Sermon Series
  • 1. The Antichrist

    Contributed on Oct 6, 2021

    When will the Antichrist appear? When will he take rule? Who will he be? We will take a look at the great leader during Revelation and help answer some of these questions.

    The term “anti-Christ” is used in the Bible to mean against or instead of Christ. According to the Bible, the age in which we are living will end with the rapture of the saints. At the close of this age, we will see the ascendancy of a one world religious state government over which the anti-Christ more

  • 2. The Marriage Supper

    Contributed on Oct 6, 2021

    A wedding creates excitement. This marriage must be explained in the light of the day.

    I. The Fact of the Marriage 1. The most fantastic and wonderful wedding of all time is yet to take place. a. This marriage described in the parable of Jesus. 1) Luke 12:35-36 2) Matthew 22:2-5; kingdom of Heaven 3) Matthew 25:1-13 b. This marriage is described through the vision of John. more

  • 3. The Tribulation

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2021

    After the rapture of the church (key); There will be a brief period (seven years) which the bible calls the tribulation period.

    At the close of that time the Lord Jesus will return which is called the second advent and the battle of Armageddon will be fought. At the close of that time there will be a thousand-year period when He will rule and reign with a rod of iron known as the millennial kingdom. What we went to center more

  • 4. The Great Harlot

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2021

    The question answered in this chapter is: What “church” will actually assemble at this time on earth?

    What is the church? Is it a building, a professing people, a group of genuine Christians? Is it a place with a steeple, a social club, or a people related to Christ? Some may call the church building the church, The early church met in homes. Feelings may come and go, but the church continues. The more

  • 5. The Final Judgments

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2021

    These judgments increase in severity as the Tribulation progresses. Chapter 15-16 is an introduction to the Bowl or Vial judgments, which are described in chapter 16.

    Revelation, chapters 6 through 19, describes the events on earth during the coming Tribulation period. These are events of judgment, poured out by God on those dwelling on earth. These judgments come in three stages. 1. The seal judgments; Chapter 6. 2. The Trumpet judgments; Chapters 8-9. 3. The more

  • 6. The Fall Of Babylon

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2021

    If the beast destroys the religious system to establish his own system of worship, what will happen to all the wealth the false religious system has accumulated?

    Last week we saw the rise and fall of the great harlot, the false religious system that will exist during the tribulation. We saw the influence of this religious system and how she controlled and was supported by the Antichrist. We saw her influence on all nations and kings. We also saw her fall as more

  • 7. The Battle Of Armageddon

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2021

    What will happen when Jesus returns to the earth in glory?

    What will happen when Jesus returns to the earth in glory? So far in our study we have seen what will happen when Jesus comes in the air. What will happen in Heaven after his coming in the air, and what will happen on earth for the next approximately seven years? At the end of the Tribulation more

  • 8. The Millennial Reign Of Christ

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2021

    What is in store for us during the 1,000 year reign?

    Men down through the ages have dreamed and planned for a golden age of perfect life. I contend that the scriptures have much to say about this golden age. There can be no doubt, but that Jesus is to come out victorious over Satan and sin. This age when “righteousness shall cover the earth as the more

  • 9. The New Heaven And New Earth

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2021

    This is the last lesson in our series of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have tried to take, in proper order, all of the events connected with His coming.

    This is the last lesson in our series of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have tried to take, in proper order, all of the events connected with His coming. I think it would be good for every saved person to know and be able to tell the events which we have studied. Also, to be able to more

  • 10. There Is A Great Day Coming

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2021

    We will look at how an entire city is going to come to earth. Jerusalem will be the center and what will our future home be like?

    No matter who we are, the word home conjures up fond memories for many of us. We may think of a mother, a brother, or grandchild and other loved ones bring us joy. We might think of Christmas, a vacation, or many other things when we reminisce of great things. The warmest feelings inside usually more

  • 11. The New Jerusalem

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2021

    We’ve talked about Heaven and how great it is going to be. Now what about the Holy city, New Jerusalem? What will this be like? How is it described in God’s word? Notice several things about this city.

    I. It’s People 1. This beautiful city will hold the redeemed people of all the ages. This is described in another passage in which several groups are said to be in this heavenly city. Hebrews 12:22-24. These include: a. An innumerable company of angels. b. The church. c. God. d. Old Testament more