Parables Of Jesus: Sitting At The Feet Of The Master
Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 15, 2022 (message contributor)
1. The Parables Of Jesus: The Lost Sheep & The Lost Coin
Contributed on Apr 15, 2022
Time and again in the New Testament we see Jesus sharing parables and stories related to shepherds and sheep. It’s very very common. From psalm 23, talking about the rod and staff of the shepherd, to Jesus calling himself “the gate for the sheep” it’s throughout the scriptures.
“Dr. Andrew Bonar told me how, in the Highlands of Scotland, a sheep would often wander off into the rocks and get into places that they couldn't get out of. The grass on these mountains is very sweet and the sheep like it, and they will jump down ten or twelve feet, and then they can't ...read more
2. The Parable Of The Prodigal Son: The Son Is Resurrected
Contributed on Apr 20, 2022
Happy Resurrection Sunday brothers and sisters, He Is Risen! Jesus Christ is alive right now. He is present in this room. He is alive in our hearts.
“Well over three hundred verses are concerned with the subject of Jesus' resurrection in the New Testament. We are told that this event is a sign for unbelievers (Matthew 12:38-40); cf. John 20:24-29) as well as the answer for the believer's doubt (Luke 24:38-43). It serves as the guarantee ...read more
3. The Parable Of The Lost Treasure Examined
Contributed on Jun 5, 2022
A few years ago a military vehicle collector named Nick Mead was browsing on eBay of all places, looking at rare military vehicles, and he spotted one that interested him.
A few years ago a military vehicle collector named Nick Mead was browsing on eBay of all places, looking at rare military vehicles, and he spotted one that interested him. It was an Iraqi tank, type 69, in wide use in the 1980s but today considered obsolete. In any case Nick Mead was able to trade ...read more
4. The Parable Of The Good Samaritan: The Gospel Hidden In Plain Sight
Contributed on Jun 5, 2022
Has someone ever helped you at just the right moment?
Has someone ever helped you at just the right moment? I remember many years ago, I was in my early twenties, hanging out with some of my friends. And this drug dealer who had infiltrated my group of friends, found out I was hanging out with them. He didn’t like me. So he sent over a guy to beat me ...read more
5. The Parable Of The Unjust Judge & The Friend At Night: Never Give Up
Contributed on Jun 5, 2022
The question I want you considering as we discuss the scriptures today is: Am I persistent and determined in my walk with God? Do I pray and never give up?
“In 1972, NASA launched the exploratory space probe Pioneer 10. According to Leon Jaroff in Time, the satellite's primary mission was to reach Jupiter, photograph the planet and its moons, and beam data to earth about Jupiter's magnetic field, radiation belts, and atmosphere. Pioneer 10 ...read more
6. The Parable Of The Rich Fool: American Consumerism Vs. God-Centered Security
Contributed on Jun 5, 2022
From the standpoint of material wealth, Americans have difficulty realizing how rich we are.
"From the standpoint of material wealth, Americans have difficulty realizing how rich we are. Going through a little mental exercise suggested by Robert Heilbroner can help us to count our blessings, however. Imagine doing the following, and you will see how daily life is for as many as a ...read more
7. The Parable Of The Master & The Servant: Humility Increases Faith
Contributed on Jun 15, 2022
William Beebe, the naturalist, used to tell this story about Teddy Roosevelt. At Sagamore Hill, after an evening of talk, the two would go out on the lawn and search the skies for a certain spot of star-like light
“William Beebe, the naturalist, used to tell this story about Teddy Roosevelt. At Sagamore Hill, after an evening of talk, the two would go out on the lawn and search the skies for a certain spot of star-like light near the lower left-hand corner of the Great Square of Pegasus. Then Roosevelt would ...read more
8. The Parable Of The Faithful Servant: Watchfulness In A Time Of Spiritual Warfare
Contributed on Jul 5, 2022
"In an article from The New Yorker, Captain Donna Kohout, thirty-two, Dillon, Colorado. Letter to members of the Dillon Community Church. April, 2003. “I’m still praising God for the opportunity to spend five months in the Middle East both to serve in the largest conflict of our day..
"In an article from The New Yorker, Captain Donna Kohout, thirty-two, Dillon, Colorado. Letter to members of the Dillon Community Church. April, 2003. “I’m still praising God for the opportunity to spend five months in the Middle East both to serve in the largest conflict of our day and to ...read more
9. The Parable Of The Rich Man & Lazarus: What Amount Of Evidence For God Is Enough?
Contributed on Jul 5, 2022
G.K. Chesterton tells the story of a magician who is visiting a town, and performing tricks for the people. But there was a young scholar there who persistently watched the magician desperately trying to explain away each of the tricks...
