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  • The Retribution Of God And Combatting Injustice – A Look At Jeremiah - And Vengeance And Retribution Is Mine – And Babylon - Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Oct 13, 2023

    This bigger article looks at recompense for evil done and Jeremiah is featured. Then we look at the whole of Babylon from being God’s servant to being destroyed themselves for what they did to Judah. Anyone who lifts up a hand against Israel or God’s Christians will face retribution.

    THE RETRIBUTION OF GOD AND COMBATTING INJUSTICE – A LOOK AT JEREMIAH - AND VENGEANCE AND RETRIBUTION IS MINE – AND BABYLON - PART 4 [A]. A LOOK AT JEREMIAH – A MAN SUFFERING UNDER PERSECUTIONS After the Lord had revealed to Jeremiah the abject horror awaiting the unrepentant, sinful nation of more

  • Advice From The World's Richest Man

    Contributed by John Baggett on Dec 29, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    Solomon teaches us we’re accountable for our mistakes. Main thrust of the sermon includes factors about falling in love with money & letting money ruin your life & the life of others. Great Approach on Dangers of Money & Living for $ instead of God

    2 Chronicles 9 and Eccl 5 Advice From The World’s Richest Man Without wanting to sound too carnal this evening…most of us can admit that we joined in the seasonal act of buying and giving gifts this season. If you are like me and have a lot of children …or if you have a lot of more

  • Are You Plugged In To Celebrate God's Goodness? Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Mar 31, 2003
    based on 80 ratings

    When God’s people returned to Jerusalem after nearly a century of exile, they found their city in ruins. The Temple of God–where they believed God lived–was destroyed. This is a story about how God’s people plugged in to His supernatural power.

    Are You Plugged in to Celebrate God’s Goodness? Ezra 3:10-13 by Dr. David O. Dykes INTRODUCTION I have a light here, but it’s not doing what it was created to do. It’s not shining. The reason it isn’t fulfilling its purpose for existence is because it isn’t plugged in to a source of power. I’ve more

  • Participating Now In The Glory To Come Series

    Contributed by Daniel J. Little on Apr 21, 2012

    Jesus is what it looks like to be fully human. He is redeeming us from the ruin of sin even now. Already we are being changed from glory to glory. Jesus is what we are going to look like when the redemptive process is donw.

    Participating Now In The Glory To Come - Part 1 Pastor Dan Little The Landmark Church Binghamton, NY 13901 SCRIPTURE READING.... Mark 16:1-15, 19-20 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. 2 And very more

  • Lot – Part 1 – A Lot Of Trouble For God – For Abraham – And For Himself – Genesis 11 – 13 Lot Begins His Failure Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Nov 13, 2022

    We embark on a 6 part series on Lot. The Genesis record of Lot is one failure after another and deep involvement with sin. We will look at how all this happened and the sorrowful end of a broken and failed man. Lot walked the road to ruin always.

    LOT – PART 1 – A LOT OF TROUBLE FOR GOD – FOR ABRAHAM – AND FOR HIMSELF – GENESIS 11 – 13 LOT BEGINS HIS FAILURE One the more troubled characters in the Old Testament is Lot and he had a life that began with a good example in Abram and deteriorated from there on. We will look at this man’s life more

  • Hagar

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 6, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    As I opened to read Genesis chapter 16, I got stuck with the above verse, it is such an eerie moment in the life of Abram and Sarah which we all can relate to, but our future depends on how we handle such situations, if not we are ruined.

    Hagar Genesis 16:1”Now Sarai, Abram's wife had borne him no children, and she had an Egyptian maid whose name was Hagar.” Our website and facebook links: The following five points are covered in this entire more

  • A Whole-Heart Revival Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    The nation of Judah is destroyed under King Ahaz but God uses his son, Hezzekiah to bring revival back to the land...the pattern for spiritual revival and renewal in the life of the Christian is revealed following the King’s road to a "whole-Heart" reviva

    A WHOLE-HEART REVIVAL 2 Chronicles 29:1-2 - ©Dr. Larry L. Thompson (2006) “Hezekiah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years. His mother’s name was Abijah daughter of Zechariah. 2 He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, just as his father more

  • David And His Line In The Sand

    Contributed by Rick Kallstrom on Jun 9, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    It was a cool, brisk morning in the desert area of Shocock in the land of Judah. This would be a very special day filled with much adventure and real danger. The year was 1020 B.C. and the clouds of war were in the air.

