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  • Eternal State Part 2 (Revelation 22) Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 2, 2020

    God's last words are very important which we must echo.

    We will finish our study of the “End Times” this morning with the last Chapter of the Bible. Last week, we looked at Revelation 21 which described the beginning of the “The Eternal State” with God. Now, if we think about it, Revelation 22 are the “last words” of God to people! How important are more

  • Four Special Blessings In Heaven

    Contributed by David Nolte on Nov 6, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Heaven, a blessing in itself, is filled with blessings beyond measure, but here are 4 special blessings.

    We all prefer receiving blessings more than we enjoy being cursed. At least those among us who are not masochists who take pleasure in being hurt or punished. That holds especially true when we refer to how God works in our lives. I have never yet sought the Lord’s curse, but constantly request more

  • Jesus: A Star Is Born Series

    Contributed by Jack Perkins, D.min., Ladc, Csac, Cclc on Nov 25, 2020

    The Star is born! The Grand Finale The Star and Stars of Christmas is a series of messages for Advent. Using the idea of a play on a stage. Each message will look at different characters in the Christmas story.

    Opening Song— This is a Strange Way to Save the World Special: O Holy Night Pastor • Welcome • Scripture reading The Birth of Jesus Luke 2 1-5 About that time Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. This was the first census when Quirinius more

  • Perfection At Last

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jun 22, 2020

    When we all get to Heaven.

    PERFECTION AT LAST Revelation 22: 1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which more

  • Imagine

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on May 28, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    St. John writes of the peace from heaven

    May 26, 2019 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Rev. 21:10, 22-22:5; John 14:23-29 Imagine Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. John Lennon wrote a song that has come to be one of the most recognized and acclaimed songs of the more

  • The River Leading To The Tree Of Life

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 26, 2021

    Sometimes I feel like we are a generation endlessly staring at the screen, watching movies and tv shows, and series, applauding at the entertainment.

    "The Danish philosopher, Kierkegaard, tells a parable of a theater where a variety show is proceeding. Each show is more fantastic than the last, and is applauded by the audience. Suddenly the manager comes forward. He apologizes for the interruption, but the theater is on fire, and he begs more

  • A Reality Frozen In Anticipation

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 30, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    There are moments in life when the webbing of our delusions lift, and we are able to see the truth unobstructed. Oh so rarely do we get to see things in the fullness of how they really are. Our preconceptions cloud situations. Our minds cloud things.

    "I am trying to rip open the inconsolable secret in each one of you—the secret which hurts so much that you take your revenge on it by calling it names like Nostalgia and Romanticism and Adolescence; the secret also which pierces with such sweetness that when, in very intimate conversation, more

  • Occupations In Heaven Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 9, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    One of the major purposes of this life is to discover what you would love to do forever. The loves, the interests, the gifts, and the aspirations we develop in this life will greatly affect our service and occupation in heaven.

    The story is told of a man who died and found himself in a region of fabulous abundance. His slightest wish was instantly granted. At last, however, the novelty wore off and he became bored. He told his host he would love to do something. Was there any work he could perform, or any problem he more

  • The Return Of Jesus Christ & The New Jerusalem

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 26, 2021

    "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, New York, Macmillan, 1960, p. 119.

    "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, New York, Macmillan, 1960, p. 119. This life is short. Anything can happen. Our bodies function for a certain more

  • Heaven- A Place Like No Other Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 25, 2019

    2 things: 1) Talk more about our eternal home- the actual place 2) Who will be in heaven Material adapted from Chauncey Crandall, MD, book entitled, "Touching Heaven"

    HoHum: Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with glory and grace, I wanna see my Savior’s face, cause heaven is a wonderful place, I wanna go there! WBTU: Like an exciting move trailer, God’s Word previews this place and our future, whetting our desire for the real thing. And though what we are more

  • Why Worship?

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Feb 15, 2020

    As we continue our look at God's purpose in our lives, we look at why we should worship God.

    First Baptist Church PDL - Why Worship? February 16, 2020 Every Sunday morning a handful of people from our surrounding towns comes to church. Every man, woman and child has a story - a life that goes on from Monday through Saturday. Age doesn’t matter. We all have a story. For some folks - more

  • God’s River Of Life

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Oct 18, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Today’s message is a message of hope and revival as we look at God’s river of the waters of life that He desires to flow into and through our lives, that is, the flow of the Holy Spirit that is available to all those who believe.

    God’s River of Life Revelation 22 I’d like to start our study by going back and taking a look at a remarkable passage found in the book of Job. “For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may grow old in more

  • There's No Place Like Home Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Jan 16, 2022

    It is the cross and the promise of a life after this one that makes this world, with all its ups and down, with all its sorrow, with all its conflicts and challenges all that much more bearable when we know that all of this is just temporary.

    “There’s no place like home.” Who said it? Right … Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Why is that line so iconic? As soon as you hear it, you see Dorothy … aka Judy Garland … holding Toto, clicking the heels of her ruby red slippers three times, and uttering the words … “There’s no place like more

  • Everything Is New Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021

    Today, I want to be your tour guide to Heaven. Be aware, human language has its limits. And the beauty, the magnificence and the joy set before you will stretch the very limits of human thought and our communication skills.

    And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. 23 And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. 24 By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth will bring their more

  • The Best Of Two Worlds

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 8, 2023

    Intro: One of the favorite songs for many Christians is the song MANSION OVER THE HILLTOP

    There was a time when Christians sung this song over and over again in their churches because they were excited about heaven. But some churches can not remember the last time when they sung this song about heaven. WHAT HAS CAUSED THIS CHANGE? The reason many no longer preach, teach and sing more

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