G.K. Chesterton tells the story of a magician who is visiting a town, and performing tricks for the people. But there was a young scholar there who persistently watched the magician desperately trying to explain away each of the tricks. The magician became exasperated with the man, and he finally ...read more
10. The Parable Of The Wise & Foolish Builders: What's The Difference? Put It Into Practice
Contributed on Jul 5, 2022
In 1912 a particular cruise liner called the HMS Titanic was making it’s first voyage through the northern seas and struck an iceberg. Though the ship had been particularly designed to stay afloat with more than half of the ships compartments filled with water...
In 1912 a particular cruise liner called the HMS Titanic was making it’s first voyage through the northern seas and struck an iceberg. Though the ship had been particularly designed to stay afloat with more than half of the ships compartments filled with water, the cut the iceberg made across the ...read more
11. The Parable Of The Shrewd Manager: Are You Using Your Time, Talents, And Treasure Toward God's Kingdom?
Contributed on Jul 20, 2022
How do you invest your time? How do you invest your money? What is of value to you? What do you consider pointless? What is your goal? What is the mission statement of your life?
"Charles Francis Adams, 19th century political figure and diplomat, kept a diary. One day he entered: "Went fishing with my son today--a day wasted." His son, Brook Adams, also kept a diary, which is still in existence. On that same day, Brook Adams made this entry: "Went ...read more
12. The Parable Of The Budding Fig Tree: Signs Of The End Times
Contributed on Jul 20, 2022
It was AD 70, 40 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the walls of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel were surrounded by Roman soldiers numbering over 60,000.
It was AD 70, 40 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the walls of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel were surrounded by Roman soldiers numbering over 60,000. The walls were crumbling, the Romans were advancing, thousands had already died when various cities in the north and eastern ...read more
13. Taking The Red Pill To Escape Satan's Matrix: Coming To The End Of Yourself
Contributed on Aug 1, 2022
Are you ready for the truth? Growing up in this world there was always a splinter in my mind. I was taught a particular way of life. I didn’t see anything beyond it. Life was a happy accident. Get rich. Have a family. Pay your taxes
“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our ...read more
14. The Battle Of Thermopylae And The Body Of Christ Today: The Parable Of The Wheat And The Weeds
Contributed on Aug 1, 2022
As the body of Christ today, sometimes we feel like the 300 at Thermopylae don’t we? It often seems like the darkness is closing in on all sides, particularly in the west. New forms of evil on every side seem to grow and spread like locusts
“The east was on a collision course with the west in 480 BC. The world watched in awe as the largest army in history poured into Europe. Heading this colossal war machine was Xerxes, the king of Persia. His army numbered almost two million foot soldiers, eighty thousand horsemen, twenty thousand ...read more
15. The Parable Of The Sheep & The Goats: The Final Judgment
Contributed on Aug 8, 2022
His German name was Karl der Grosse. At age twenty-nine, he was crowned the ruler of a tiny kingdom in what is now modern-day France. Few people at his coronation thought that King Karl would one day reshape the map of Europe.
“His German name was Karl der Grosse. At age twenty-nine, he was crowned the ruler of a tiny kingdom in what is now modern-day France. Few people at his coronation thought that King Karl would one day reshape the map of Europe. At the time of Karl’s ascension in 771, Europe was a collection of ...read more
16. The Parable Of The Talents: Well Done Good And Faithful Servant!
Contributed on Aug 17, 2022
Our Parable today occurs in the book of Matthew in the 25th chapter, just before our parable from last week, the parable of the sheep and the goats.
"Time is the inexplicable raw material of everything. With it, all is possible; without it, nothing. The supply of time is truly a daily miracle, an affair genuinely astonishing when one examines it. You wake up in the morning, and lo! your purse is magically filled with twenty-four hours of ...read more
17. The Parable Of The Wicked Husbandmen: Working The Fields While The Master Is Away
Contributed on Aug 22, 2022
We’ve talked a great deal about stewardship, and using our gifts for God. That’s vital to understand. Your giftings are entrusted to you by God. And you must make use of them for his glory.
"Once, a man said, "If I had some extra money, I'd give it to God, but I have just enough to support myself and my family." And the same man said, "If I had some extra time, I'd give it to God, but every minute is taken up with my job, my family, my clubs, and what have ...read more
18. The Parable Of The Two Sons & The Pharisee And Publican: The Power Of Humility, The Danger Of Pride
Contributed on Aug 28, 2022
I had learned about God when I was 7, 8, 9 years old, into my teens, but as my life became increasingly broken I rejected God, and went my own way in anger and pride.