    It was a cool, brisk morning in the desert area of Shocock in the land of Judah. This would be a very special day filled with much adventure and real danger. The year was 1020 B.C. and the clouds of war were in the air. The battle lines had been formed with the mighty Philistines standing on one more

  • Destruction That Brings Peace Series

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on Aug 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The reign of Asa and it’s resulting spiritual revival in Judah demonstrates that peace with God, other believers and unbelievers cannot be achieved until we first destroy that which prohibits the growth and life of peace.

    DESTRUCTION THAT BRINGS PEACE First in Series – “Peace That Expands & Lasts: Lessons from Asa” 2 Chronicles 14:1-5 Rev. Todd G. Leupold, Perth Bible Church, Sunday 8/3/2008 AM INTRODUCTION: As we naturally struggle to find and understand our current place in the history of PBC & God’s work more

  • People Of Praise Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God's people are those who trust Him for their righteousness and receive their praise from Him, not from man. The true Jew (from Judah- Praise) is one who is experiencing transformation from the inside out.

    People of Praise Romans 2:17-29 Intro: One of the lessons I’m beginning to learn in my life and ministry is that less can often be more. Less exercise can become more health problems. Less food can become more quality of life. Less is also more when life becomes too complicated and we try to more

  • Coming Full Circle Again Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 17, 2019

    Malachi ends on a sombre note. In the life of the people of Judah, everything has come full circle all over again. However there is the promise of the messenger, and a message, which will bring a circuit breaker to the cycle of sin.

    Jexit: Judah Comes Home Coming Full Circle Again Malachi 2:17-4:6 We all know this doesn’t actually happen. But, if I was God, I think there would be days when I would get very depressed about being God. It would be very depressing watching people just make the same mistakes over and over more

  • A Conversation With God Series

    Contributed by David Nolte on Aug 3, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Habakkuk wonders why God is slow in answering his prayers and why He delays in punishing Judah's evil. He is surprised that God will use the even more wicked Chaldeans as His rod of punishment.

    Otab so“A Conversation With God!” Habakkuk 1-3 David P. Nolte Please turn in your Bible to the book of Habakkuk. Habakkuk was one of the Minor Prophets of which there were 12 in number. They not called Minor because they’re under 21. They’re not called Minor because they’re more

  • David Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 11, 2022

    David is described in the Hebrew Bible as a king of the United Monarchy of Israel and Judah. In the Books of Samuel, David is a young shepherd and harpist who gains fame by slaying the giant Goliath, a champion of the Philistines in southern Canaan.

    David This article provides an overview of David's remarkable life, from his beginnings as a shepherd to becoming King. David King of Israel Reign c.?1010–970 BCE Predecessor Ish-bosheth Successor Solomon Born c.?1040 BCE Bethlehem, United Kingdom of Israel Died c.?970 BCE Jerusalem, more

  • Joseph Reveals Himself Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Nov 2, 2020

    It is at this point that chapter 45 begins. It continues from chapter 44 where Judah tries to reason out with this Egyptian official and offers himself as a substitute for Benjamin in whose sack was Joseph’s silver cup.

    Joseph reveals himself Gen. 45: 1-45 It is at this point that chapter 45 begins. It continues from chapter 44 where Judah tries to reason out with this Egyptian official and offers himself as a substitute for Benjamin in whose sack was Joseph’s silver cup. Judah and his brothers anxiously more

  • The Restoration Of Israel – Jeremiah – Part 5 – Chapter 31 (Part B) – Rachael Weeps But Will Be Gloriously Comforted And Restored Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Feb 15, 2025

    This remarkable restoration chapter continue and the aspect changes here to Samaria (Ephraim) for all Samaria and Judah will be enclosed in the great restoration of Israel after the Church is raptured. This is Part B of this chapter. One Part remains.

    THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL – JEREMIAH – PART 5 – Chapter 31 (Part B) – RACHAEL WEEPS BUT WILL BE GLORIOUSLY COMFORTED AND RESTORED We continue this study in the Restoration of Israel as detailed by God in Jeremiah. Currently we have entered into the glorious truth of Chapter 31 and there are two more

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