Sermon Series
  • 1. Jesus Begins His Final Week

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021

    I want invite you to take a three month journey with me on the greatest week in history. This series is devoted to the most important person who’s ever lived on His most important week. This is the week of Christ’s final entry into Jerusalem as well as His death, burial, and resurrection.

    Today, I want invite you to take a three month journey with me on the greatest week in history. This series is devoted to the most important person who’s ever lived on His most important week. This is the week of Christ’s final entry into Jerusalem as well as His death, burial, and resurrection. more

  • 2. Jesus Confronts

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021

    I wonder if Jesus were to enter your Temple, the place designated as your place of worship, what would He think? Would He see your Temple had been replaced by thoughts of business and making a buck? What do you daydream about during worship?

    Video is shown of Jesus’ throwing the Money-Changers out of the Temple before sermon. This is three month long study of the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. This is greatest week in history. Bracketed by Palm Sunday on one end and Easter Sunday on the other, this is the most important week in more

  • 3. Jesus Takes Questions

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021

    1. I’m a Tenant Acting Like an Owner 2. I’m Passenger Acting Like a Driver 3. I’m Stranger Thinking I’m an Heir

    Welcome to a three month long study of one week in the life of Jesus. We’ve given the series a title, The Greatest Week in History. That may seem like hyperbole to you but I ask you to think again. Think of it … Jesus Christ never held a political office, never ruled a nation, and never commanded more

  • 4. Jesus Takes Questions: Part 2

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021

    Allow me to set the scene. It’s Tuesday, just seventy-two hours away from His death and about sixty-four hours away from Judas’ famous kiss. So many items are going on Tuesday that we are devoting three Sundays to the happenings on Tuesday.

    This a three-month long study of just one week in the life of Jesus. The power of this week lies in all that happened. And it deserves both retelling and a careful scrutiny. Bracketed by Palm Sunday on one end and Easter Sunday on the other, this is the most important week in history. On Friday, more

  • 5. Jesus Predicts His Return

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is coming again. I’m more sure of this that water being wet and dirt being dry. Jesus is coming again. Stay alert. Stay awake.

    This a three-month long study of just one week in the life of Jesus. The power of this week lies in all that happened. And it deserves both retelling and a careful scrutiny. Bracketed by Palm Sunday on one end and Easter Sunday on the other, this is the most important week in history. On Friday, more

  • 6. The Last Supper

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021

    For believers in the room, we invite you to join us in worship by participating in the Lord’s Supper in a few minutes. We continue our study of the last week of Jesus’ life on earth.

    For believers in the room, we invite you to join us in worship by participating in the Lord’s Supper in a few minutes. We continue our study of the last week of Jesus’ life on earth. Beginning with Palm Sunday and continuing through His resurrection, we are examining the details of the most more

  • 7. Last Words

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Everyone Abandons Jesus. It’s really remarkable when you think about … just how many people abandoned Jesus at His greatest time of need.

    At the end of today’s service, I’ll be offering you an opportunity to respond to Christ. In fact, some of you may want to grab your worship guide right now and find the communication card. There, you’ll find an opportunity to be a part of next Sunday’s baptism service. Place your name there and more

  • 8. Jesus Is Betrayed

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021

    The power of the cross is God’s power is focused like a laser here to save us sinners. You really cannot truly understand the cross until you understand how Jesus got there and what took place on the day He was crucified.

    We are going to spend three weeks focusing on the cross of Jesus Christ – to prepare our hearts for His resurrection. We are marching with Christ down the Via Dolorosa, or the way of suffering. We are entering the very heart of Christianity. It is Thursday, less than twelve hours from Jesus’ more

  • 9. Jesus On Trial

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Today, the civil phase begins. The story of Jesus’ trek between Gethsemane and Golgotha is known as the Passion. You really cannot truly understand the cross until you understand how Jesus got there and what took place on the day He was crucified.

    Johnnie Cochran was the famous defense attorney of OJ Simpson. Many of you will remember his closing arguments in that case, “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” He was once asked whom he would have liked to defense. Cochran’s answer is telling: “Jesus is the person I would like to have defended. more

  • 10. Jesus Is Crucified

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021

    Had you gone to Jerusalem that day so long ago, and had you gone just outside the wall to the north, out through the Damascus gate, there you would have seen a rocky hill. And on that hill, you would have seen three crosses, with three men on those crosses.

    Good morning to Cross Church and happy Palm Sunday to you. Turn to Luke 23 with me this morning. The universal symbol of Christianity is the cross, the old rugged cross. While the empty tomb is the foundation of Christianity, the cross is the focus of Christianity. And while I cannot take all of more

  • 11. Jesus Is Raised

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2021

    But what would happen if we applied alternative history to Easter? What if Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead? What would happened if Easter was Erased?

    Many of you watch annually It’s A Wonderful Life. George Bailey, the movie’s main character, has spent his entire life giving of himself to the people of Bedford Falls. Bailey loses $8,000 through no fault of his own and fears he will be sent to jail and his company will collapse. Thinking of his more