C. Philip Green
Contributing sermons since Sep 12, 2008
Newest Sermons
Overflowing With Joy
Contributed on Jan 30, 2025
If you want to bring overflowing joy to those who serve you, refresh them, reconcile yourself to them, repent, and remain true to them.
Donn Moomaw, a football player who became a pastor, was preaching at the Bel Air Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles. After the service, a lady came up to him and said, “Oh, Reverend Moomaw, I just have to tell you that every sermon you preach is better than your next.” He thanked her, but when he ...read more
A Lying Life
Contributed on Jan 24, 2025
Separate yourself from false teachers, because as believers in Christ, you are righteous before God, you are the residence of God, and you have a special relationship with God. So out of reverence for God, let the truth set you free to complete your progress towards holiness.
A man had a fine canary whose song was unusually beautiful. During the summer, it seemed a shame to keep the bird inside the house all the time. So the owner placed the cage in a nearby tree for the bird to enjoy the sunshine and the fresh air. Many sparrows frequented the tree and were attracted ...read more
Establishing Credibility
Contributed on Jan 17, 2025
To establish your credibility, fervently DECLARE and faithfully DEMONSTRATE the good news of God’s grace.
Several years ago (1993), FBI agents conducted a raid of Southwood psychiatric hospital in San Diego, which was under investigation for medical insurance fraud. After hours of reviewing medical records, the agents had worked up an appetite. The agent in charge of the investigation called a nearby ...read more
Selling Salt
Contributed on Jan 8, 2025
To serve the Lord effectively, convince others powerfully, consider others according to their potential and characterize Christ properly.
In his book Led by the Carpenter, D. James Kennedy writes: A man walked into a little mom-and-pop grocery store and asked, “Do you sell salt?” “Ha!” said Pop the proprietor. “Do we sell salt! Just look!” And Pop showed the customer one entire wall of shelves stocked with nothing but salt: Morton ...read more
Groaning For Glory
Contributed on Jan 3, 2025
If you want the confidence to move forward in times of trouble, see the unseen. Specifically, see your future body, your future home, and your future reward as you live your life to please the Lord.
Note: put a $20-bill up your sleeve for later use. In The Polar Express, a boy, who has his doubts, boards a magical train on Christmas Eve, which is headed for the North Pole. As the train ascends a particularly steep hill, the boy, a girl, and the conductor are climbing from the top of the ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
2 Corinthians
Contributed on Nov 8, 2024
Advent 2024: Servant Songs Of Isaiah
Contributed on Oct 16, 2024
2 Thessalonians
Contributed on Oct 10, 2024
Contributed on Feb 15, 2024
Advent 2023
Contributed on Nov 16, 2023
Newest Sermon Illustrations
George Floyd
Contributed on Jun 11, 2020
God can use you to make a difference in our broken world no matter your past. Just commit your way to the Lord like Jephthah did and depend on His Holy Spirit. When I think about Jephthah, I think about George Floyd, who was recently murdered in Minneapolis. George was a towering 6-foot by 6-inch ...read more
Notre Dame On Fire
Contributed on Apr 18, 2019
Just this last Monday (April 15, 2019), many of us were horrified to watch the great Cathedral of Notre Dame on fire. Its great spire toppled into the roof of the cathedral, and many feared that Paris’ most iconic landmark would be a total loss after standing for 850 years. However, early the ...read more
Jesus Cared
Contributed on Jan 2, 2013
JESUS CARED Henri Nouwen once said, "What we see, and like to see, is cure and change. But what we do not see and do not want to see is care: the participation in the pain, the solidarity in the suffering, the sharing in the experience of brokenness. And still, cure without care is as ...read more
Jealous Horses
Contributed on Feb 3, 2011
JEALOUS HORSES When we lived in a small town in central Kansas (Ellsworth), we made many trips to the nearest big town, Salina, Kansas on old Kansas Route 140. On one of those trips in the spring (March 12, 1990), we saw a horse at the edge of a luscious, green pasture with his head stuck ...read more
In The Story Of Pollyanna, There Is A Woman Who ...
Contributed on Sep 23, 2010
In the story of Pollyanna, there is a woman who runs the town. She’s not the mayor and doesn’t even sit on the city council. It’s just that she has inherited a tremendous amount of money from her father, and she has a controlling interest in all the major businesses in town. As a result, no one ...read more