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  • My Year Of No Limits

    Contributed by Bishop Dr. Bernard K. Kimani on Jan 17, 2021

    This is a sermon outline on breaking limitations

    7 unlimited things 1. Unlimited Opportunities. Ephesians 5:16: Make good use of every opportunity you have, because these are evil days. 2. Unlimited breakthrough leading to glory, restoration, and miracles. Micah 2:13: the breaker has gone ahead of you... 3. Unlimited growth, Deut more

  • The Holy Spirit And The Believer

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Sep 9, 2005
    based on 151 ratings

    The believe needs to be aware that the Holy Spirit is an empowerment for doing the work of the Lord Jesus Christ

    The Holy Spirit and Church Acts 1:8-1:8 The Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyers Journal printed the following questions actually asked of witnesses during trial lawyers: • The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he? • Was it you or your younger brother who was killed in the more

  • Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Apr 20, 2022

    Just as Jesus breathed His last, the Bible tells us that curtain of the Temple was torn in two. Witnesses to the Temple tell us that this curtain was as thick as your hand. So the tearing of something so thick and so large was supernatural.

    Happy Easter Sunday to everyone! Happy resurrection day to you all. Welcome to Easter Sunday including those of you online. Why is Easter a Big Deal? Easter is a time when God's people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As much as you may admire Abraham Lincoln, your parents, or MLK, more

  • Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit Series

    Contributed by Kevin Cummins on Aug 14, 2003
    based on 206 ratings

    This statement shows the trust that Christ had for His Heavenly Father. Even today this statement has some powerful messages in it for our lives today.

    Today we come to the last statement of our series on the Seven Statements from the Cross. We’ve seen a wide array of theological truths that have the power to transform our lives. We’ve seen Christ asking the Father to forgive the very people who at the time were mocking him and had beat and more

  • My Month Of Walking In The Power Of Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 17, 2020

    It is with great delight and joy that I welcome you to this new month, the month of June, our month of Walking in the Power of Holy Spirit.

    It is with great delight and joy that I welcome you to this new month, the month of June, our month of Walking in the Power of Holy Spirit. There is no doubt that there are many things in life described as 'power,' but as they do say 'power pass power.' The power under consideration more

  • My Month Of Walking In The Power Of Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 17, 2020

    It is with great delight and joy that I welcome you to this new month, the month of June, our month of Walking in the Power of Holy Spirit.

    It is with great delight and joy that I welcome you to this new month, the month of June, our month of Walking in the Power of Holy Spirit. There is no doubt that there are many things in life described as 'power,' but as they do say 'power pass power.' The power under consideration more

  • My Joy Will Rest In You Lord

    Contributed by Jim Parisi on Feb 2, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    With the hustle and bustle of the Holidays over we have a moment to breath. Reflect on our lives and the direction that the Lord is leading us these days.

    My Joy Will Rest In You Lord HHM Pastor Jim Parisi 02-02-03 With the hustle and bustle of the Holidays over we have a moment to breath. Reflect on our lives and the direction that the Lord is leading us these days. A “new year” we said a few weeks ago, it is now February, before long it more

  • The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Dennis King on May 24, 2022

    The Holy Spirit is an integral, supernatural element of the Trinity. Neither God nor Jesus created the Holy Spirit for the Spirit is One with God, yet a Divine Person, truly God, distinct from the Father and the Son. But do you know Him?

    The Holy Spirit is an integral, supernatural element of the Trinity. Neither God nor Jesus created the Holy Spirit for the Spirit is One with God, yet a Divine Person, truly God, distinct from the Father and the Son. All of which is sacrosanct evidence of the Holy Trinity. As God and Jesus are more

  • My Name Is ....holy Spirit (Hagios Pneuma) Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Oct 14, 2024

    Last of a fun little series looking at five different names of God - God as Provider, God as Healer, God as Father, God as Yeshua (God in Flesh) and God as Holy Spirit

    Scripture: Ezekiel 36:26–28; John 14:15-17; Acts 2:38 Series: Names of God My name is ….. Ruah Qodesh – Hagios Pneuma – Holy Spirit INTRO: Grace and peace this morning in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are only a few weeks away from celebrating Halloween. About 50 years more

  • Spirit Of John The Baptist

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Apr 24, 2015

    Matthew 11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he..

    Deuteronomy 1:11 The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you! THIS IS THE ONLY TIME WE WILL SEE AND LIVE THIS EVENT Calendar for July 2011 more

  • And They Were Filled With The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Jan 30, 2018

    Holy Spirit at Pentecost

    When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to more

  • Four Signs Of The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jun 22, 2022

    Just as the 120 disciples did, we need to embrace the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Four Signs of the Spirit Text: Acts 2:1-4 Introduction 1. Illustration: Without Pentecost the Christ even – life, death, and the resurrection of Jesus - remains imprisoned in history as something to remember, think about and reflect on. The Spirit of Jesus comes to dwell within us, so that we can more

  • Perhaps We Are Too Comfortable.

    Contributed by Jesse Kipper on May 19, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    Perhaps we are too comfortable to share the Holy Spirit with others. First preached at Arley United Methodist Church.

    Our scripture about Pentecost can be broken down into three parts: the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples, the reaction of the Jews in Jerusalem, and Peter’s response to the Jews. Pentecost was held seven weeks or fifty days after Passover and was a celebration of the Ten Commandments being more

  • The Power Of A Personal Testimonty

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 11, 2001
    based on 25 ratings

    How to Utilize the power of the personal testimony in the way the apostle Paul appropriated its usefulness through the power of the Spirit

    The Power of Paul’s Personal Testimony (Acts 22:1-10) Illustration:In the midst of a generation screaming for answers, Christians are stuttering. Howard Hendricks. Illustration:T.H. Huxley, a well-known agnostic, was with a group of men at a weekend house party. On Sunday morning, while most more

  • The Spirit Of Truth

    Contributed by Samuel Stone on Nov 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Human beings of all culture and races throughout history tried to figure out how to know what we want to know.

    John 16:12-15 12 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14 He will more

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