Sermon Series
  • 1. Live Long And Prosper

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    An analysis of what it means to have a healthy soul-life.

    True Spirituality Series Live Long and Prosper! 3 John 2 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO “Live Long and Prosper!” All the Trekkies here today know those words. I don’t quite have the dexterity to give the proper hand signal. Those more

  • 2. No Short Cuts To Glory

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    An examination of the real path to spiritual victory (in Christ)rather than promised short cuts.

    True Spirituality Series No Shortcuts to Glory Colossians 2:6-23 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO I start with some assumptions today. Number one: every one of you wants to know and experience the reality of God in your life. You don’t just more

  • 3. Food For The Soul

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    The importance of Scripture to the life of the healthy soul.

    True Spirituality Series Food for Your Soul 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO You are what you eat, so the saying goes. That must be right. I look out here today and I am sure I see several dozen glazed donuts, several more

  • 4. Freedom For The Soul

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Having a right attitude toward our possessions/being to give generously sets the soul free to grow and love.

    True Spirituality Series Freedom for Your Soul Matthew 6:1-4 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO A couple of months ago, the AARP magazine carried an interesting interview with Katie Couric. You know her as the host of the NBC Today Show. In more

  • 5. Soul Talk

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Jesus’ words on prayer in the sermon on the mount point to the promise, the problem, and the practice of prayer that feeds the soul

    True Spirituality Series Soul Talk: The Power of Prayer Matthew 6:5-13 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO A little boy and his father walked along a country road laughing and talking, just having a good old time. They came across a large more

  • 6. Hungry For God

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The practice of fasting focuses our desire on God and enriches the soul.

    True Spirituality Series Fasting: Hungry for God Matthew 6:1, 16-18 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO Today we come to the third of three illustrations Jesus uses to teach that motives matter to God. It is possible to do a good thing for the more

  • 7. Filled With The Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    The filling of the Spirit yields a disciplined spiritual life.

    True Spirituality Series Filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:15-21 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO It hasn’t happened in a while, but I’ve done it before. I’ve ran out of gas. Years ago, I can remember more than once coasting into a gas more