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  • Homosexuality And The Christian

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Aug 4, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Same-sex attraction and homosexual lifestyles - hardly mentioned in public a few years ago - are mentioned daily in news, entertainment, and other venues. Public acceptance is on the rise. How is the Christian to respond to this development?

    Homosexuality and the Christian I. Introducton Read the story of Lot in Sodom (Genesis 19:1-11) God destroyed Sodom because of its utter sinfulness. Clearly, theirs was homosexual sin. When I was coming of age in the 1950’s, I was barely aware such a thing as homosexuality existed. I naively more

  • Fifth Seal Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 11, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    When these first preachers deliver their message, there will be very few on earth who will listen, because those who have been exposed to the Truth as we hear the Truth today, will be sent strong delusions.

    By: Tom Lowe Date: 10/29/2015 Title : (18) Fifth Seal: The Martyrs Under the Altar (Revelation 6:9-11) Revelation more

  • Come And See

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jan 7, 2012
    based on 16 ratings

    In our text we learn the heart and simplicity of the message used by a few new converts to Jesus. Matter of Fact their exciting message of invitation consists of only three words – Come and See.

    TITLE: COME AND SEE SCRIPTURE: ST. JOHN 1:44-46 I am excited this late hour and final moments of the year 2011 to bring this close-out sermon. This will be the final sermon delivered behind this Sacred Desk at Perfected Praise Worship Center this year. We end our first Full Year as a Church more

  • Eulogy Albert Pritchett 2018

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Nov 18, 2018

    Albert was a 75 year old man who came to our church the last few years of his life. He loved to sing and to worship. He had given his life to Christ.

    Eulogy Albert Pritchard By Rick Gillespie- Mobley November 17, 2018 Ecclesiastes 3:1-14 John 14:1-6 While World War II was raging in Europe, and The Japanese were conquering the nations along the western Pacific Ocean, God wanted to do something special for the world on October 26th, more

  • Does God Really Have A Plan For Me? Series

    Contributed by Bret Hammond on Aug 5, 2014

    There are few verses in the Bible that get quoted more than Jeremiah 29:11. People really connect to it, but does it connect to them? What does this verse really have to say to me?

    INTRODUCTION A. Well, if you’re like me, the story made you angry – livid – it really raised my hackles 1. April – Michael Sharkey – thought his home was in good hands 2. Left to fight for our country in Afghanistan – but while gone – squatters –his more

  • Travesty To Majesty Part Two - At Dawn On Friday: "don't Know This Man?" Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Aug 21, 2019

    And so the travesty of injustice gains momentum . . . As predicted by Jesus, a few of his intimidated followers do, in fact, employ the defense mechanism of "denial" when asked about their association with Him.

    MARK SERMON XII – TRAVESTY TO MAJESTY – MARK 14:53---16:8 Series Within A Series PART TWO – AT DAWN ON FRIDAY – “I don’t know this man.” more

  • Have You Made A Mess Of Your Life? God Can Turn This Around!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A few wrong choices and we can make a big mess. Our messes can't stop God's miracles if we will come to Him and trust his plan.

    HAVE YOU MADE A MESS OF YOUR LIFE? GOD CAN GIVE ANOTHER CHANCE? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. HEZEKIAH: Hezekiah was a king of Judah. He was 25 when he started, he ruled 29 years. So he was around 54 when he died. NOT ENOUGH? JUST A MESS. more

  • Set My Resolve Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Jul 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Now because I am a Christian and I love God, I do not want to take advantage of do-overs. I want as few do-overs as possible in my Christian life.

    Introduction The past several sermons that I have preached I have been talking about do-overs. I showed you from daily life, there are do-overs and I gave you several examples. And I used those examples to introduce you to the fact that in our Christian life, there are do overs. I pointed to a more

  • This Year Choose To Be Resolute

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Dec 30, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    I have a challenge for you this year, instead of making resolutions this year why not choose to be resolute about a few of the most important things you know you should be doing with your time.

    Wow, here we are but once again celebrating New Years. How many kept their resolutions this year? How many said; “this year no matter what, we’re going to do this and that” and somehow everything but this and that, once again has managed to get accomplished! I have a challenge for you this year, more

  • How To Accurately Hear From God

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Jan 22, 2021

    We are in a season of correction in the Church where many prophesied things have failed to come to pass. Today we will address a few of the reasons why this happened and discuss what to do about it.

    Introduction: We are in a season of correction in the Church where many prophesied things have failed to come to pass. Today we will address the reasons why this has happened and discuss what to do about it. I. The Purpose & Power of Prophetic Utterance Today. A. The difference between more

  • Micaiah: The Man That Stands

    Contributed by Sean Dees on May 1, 2021

    Today I would like to introduce to you a model Christian that few know about. He is the second man in a sermon series entitled God’s Patriots making no bodies into some bodies.

    INTRO: Today I would like to introduce to you a model Christian that few know about. He is the second man in a sermon series entitled God’s Patriots making no bodies into some bodies. In the book of Kings we are introduced to the most wicked couple ever to rule Israel, Ahab and Jezebel, and more

  • Peace & Joy: Keeping It Real Series

    Contributed by Michael Mays on Sep 14, 2021

    We often hold inaccurate perspectives on things. Paul reminds us today of a few things: the importance of real joy, the power of real peace, and the disciple's mentality that secures these two.

    I. Intro: Perspective A. Newsweek magazine recently made a side-by-side comparison of "threats" of which people have an inaccurate perspective: 1. Murders: 14,180 (2008)—Suicides: 33,289 (2006) 2. Children abducted by strangers: 115 (1999)—Children who drown in pools: 288 more

  • Seeking God Through Prayer Series

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Mar 28, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    We come to know God through prayer.

    My goal this morning is very simple: to persuade you to pray. Not to persuade you that you ought to pray, or to convince you that prayer is a good thing. That’s not enough. No, what I want is to motivate you to actually do it. So if you leave here today agreeing with everything I said, and if you more

  • Listen Attentively Series

    Contributed by Todd Stiles on Nov 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Find out what it means to hang on every word of Jesus, just as the crowds did during the life of Jesus.

    "Listen Attentively" Luke 19:47-48 Welcome to Day 36 in our 50-Day Adventure! Today’s theme is Scripture, and we find ourselves in Luke 19 where we see a very intriguing set of words. Yes, there is an interesting phrase in Luke’s gospel, chapter 19 and verse 48. I’d like you to turn to it, would more

  • Anonymous Facebooking Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 25, 2012
    based on 110 ratings

    Facebook is experimenting with a few new features to guilt people into being more involved on their website. Find why that is, and why it’s also a problem in Church. What "features" does God use to help His people be more involved in His church.

    OPEN: For people who haven’t been here for the past couple of weeks I’ve been talking about an internet social network called Facebook. It’s THE most popular social network on the internet with 400 million and people gather there to exchange pictures, ideas and dreams. But not everybody on more

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