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  • Names Of God

    Contributed by Carl Finney on Nov 3, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    The Names of God reveled in Psalm 23

    The Lord is my shepherd – Jehovah Ra’ah (shepherd) “The Lord my Sheperd” Ra’ah – To pasture, tend, graze, feed.To see, consider, discern, gaze look on. Jehovah Ro’I (Ro’I is not the correct translation): “The Lord my Shepherd.” Portrays the Lord as the Shepherd who cares for His people as a more

  • Is God An Environmentalist? Series

    Contributed by Travis Jarrett on Jul 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Part 1 of 2 in the NewSong teaching series, "GREEN" which explores present day environmental movements in light of Biblical teaching and insight.

    :: Church Culture & the Environment • Lifeway Research - purpose of “assisting & equipping church leaders with insight that will lead to greater levels of church health and effectiveness.” • Their research includes studying emerging trends in culture and Christian communities – including more

  • Finding God’s Will For Our Life

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Finding God’s will for our life is the most important thing we can do in this life.

    WHY IS IT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT WE CAN DO IN THIS LIFE? Two reasons, we need to know and do God’s will… (1) For God’s sake. That is God created each and everyone of us for a purpose. And when we stand before Him on the judgment day we will give account of our lives if we did or did not more

  • Yahweh Is A Jealous God.

    Contributed by James Linders on Jun 9, 2015

    Man's purpose is to serve God. After the fall of man, he became estranged from God, and Satan penetrated man's thoughts and mind....weaken his resistance to sin.The Creator of heaven and earth is a VERY jealous God, who does NOT tolerate idolatry.

    Exodus 20:2 "I AM the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." שמות 20: 2 "אני ה 'אלוקיך אשר הוצאתיך more

  • The Creator's Wisdom Manifest In Creeping Things: Genesis Day 5 & 6

    Contributed by Raymond Petzholt on Nov 28, 2022

    This study will: 1. Reveal the glory of God in the things He has made (Rom. 1:20). 2. Expose the flaws & delusions in evolutionary theory (I Cor. 1:19-21; 3:19). 3. Set us Free from a hopeless life of materialism by God's truth (John 8:32).

    The Creator’s Wisdom manifest in Creeping Things Genesis Day 5 & 6 This study will: 1. Reveal the Glory of God in the things He has made (Rom. 1:20). 2. Expose the flaws & delusions in evolutionary theory (I Cor. 1:19-21; 3:19). 3. Set us Free from a hopeless life of materialism by God’s more

  • Reasons To Give Thanks Series

    Contributed by Duane Smith on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    To encourage God’s people to be thankful because He has blessed us greatly in Christ Jesus and He continues to be here with us.

    FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST A MESSAGE SERIES FROM COLOSSIANS Reasons To Give Thanks Colossians 1:12-20 INTRODUCTION: A. Following Paul’s praise of the church at Colosse and his pray for them He expresses an attitude of thankfulness. 1. Now you might think “So what?” 2. Paul has been on three more

  • The Spirit-God In Us

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Jun 8, 2001
    based on 81 ratings

    A sermon for Holy Trinity Sunday

    Holy Trinity Sun. John 16: 12-15 "The Spirit-God In Us" I remember one vacation when I was in 6th grade my family and I flew to Greenfield Village near Detroit Michigan to see how people lived during the Colonial Days. This village was put together by the Ford family to help people relive some more

  • God Is The Center Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jul 25, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We place ourselves at the center, when it should be God.

    God is the Center Ecclesiastes 3:9-15 July 26, 2015 Back in the 1960s the mayor of the city of Chicago was Richard J. Daley. He was famous for being the last of the big time bosses of the city. Daley was sharp, powerful, and had an enormous ego. One fall a speechwriter who worked for Daley more

  • Wonderfully Made: Embracing God's Design Psalm 139:13-14 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on May 12, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Today, we explore the profound truth revealed in Psalm 139:13-14, where King David reflects on the intricacy of God's creation, particularly the marvel of human life. This passage invites us to delve into the depths of God's intimate knowledge and purpose for each one of us.

    Wonderfully Made: Embracing God's Design Psalm 139:13-14 Introduction: Today, we explore the profound truth revealed in Psalm 139:13-14, where King David reflects on the intricacy of God's creation, particularly the marvel of human life. This passage invites us to delve into the depths of more

  • Jesus Christ: The Light And Life Of The World

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Dec 13, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    John's Gospel is based on his personal testimony and eyewitness account of what the Lord Jesus Christ taught, demonstrated, and affirmed to show His people and all humanity that He is God Incarnate come to live among us and fulfill the role of Redeemer and Savior.

    Every writer who penned down the Holy Scriptures did so under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and a reverence towards Almighty God. Every word was written down with the sense that these men from all walks of life and who lived at different times in history were in communication with the more

  • Finding God.

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Jan 24, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    "The Lost are those that do not, or have yet not, accepted the truth of Jesus Christ being the Son of God."

    Finding God. 1John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. What is in the minds of those that are lost, indecision, controversy, doubt, lack of knowledge? Who are the Lost and what does it mean? "The Lost are those that do not, or have yet not, accepted more

  • Hearing The Voice Of God Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Apr 18, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    From the very beginning of creation to the narratives of ancient Israel, God's voice has echoed through history, calling His people into relationship and purpose. Let us open our hearts and minds to the truth revealed in Scripture and be transformed by the voice of our Creator.

    Hearing the Voice of God Introduction: Today, we embark on a journey to explore the profound theme of hearing the voice of God. From the very beginning of creation to the narratives of ancient Israel, God's voice has echoed through history, calling His people into relationship and purpose. In more

  • Back To The Basics: God Series

    Contributed by Brian William on Sep 12, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    First in the Back to the Basics series, exploring the foundational principles of the Christian faith. This sermon addresses the question, "What do Christians believe about God?"

    Several years back, N. T. Wright, who is now a world class New Testament scholar and a bishop in the Church of England, was a young chaplain at a university. His responsibility was to care for the spiritual wellbeing of all the students at the college. Pretty often, He’d encounter students that more

  • Praying For God’s Will – Submitting To God’s Way

    Contributed by Esther Collins on May 11, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    Often we pray for God's will, and hope things will work out the way we want them to. But in reality it's in submitting to His will, and willingly going His way can we experience God's perfect blessings.

    When life is hard, and things don’t go as we planned we get discouraged. In times like these we go to God in prayer. As we pray fervently we hope that God will answer us the way we want Him to. We pray for God’s will to be done, and when we find that God’s will is not as we planned or desired, we more

  • How Can I Bring Glory To God?

    Contributed by Arnold Anoya on Aug 21, 2007
    based on 44 ratings

    Jesus honored God by fulfilling His purpose on earth. We honor God the same way. When anything in creation fulfills its purpose, it brings glory to the Creator.

    INTRODUCTION: Jesus honored God by fulfilling His purpose on earth. We honor God the same way. When anything in creation fulfills its purpose, it brings glory to the Creator. I.WE BRING GOD GLORY BY WORSHIPPING HIM. John 4:24 Worship is far more than praising, singing, and praying to God. more

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