
Summary: This study will: 1. Reveal the glory of God in the things He has made (Rom. 1:20). 2. Expose the flaws & delusions in evolutionary theory (I Cor. 1:19-21; 3:19). 3. Set us Free from a hopeless life of materialism by God's truth (John 8:32).

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The Creator’s Wisdom manifest in Creeping Things Genesis Day 5 & 6

This study will: 1. Reveal the Glory of God in the things He has made (Rom. 1:20). 2. Expose the flaws & delusions in evolutionary theory (I Cor. 1:19-21; 3:19). 3. Set us Free from a hopeless life of materialism by God’s truth (John 8:32). Genesis 1:24-25: Day 6:

“& God said, Let the earth bring forth the… creeping thing… after his kind: & it was so. & God made… every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: & God saw that it was good (Gen 1:24-25, 30). On Day 5 God created “every winged fowl” (flying Insects?). “… & God created… every winged fowl after his kind: & God saw that it was good (Gen. 1:20-2) [Winged fowl include bugs: Lev 11:20-25]

Most mature insects fly so could be created on Day 5 & Day 6

(Ps. 104:24) “O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all” (even 1 million species of insects!). Just as you hire people to test & find the bugs in a computer program so God designed ‘creeping things’ to expose the ‘bugs’ in the theory of evolution!

The Wisdom given to Solomon included wisdom gained from “creeping things” (1King 4:33). “Creeping things & flying fowl” praise the LORD (Ps. 148:10) & when we discover God’s wisdom revealed in them it will cause us to praise the LORD!

Creeping Things are ‘Arthropods’ [from 2 Greek words: ‘joint’ & ‘foot’]. Arthropoda has 5 sub-phylum including insects (hexopoda). There are 1 million described species; (possibly 5 to 10 million exist)!

Abundant fossils supply irrefutable evidence Darwinian Evolution is wrong. They offer no evidence for macroevolution. Insect Fossils begin in the Cambrian explosion (600mya). [mya = million years ago].

In Origin of Species, Darwin noted the abrupt emergence of arthropods in the fossils of the Cambrian is a major problem for evolutionary biology. (It still is!). (Osorio, Bacon & Whitington, American Scientist, May/June 1997, p. 244). Like bugs in a computer program, bugs totally mess up the Theory of Evolution!

God used insects to expose the vanity of Egypt’s false gods & set His people Free (Ex. 10:2)! Lice (3rd plague: Ex. 8:16-19; Ps. 105:31); Flies (4th plague: Ex. 8:20-32); Locusts (8th plague: Ex 10:1-20). God is again using insects to expose the vanity of the false gods of Evolutionary materialism (Rom. 1:20; Heb. 11:3). The 9th Plague after the insects was Darkness (Ex. 10:21-3). “We are in the dark concerning the origin of insects” (Grasse, Pierre-P, Evolution of Living Organisms, 1977, p. 30).

But God’s people did have light (Ex. 10:23)! “God made every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind” (Gen. 1:25; John 1:3). Let’s shed some light on the so-called evolution of bugs & Glory of God!

I.) Bugs Expose the Vanity of Evolution’s sacred trinity

Atheistic Scientists, determined to deny God, Create their own trinity: Time, Chance, Natural selection. What is Time? “The continued progress of existence & events in the past, present & future regarded as a whole. A system of measuring Duration.” It’s just a word describing something! See how Evolutionists made ‘Time’ a miracle working god:

“Time is in fact the hero of the plot…Given so much time, the “impossible” becomes possible, the possible probable, & the probable virtually certain. One has only to wait: time itself performs the miracles.” (George Wald, The origin of life, Scientific American 191(2): 44-53, Aug. (1954). (quote p. 48) or < Time is the hero - > Richard Dawkins made ‘Time’ his god in a River Out of Eden, 1995, p. 78.

The theory of evolution hopelessly goes against the Laws of Thermodynamics. Nothing gets better with a lot of time. Darwin robbed God of his Sovereign will & gave it to ‘time’! This is not empirical science but imagined stories to support a materialistic world view.

What is Chance? “random change without intelligence or purpose. Chance simply denotes the possibility of something happening by accident by unknown forces without design or purpose.” Chance denotes an inexplicable occurrence which materialists use to replace ‘miracle.’ Darwin robbed God of His infinite wisdom & gave it to chance!

What is Change by Chance? Just words describing an observation Something changes over time: “it becomes different.” They are mere ‘words’ used to hide the lack of empirical scientific evidence!

What is ‘natural selection?’ “The process by which heritable traits that make it more likely for an organism to survive & reproduce become more common over time. Leads to descent with modification.” This is the essence of Darwinism & believed to be the main process that brings about evolution. The definition is a Tautology which is a statement that is true by its own definition. (It is fundamentally meaningless!). “Natural selection is a tautology. It is defined after the fact as the process that produced certain organisms that survived.” (see references in Dr. Henry Morris, The Long War against God, 2000, p. 160-161).

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