Scott Maze
Contributing sermons since Feb 15, 2007
Newest Sermons
You Will Never See Death
Contributed on Nov 25, 2024
The stakes are cosmically and eternally high at this moment. Jesus’ actions don’t determine the outcome of some silly game, but determine the eternal destinies of millions of men and women, boys and girls. This is the ultimate “Don’t Blink” moment.
A journalist and a father of a three -year-old boy came home in 2019. The young boy saw his dad working on his iPad while he was at the house. So, while the dad was at work, the three-year-old boy picked up the iPad and tried to use it when his dad was away. Only the iPad was password protected. ...read more
4 Controversial Uncompromising Life-Changing Truths
Contributed on Nov 22, 2024
Most people who are enslaved know they are slaves. The girl who is abducted and taken into the worldwide human trafficking ring knows she’s a slave. You don’t have to tell her this. But there is a kind of slavery where people don’t fully realize they are enslaved.
Today, I want to speak to you about “4 Controversial Uncompromising Life-Changing Truths” from the lips of Jesus Himself. These 4 truths are unpopular for many. They are likely to start a good argument at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Many of these, if not all of these, run against the current ...read more
Why Are Christians So Pro Life?
Contributed on Nov 11, 2024
I want to equip our church family in speaking intelligently and compassionately about abortion. I don’t have a Republican agenda here today as much as I have a kingdom of God agenda.
Today, I want to talk about the sanctity of human life and, specifically abortion. This morning, I want you to join with me in a celebration of life. There is a widespread divide regarding the issue of abortion … people are not indifferent regarding this contested issue. Even now, bringing the very ...read more
One Flock, One Shepherd: The Unfinished Mission
Contributed on Nov 11, 2024
It’s not a small thing for Jesus’ followers to be scattered. He needs to gather us “so there will be one flock,” and even so there is “one shepherd.” Jesus cares for people all over the world. As one of His followers, do you care for people all over the world?
Today, we conclude our week of praying for missions by fasting and praying. If your personal priorities were like favorites on your phone, what would be included? Like the saved numbers you place in your cell phone, what priorities would be included among your favorites? The care of your family, a ...read more
Embracing The Light Of Life
Contributed on Oct 30, 2024
Jesus Christ stands before deliberately in front of the candelabra by the treasury and says, “I’m not like the prophets who point to the glory of God. I’m not like the gurus who reflect the glory of God through their consciousness. I am THE glory of God.”
Directly after this sermon, we invite all believers to take the Lord’s Supper with us at the front. If you genuinely know Jesus Christ, we invite you to participate in the Bread and the Juice to celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection. Find John 8 with me, if you will. Jesus went around ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
For The Believing Impaired
Contributed on Nov 22, 2024
Creation And Conception: Obstacles To Believing
Contributed on Nov 11, 2024
Nailed It: Why The Reformation Still Matters
Contributed on Oct 30, 2024
Bet The Farm On It
Contributed on Oct 16, 2024
4 Attitudes To Shape Your Home
Contributed on Sep 9, 2024
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Richard M. Nixon Served As The 37th President Of ...
Contributed on Feb 15, 2007
Richard M. Nixon served as the 37th president of the United States. He was a polarizing figure who won the presidential office by a landslide and then later resigned in disgrace just 21 months later. His disgrace culminated with the Democratic party getting their man, Jimmy Carter, into the ...read more
Jackie Robinson
Contributed on Feb 15, 2007
Jackie Robinson was the first black major-league baseball player. He was the victim of racial hatred nearly everywhere he played baseball. There were fast balls thrown at his hear and curses and slurs hurled at him from the dugouts and stands. One day, playing at home in Brooklyn, Jackie ...read more
British Writer, Oscar Wilde, Once Said, "I Can ...
Contributed on Feb 15, 2007
British writer, Oscar Wilde, once said, “I can resist ...read more
On June 17, 2002 Federal Authorities Arrested A ...
Contributed on Feb 15, 2007
On June 17, 2002 Federal authorities arrested a United States Forest Service employee for starting the largest fire in Colorado’s history. Terry Barton was a 38-year-old woman and had worked every summer for the Forest Service for 18 or 19 years. She had ventured into the forest to burn a ...read more