articles

There are many correct answers to this question: the power of the Word of God, the filling and movement of the Holy Spirit, the giftedness of the preacher, the eagerness of the people to hear, all could be mentioned when this question is asked. 

Yet, I want to mention one answer that is commonly overlooked when considering the power of preaching and what produces a moving sermon that brings spiritual fruit from God.  

I think this one overlooked aspect of powerful preaching is best summarized by the 19th-century English pastor Archibald Brown:

Oh, brethren and sisters, I would to God I could speak to you this morning as I would. 

I only wish I could make this text blaze away before your eyes as it has before my own. I would that its tremendous force might be realized by you, as it has been felt in my own heart before coming here. 

Oh, how it would shake some of you out of your selfishness, out of your worldliness, out of your pandering to the maxims of this world.

Brown’s words capture well an essential element to a powerful sermon—that is, the preacher first be deeply affected by the word he steps into the pulpit to preach. 

Before the preacher can persuade any sinner to turn to Christ, he must first be persuaded himself. 

Before the preacher can convince any Christian to trust in the promises of God, he must first believe those promises.

Pastors, as you prepare to preach God’s word and feed the souls of your people this week, make sure that word you study has changed you. 

Make sure it is a part of you and that you truly believe what you are preparing to preach so that you are able to preach with an earnestness that only comes from someone who has met with God and experienced his help.

Brian Orme is the General Editor of and He works with creative and innovative pastors to discover the best resources, trends and practices to equip the church to lead better every day. He lives in Ohio with his wife, Jenna, and four boys. You can read more from Brian at

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Edwin Crozier

commented on Dec 18, 2013

Thank you for sharing that quote.

Dennis Cocks

commented on Dec 18, 2013

What a great reminder! Thank you Brian.

Charles Ingwe

commented on Dec 19, 2013

Thank you Brian for this lovely article. I only have a very small problem with the words " make sure the word you study has changed you". I believe that I do get the conviction of the truthfulness of the word of God and pray for God's help in changing me for true change is the working of the Holy Spirit. But many are the times that I find myself failing in the area of the faith that I preach. I know and believe that the promises of God can never fail yet at times just a few hours after preaching with much conviction I find myself face down, after a big fall in the very area I taught about and I find my wife lifting me up and encouraging me with the very words I taught them. I think the word " changed " if not well handled can bring much bondage to many preachers for it is by His grace that all of us can stand and minister. I would prefer that the word study must convict the preacher and he/she must have the full surrender to the application of that study. In such a state, even after failure to see change in his/her life, the preacher remains convinced that man's failure does not change the position of the word studied but only goes to show how much important it is for the convicted preacher to remain dependant on the hand of the Lord.

Sunday E. Onukak

commented on Dec 19, 2013

Interesting reminder, thank you Brian.

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