Davon Huss
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
The First Christmas Was Inconvenient
Contributed on Feb 1, 2025
Why is there no room for Jesus? (Material adapted from Sermon Central's Jeff Strite at: https://sermoncentral.com/sermons/have-you-any-room-jeff-strite-sermon-on-christmas-243819)
HoHum: Oak Ridge Boys sang a song some years ago called an Inconvenient Christmas. Inspiration for this series and going over parts of the song, finishing the last part, well really the middle part of the song, this week: Among the bills that I'd received was a postcard marked “Apologies, The ...read more
Mary Was Inconvenienced
Contributed on Feb 1, 2025
Focusing on Matthew 1 and Luke 1, turning the question around to, "What did Mary know?" (Seedthoughts from: https://www.gotquestions.org/Mary-did-you-know.html)
HoHum: From the Pregnancy Resource Center: Tania couldn’t believe it was happening. They had been careful, but somehow she was pregnant. She called an abortion clinic and set an appointment. She said she knew people expected her to have an abortion because “I am young and not married.” Then ...read more
The Son Of God Was Inconvenienced
Contributed on Feb 1, 2025
Using this as a starting point to highlight 3 stages of our Savior's life and ministry (Material adapted from Brian Wilbur [with his permission] at: https://www.southparisbaptist.org/sermons/sermon/2019-12-22/he-had-to-be-made-like-us)
HoHum: Oak Ridge Boys sang a song written by Kyle David Matthew called Inconvenient Christmas some years back: Among the bills that I'd received was a postcard marked “Apologies, The Christmas gifts you ordered aren't in stock” So I packed up the kids for Grandpa's house Then a ...read more
Bereaved Christmas
Contributed on Feb 1, 2025
Let's talk about good grief- 3 parts of good grief (Material adapted from Harold Keck at Seymour Heights Christian Church with his permission)
HoHum: Things will be different without my grandmother- another empty chair WBTU: Kyle David Matthews wrote a song and the Oak Ridge Boys recorded it in the early 2000’s. It’s called Inconvenient Christmas. This is more of a story than a song but here is the first part: Among the bills that ...read more
Pray Gratefully
Contributed on Nov 30, 2024
The Gospels record several places where Jesus gave thanks (from Bob Hostetler's book, Red Letter Prayer Life, chapter on the same title)
HoHum: There is an insurance commercial where an internet influencer says into her phone: “Hey, fam. I am at this beautiful lake that I just discovered. Practicing gratitude, manifesting abundance” WBTU: Laugh at that every time but it is true that practicing gratitude does make a difference ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
An Inconvenient Christmas
Contributed on Feb 1, 2025
Red Letter Prayer Life
Contributed on Jun 3, 2024
Famous Last Words
Contributed on Apr 10, 2024
Isaiah 53
Contributed on Mar 18, 2023
Contributed on Oct 25, 2019
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Pray The Book Of Psalms
Contributed on Sep 4, 2024
Wesley and Stacey Campbell describe in their book Praying the Bible: The Pathway to Spirituality: A few years ago, we were ministering in the mountains of Puebla, which is about a 4 hour drive from Mexico City. The situation was most desperate. The Indians of the area lived in villages built ...read more
Cheering For Clothes
Contributed on Aug 28, 2024
I love sports. Lately, I have been unable to watch sports so instead I go to ESPN and look at the stats for my favorite teams. Chicago Cubs (this year they are pathetic), North Carolina Tarheels basketball, Indiana Pacers NBA and now the Indiana Fever (Love Caitlin Clark). Been to several of the ...read more
Misfired Twice!
Contributed on Aug 19, 2024
Story from Bob Hostetler in Red Letter Prayer Life: Two of my dearest friends in the world, Dave and Becky, told me the amazing story of their mission trip some years ago to the mountain town of San Luis, Honduras. They traveled as part of a combined medical and evangelistic team that served the ...read more
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Contributed on Aug 7, 2024
It sounds like something out of a horror movie, but it’s real. In recent years, scientists have discovered a kind of bacterial infection called necrotizing fasciitis, more commonly called flesh eating bacteria. Once this bacterium enters a human body, it can multiply rapidly. Within 24 hours, ...read more
Daniel In The Lion's Den
Contributed on Sep 13, 2022
Need this picture displayed for illustration: https://www.freebibleimages.org/illustrations/moody-daniel-lions/ Charles Stanley tells of a time when he was struggling with much opposition. In the midst of the turmoil, an elderly member of his church invited him to her apartment for lunch. He ...read more