  • Arlen Payne

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Arlen's church

Big Cypress New Testament Baptist Church
Clewiston, Florida 33440
(954) 448-4431

About Arlen
  • Education: Graduated from Wichita High School South, Wichita Area Vocational-Technical School. Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO. Gah Baptist University of America, Atlanta, GA. BS in Pastoral Theology
  • Experience: Missionary to the Seminole Tribe of Florida since 1990.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Please feel free to use these messages. I hope they are a blessing to you. If you like them I would appreciate hearing from you, please eMail me. If you don’t like them...well, just don’t say anything. To God be the Glory! As you use them Please pray for the Seminole Tribe of Florida and Chickee Baptist Church. Please visit our web site.
  • Family: Married to Lana Payne for 31 years. Three Children: Sara, Rachel, James. One turtle: Killer
  • Books that have had an impact: Bible The Power of Vision by George Barna The Perfect Will of God by G. Christian Weiss
  • Hobbies: Bass Fishing, Banjo, Mandlin,
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  • The Choctaw Dog Soldier

    Contributed on Dec 27, 2006

    The Choctaw Dog Soldier wore a piece of long leather on the back of his worrior regalia. In a fight he would drop this piece of leather on the ground with it still attached to him. He would place a spear through the end of it and stand there and fight until he more