  • Gordon Pike

    Contributing sermons since Jun 22, 2015
Gordon's church

First United Methodist Church of Pahokee
Pahokee, Florida 33476

About Gordon
  • Education: BA in English Lit. from Univ. Florida MA in Divinity from Asbury Theo. Seminary
  • Experience: Been a pastor for 15 years … before that I was devote practicing sinner.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Jet skis turn on a dime, oil tankers take 7 miles to turn around. A church is an oil tanker.
  • Hobbies: Riding my bike, fishing, writing
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Newest Sermons

  • No Way

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2023

    When Jesus tells the man to go and sell everything so that he will have treasure in heaven … what do you picture? Gold? Jewels? Crowns? Isn’t our treasure Jesus? Our relationship with Jesus. An eternity in Heaven with Jesus, the most precious treasure in all the universe?

    One time a man was sent to prison. Sitting in his cell in the dark, he heard someone yell: “42.” The whole cell block burst into laughter, including the new man’s cellmate. Just as he was about to ask his cellmate what that was all about, another prisoner shouted out “67” and the whole cell more

  • Like A Palm Tree

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2023

    [Palm Sunday.] Today we wave the palms as we come to this table … a sign that our sin has come to end. Today we wave the palms and come to this table as we profess our desire to serve God wholeheartedly.

    Palm Sunday. A perfect example of the fact that Jesus’ Disciples and His followers get it … and don’t get it. They get that He is a king … a leader … a prophet and messiah sent by God … but … a king … a leader … a prophet … a messiah who rides into the Jerusalem on colt … not a great stallion or more

  • "crumbs"

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2023

    As we come to this table and feast on this bread and wine, I am so grateful that God is the One who made up the guest list and not one of us and you should also be grateful that I am not the one who determines who may or may not sit at the table, amen?

    [This sermon was part of a Communion Service.] Welcome to the Lord’s Table. Today we ‘feast’ on … [hold up a piece of bread and a communion cup]. To the naked eye, this doesn’t seem to be much of a “feast,” does it? A typical ‘royal’ feast in Jesus’ day would start out with an appetizer to whet more

  • "if I Can Only ..."

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2023

    “Do not fear, only believe” and “give God time.” We may not be able to predict how or even when God is going to act but we can be certain that He will.

    As he rushed towards the shore, his heart sank as he saw how many people were already there. How was he ever going to get close enough to Him to plead for his daughter’s life … but still. He had to try. He would do anything to save his precious daughter’s life … even if it meant he had to fight more

  • Funeral (Celebration) For A Long-Time Member

    Contributed on Jan 30, 2023

    This is a funeral for a woman who was a good and long-time member of our church who died rather suddenly.

    One of the ways in which the Apostle Paul supported his ministry was through donations from the various churches, but his main income came from the work of his own two hands. Paul made and mended tents. It required a lot of time and patience, so Paul had a lot of time to think about things … more

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