Jeff Strite
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Persevere For Jesus
Contributed on Mar 22, 2025
As a Christian, what would you do if Jesus came to your door? What would you do with Him? Hebrews 12 addresses that issue by telling us things we could do honor Jesus if He knocked on our door and asked to come in.
OPEN: The year was 1963 and the Beetles were becoming international sensation. Paul McCartney (who became the lead singer for the group) would often have people just “drop by” and want to come in and visit with him. But he realized that many of them had mental issues so he rarely let anyone in. ...read more
Did God Really Say?
Contributed on Mar 14, 2025
Satan's strategy is to get us to doubt God's words, and to trust his. How does he do that, and how can we be prepared to protect ourselves from his deception?
You know the story - way back in the days of Adam and Eve, Satan slithered up to Eve and he asked a very simple question: “DID GOD REALLY SAY?” The question seemed innocent enough - BUT it was intended to plant a doubt in Eve’s mind. “DID GOD REALLY SAY?”, Satan said … and it worked. If Satan ...read more
The Christian Apprentice
Contributed on Mar 8, 2025
Jesus viewed the church as being made up of one of 3 types of people. Which one are you? Are you a non-Christian, an Apprentice, or a Mentor training apprentices?
Back in the 1930s, Radio was King, and TV hadn’t caught on yet. Radio was the main way people got news and entertainment. I remember my dad telling me about my grandfather. Granddad loved the Lone Ranger, and he would get off the tractor and run to the house when that show came on so that he ...read more
The Secret To Inner Peace
Contributed on Feb 28, 2025
The world thinks that if they could just change their circumstances, they could avoid stress and worry... and could have the peace they crave. But Jesus said that won't work. In this world we are guaranteed to have trouble. But Jesus promises us a peace that the world cannot give.
This is the last in our sermon series - entitled “One Thing”. We’ve been focusing on ONE WORD in Scripture that sums up a basic Bible truth, and today’s word is PEACE. Jesus said “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be ...read more
Hard To Be Humble
Contributed on Feb 22, 2025
God despises pride and lifts up those who are humble. But how do I know if I'm proud, and how I can make sure that I am humble?
The sermon series we’re preaching this month… is called “ONE THING”. We’re looking at ONE word that points to something important for us Christians. Scott began with the word GRACE; last week I preached on “UNITY”; and todays word is “HUMILITY.” HUMILITY - Back in the 1980s a singer named Mac ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Look Here
Contributed on Mar 8, 2025
One Thing
Contributed on Feb 9, 2025
Outside In
Contributed on Jan 4, 2025
Singing About Christmas
Contributed on Dec 14, 2024
Greatness - Just Live It
Contributed on Nov 1, 2024
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Power And Discipline
Contributed on May 5, 2013
POWER AND DISCIPLINE Over here is a wall socket. There is power in that socket. Because of that power, I can plug lamps, fans, microwaves and phone chargers into it and magically empower those devises. I can even plug a car charger into a wall socket and revive a dead car battery (like I’ve had ...read more
The Blood And Water
Contributed on Mar 24, 2013
THE BLOOD AND WATER Before I became a minister I attended a secular college for a couple of years. While I was there I took several classes I thought would help me when I went to Bible college, and some of those classes were in Philosophy. Now Philosophy and Christianity are somewhat at ...read more
Why Did Jesus Need To Be Baptized?
Contributed on Mar 3, 2013
Why would Jesus need to be baptized by John? Well... Jesus' baptism by John was the beginning of Jesus' ministry. Mark 1:1 starts out: "The BEGINNING of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God" and then Mark starts telling us about Jesus' baptism by John. In Luke 3:23 ...read more
The Deadly Disease Of Sin
Contributed on Feb 11, 2013
THE DEADLY DISEASE OF SIN The Bible is very blunt about sin – it doesn’t matter how YOU grade your sin, if you don’t accept that you’ve sinned… you can’t fix the problem. It’s like a man having a deadly disease. He experiencing distressing physical problems but doesn’t KNOW he’s going to die ...read more
Pax Romana
Contributed on Dec 30, 2012
PAX ROMANA About 27 years before Jesus was born Rome experienced something unique that history has called Pax Romana = the peace of Rome. Beginning with the reign of Augustine, Emperor of Rome and lasting till about 180 A.D. (a period of 200 years) Rome was at peace. They had few internal ...read more