
Summary: Unfaithfulness is the sin that has broken more hearts, wrecked more homes, ruined more businesses, destroyed more churches effectiveness, hindered more revivals, damned more souls than any other sin of which you might think.

Unfaithfulness, the sin that burdens, Matthew 25:14. In this scripture God gave everyone something to use for Him. Then took his journey, left them to use what he had given. After a long time, He came again to reckon with them or reward them according to how they used the talents. He emphasizes faithfulness as a prerequisite to rewards, verse 21-26. The one who was unfaithful, was called a wicked and slothful servant, received no rewards. The word slothful means: hesitation, to be slow, delay. Notice how many times Jesus called someone wicked.

1. Faithfulness is a requirement of God for His people. 1 Corinthians 4:2, 17

2. God’s servants are to use only faithful people in responsible places. 2 Timothy 2:2

3. Duration of faithfulness is to be until death. Revelation 2:10

4. Definition of sin, transgressing of God’s law. Silence faithfulness is a law of God. 1 John 3:4

Unfaithfulness is the sin that has broken more hearts, wrecked more homes, ruined more businesses, destroyed more churches effectiveness, hindered more revivals, damned more souls than any other sin of which you might think.

If a person will stay faithful to the things of God, he will take care of the other things in a person’s life. Matthew 25:21, God will reward Christian’s faithfulness at the second coming of Christ. Revelation 22:12.

I. Unfaithfulness Burdens other People

1. Genesis 13:5-8

2. Aaron’s unfaithfulness burdened faithful Moses. Exodus 3:2-27

3. Achan’s unfaithfulness burdened his family.

II. Unfaithfulness of Disciples Burdened Jesus

1. Matthew 26:36-41

III. Unfaithfulness Burdens the Unfaithful Himself

1. The psalmist was praying for restoration of joy he once knew that he had lost because of his unfaithfulness.

2. No joy in the heart. No pleasure in reading the Bible. No blessing in attending church. A dislike of hearing the preaching and resentment too the preacher.

3. Actually, service is a burden to the unfaithful, no joy in it.

4. Not so in the life of a faithful Christian. Acts 16:15

IV. God is Faithful to All

1. Psalm 119:89-90, 1 Corinthians 1:9, 10:13, 1 Thessalonians 5:24, 2 Thessalonians 3:3, 1 John 1:9

2. Overlooks sin and extends mercy or favor. Psalm 103: 8-10

3. Christ was faithful unto death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2:7-8

V. What We Mean by Faithfulness

1. Luke 16:10-12

2. Faithfulness and attendance is coming to every service. Hebrews 10:25. what would you think of a man or woman who was only faithful to their mate part of the time.

3. Faithfulness in giving, tithing. Malachi 3:7-10. Leviticus 27:30

4. faithfulness in witnessing and inviting people to church.

5. Faithfulness in talents: singing, teaching, doing extra around the church, anything that you're capable of doing.

VI. In Closing

1. Nothing means more to me as a husband, father, pastor then to know I have a wife, children, and the people that will be faithful to me and to the Lord.

2. You cannot trust an unfaithful person.

3. I don't know what God has given you to do, but whatever it is be faithful in it.

4. Above all other words I might desire to have said about me, I want to hear the words the apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:6-8

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