I had learned about God when I was 7, 8, 9 years old, into my teens, but as my life became increasingly broken I rejected God, and went my own way in anger and pride. In my mind, I recall, I said to myself, we don’t need you God. We’re going to make this planet into a paradise on our own and show ...read more
19. The Parable Of The Workers In The Vineyard: The Ranking System Of The Kingdom Of God
Contributed on Sep 12, 2022
Today we’re in the vineyard. We’re in the grape fields. Very important in ancient times. Very important today, the wine and juice industry is huge. But we’re in the vineyard again. Last few weeks we’ve been in the vineyard.
Today we’re in the vineyard. We’re in the grape fields. Very important in ancient times. Very important today, the wine and juice industry is huge. But we’re in the vineyard again. Last few weeks we’ve been in the vineyard. Jesus as we know very often used common practices to explain deep spiritual ...read more
20. Jesus Eats With Sinners And Tax Collectors: The Parable Of The New Wine Into Old Wineskins
Contributed on Sep 12, 2022
The last few weeks we were in the vineyard, working the fields, sweating, watering vines, pruning vines, getting sweaty, talking servanthood, talking pride vs. humility, talking about the kingdom of God pattern in regard to gifts received, timing, all of it.
The last few weeks we were in the vineyard, working the fields, sweating, watering vines, pruning vines, getting sweaty, talking servanthood, talking pride vs. humility, talking about the kingdom of God pattern in regard to gifts received, timing, all of it. Now we’re coming in from the vineyard ...read more
21. The Lamp Under A Basket: How To Be A Light-Shining Kingdom Agent
Contributed on Oct 10, 2022
A candle can't be hidden under a bed. Let your light shine brightly
While I was on vacation in Cancun we were swimming in the ocean everyday and it was simply wonderful and beautiful and really fun. The first few days the waves were very low, you could just sit out there in the waters and it was so calm and peaceful. But then slowly a hurricane began forming south ...read more
22. The Barren Fig Tree: Personal, National, And Universal Applications Of Fruit Bearing
Contributed on Oct 10, 2022
A fig tree produces fruit, it produces figs, a wonderful fruit common in Israel in the middle east.
“Mordecai was seven years old when he decided that God had called him to be an evangelist. He started by preaching to barnyard animals. He even tried to immerse a cat in a water trough. When the feline began to scratch and claw, the budding evangelist threw him down and screamed, “Go on . . . go to ...read more
23. The Parables Of The Mustard Seed And The Leaven Dough
Contributed on Oct 17, 2022
Our parables today, we’re looking at two, are both illustrating the same point, and are found in both Matthew and Luke’s gospel recordings of the life of Jesus the messiah. We’re going to look at these parables from Matthew’s gospel, found in Matthew 13 starting in verse 31.
Our parables today, we’re looking at two, are both illustrating the same point, and are found in both Matthew and Luke’s gospel recordings of the life of Jesus the messiah. We’re going to look at these parables from Matthew’s gospel, found in Matthew 13 starting in verse 31. Jesus is teaching the ...read more
24. The Parable Of The Growing Seed: The Growth Of God's Kingdom Vs. The Kingdom Of Babylon
Contributed on Oct 26, 2022
The parable describes the kingdom of God, and in particular, how the growth of the kingdom of God works.
“Lloyd was proud of his architectural marvel. He called it Taliesin in honor of a Welsh bard and his romantic poems. The Chicago architect planned to enjoy plenty of romance in his Wisconsin getaway. And that’s exactly why the locals were scandalized. Whenever they spoke about Lloyd’s house, they ...read more
25. The Pharisee & The Woman Weeping At Jesus' Feet: The Two Debtors
Contributed on Oct 31, 2022
When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.”
What does it really mean to say our sins are truly forgiven? In our Christian faith we call that justification. A word rooted in the word justice. Which is what my name comes from, justin, means justice or to be justified. “What is justification? It is the declared purpose of God to regard and ...read more
26. 12 Principles Of The Kingdom Of God System
Contributed on Nov 15, 2022
How do all the parables of Jesus fit together to explain the Kingdom of God? 12 points.
What is the kingdom of God exactly? It’s the new kingdom authority in the world that has slowly been replacing the kingdoms of Satan. For us as Christians though it’s a practical way of life. You could say it’s our rules for life. If you’re a Christian, this is how you do it. This is how you live. ...read more
27. 12 Keys To The Kingdom Of God System
Contributed on Feb 24, 2024
Examining the parables of Jesus to fit the puzzle pieces together of how the Kingdom of God system practically works.
How does the Kingdom of God system work? The Lord Jesus taught one main message while he walked the Earth: The Kingdom of God. He taught it through parables. So if we look at the parables, and try to fit them together, we can find the basic instructions for how to live in God's world system. ...read more