  • Paul Clemente

    Contributing sermons since Sep 30, 2008
Paul's church

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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  • God's Word; Accept Or Reject?

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2023

    Why is it so important that we accept God's Word as written?

    God tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16-17… All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. The world always needs much good work. We Christians are honored, called, and more

  • Confidence In The Word Of God

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2023

    Jesus used the Word of God to testify about truth; how about us?

    open your Bibles to Mark 12…… Take a quick look again at v12…… Eventually, Jesus was crucified on a cross, but sadly, many missed the point of Jesus being a sacrifice for man’s sin as planned by God. I pray that all of you never miss the point of why Jesus died. This is one of the reasons why we more

  • Why Does God Allow Sin?

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2022

    What is sin and what are the consequences?

    Here are the questions I propose we ask: What is sin? How does it happen? What results from sin? How does God respond to sin? Why does God allow sin? Today we will look at the sin of the first people on earth. Please open your Bibles to the very beginning…. Look at Genesis 1:1…. And so, more

  • God Provides Paradise!

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2022

    God is good all the time and so what God provides is always good including all His commands!

    In general, how would you define “paradise”?? The first man and woman lived in paradise. Please open your Bibles to Genesis 2, page 2 of our red church Bibles. Read along with me verses 7-16………. These verses talk about man. But again, in context, man in this passage can refer to both male and more

  • Is Work A Curse?

    Contributed on Oct 9, 2022

    How do we see work compared to how God sees work??

    Open your Bibles to Genesis 2, page 2 of our red church Bibles. Genesis 2:1-2………. God worked for 6 days and on the 7th day He rested. Last week we noted this godly rest of God which is a lesson for us. God rested and so must we. We are to rest physically, but more importantly, we are to rest more

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  • Tribes And Nations

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2022

    Genesis 11:10 – Gen. 12:5 Shem (oldest son of Noah, in the lineage of David, Joseph, and Jesus Christ) We note Shem’s genealogy both in Genesis 10 and here in Genesis 11; why? – Abraham and eventually Israel came from the lineage of Shem; Genesis 11 gives details and sets up Abraham Shem more

  • Misusing The Image Of God

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2022

    Genesis 11:1-9… v1: as Noah and his family continues life from the ark (likely they had other children) A couple of things in context helps us: Genesis 10 talks about the nations of people and their own languages Gen 10:24 on – we only read about Joktan’s sons, not Peleg’s Gen 11:10 – only 2 more

  • From Godly To Rebellion?

    Contributed on Nov 25, 2022

    Genesis 10 – 11:9…. Look again at verses 10:5, 20, 31…. and 11:1…. What do you think is the explanation for this? – v32 gives the answer; all came from Noah (with his language, but the 3 sons went to all different areas of the world) The second half of Genesis 11 speaks of Abraham, from the line more

  • Blessings And Curses

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2022

    Genesis 9:20-28 Devotional Let’s look at this passage backwards! v28-29: How blessed was Noah? – he was blessed with a full long life, even after the flood (Noah is one of the oldest people who ever lived) v24-27: Who was the youngest son of Noah? – Ham, who was the father of Canaan This more

  • Covenant?

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2022

    Devotional - Genesis 9:7-28 (also glance at Chapters 10-11) What was the command to Noah and his family? – populate the earth (we exist today because of Noah and family) Covenant – “berith” – a brand new word! What can we learn about this word in context? – a promise and commitment to do more