Donald Whitchard
Contributing sermons since Dec 17, 2020
Newest Sermons
Instructions For Ministry (Matthew 10:5-42)
Contributed on Mar 10, 2025
In these verses, Matthew describes the responsibilities given to the apostles by the Lord Jesus. He anointed them with special powers and abilities to show people the power of God but also warned Mark 13;9-13of coming persecution for the cause of the Gospel.
The Lord Jesus gave the apostles specific responsibilities and gifts to minister to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. His role as the Promised Messiah would be to not deliver the nation from the bondage of Rome, but to free them and all people from a far worse bondage, that of sin and it ...read more
The Anonymous Apostles And The World’s Worst Traitor (Matthew 10:1-4)
Contributed on Mar 9, 2025
Our look at the Twelve apostles concludes with the last four on the list - James the Less, Simon the Zealot, Jude Thaddeus, and the apostle who threw his calling away, Judas Iscariot.
When we look at the lives of the twelve men whom Jesus chose to be His apostles, we need to make a notation. None of these men would be known today except for the fact that Jesus chose to pull them out from obscurity and ordinary situations. None of them were of renown or any type of prominence. ...read more
Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, And Thomas - Faith, Doubt, And Devotion (Matthew 10:3)
Contributed on Feb 24, 2025
These four men make up the second group of apostles who were chosen by the Lord Jesus to preach the Gosepl These four men came from backgrounds of devotion, doubt, and isolation, yet Jesus chose them to be His followers commissioned to present the Gospel to the world.
The names of Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, and Thomas are listed after the inner circle of Peter, James, and John. Jesus called Philip personally, showing that He is the “seeking Savior”. Philip was from Bethsaida, the home of Peter and Andrew. These men had probably known each other all their ...read more
The Inner Circle: Andrew, James And John (Matthew 10: 1-4)
Contributed on Feb 20, 2025
Our look at the twelve apostles continues with the “ inner circle”, or most notable in the Scriptures due to their words and work.
The list of the twelve ordinary men commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel always lists Simon Peter as the first due to his character, his devotion to Jesus, and was given the task of being the leader of the twelve and be both the pastor and teacher to the “ sheep” and “lambs” ...read more
The Twelve Apostles: Jesus’ Crew Of Ordinary Dudes (Matthew 10:1-4)
Contributed on Feb 18, 2025
Matthew 10 begins with the names of the twelve ordinary men whom Jesus chose to be His disciples. We start with Simon Peter.
In this chapter, we are introduced to the twelve men who will carry out the message of Jesus to the nation of Israel and inevitably to the world. None of them were scholars or religious officials. They were twelve ordinary men, some of whom were fishermen by trade and probably knew each other ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
The Gospel Of Mark: An Exposition
Contributed on Dec 31, 2020
2 Timothy: The Final Words Of A Faithful Servant
Contributed on Dec 20, 2020
"now That I Have Your Attention.."
Contributed on Dec 17, 2020