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  • The Flood Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Sep 13, 2024

    The verdict was dire. The perfect system God had created was broken. The corruption of humanity – which extended to the earth itself – was universal and would require a universal response....

    September 14, 2024 Last time we discussed how quickly sin took root in the pre-flood world. There seemed to be no hope for humanity. However, in the midst of this sad and sorry situation, we are given the brief genealogy of Noah. Genesis 6:9-10 - …. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among more

  • Noah Part 2 – The Flood: Was It Universal Or Local? Some Mathematics Here - Genesis 6&7 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Oct 28, 2022

    Long has there been argument on whether the flood was local or worldwide. I used to hold to a universal flood once but can't do so now. There is some Mathematics in this message. If you have thoughts please share them underneath.

    NOAH PART 2 – THE FLOOD: WAS IT UNIVERSAL OR LOCAL? SOME MATHEMATICS HERE This presentation contains some figures, mathematics and science. It is meant to set you on the road of enquiry, not to cause argument. [1]. THE FIRST MATTER THAT OUGHT TO BE RESOLVED IS WHAT IS MEANT BY “THE EARTH” more

  • Proof Noah's Flood Really Happened Series

    Contributed by John Gaston on Dec 6, 2017

    The fossil record says "Yes!" The vast sedimentary rock says "Yes!" The vast coal seams, quick-frozen mammals, extinction of dinosaurs, polystrate trees, pre-Cambrian void say "Yes!" The wiorldwide legends and the sightings on Ararat say "Yes!"

    EVIDENCE NOAH’S FLOOD REALLY HAPPENED I. GEOLOGICAL FINDINGS SUPPORT THE FLOOD IF THERE HAD BEEN A FLOOD, WHAT EVIDENCE WOULD WE EXPECT TO FIND? SIX EVIDENCES: A. Evidence #1—FOSSILS HIGH AND DRY Fossils of sea creatures high above sea level due to the ocean waters having flooded over the more

  • The Church Is Worthy Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jun 23, 2013

    The church (universal & local) is worthy because of the PERSON who is its head; the PURPOSE for which it was founded and the PRICE paid for it. Therefore it is worthy of our 1. being united with it; 2. our faithfulness; 3. our service; 4. our support.

    The Church Is Worthy Sermon 1 in the series “Church Matters" Chuck Sligh June 23, 2013 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation of this sermon is available upon request by emailing me at TEXT: 1 Timothy 3:15 – “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou more

  • God Is In Control Of The Universe Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 10, 2014

    God is in control of the universe and all of nature ... or is He??? When you look at the works of God from creation through history and on into destruction and re-creation it is easy to see the fingerprints of God all over the place!

    God is in control - or is He really? Over the this Sunday and the next two we’ll be examining this question in detail. Today - God is in control of the earth, planets, stars, etc. Next Sunday - God is in control of the nations Two weeks from today - God is in control of you and me So, is more

  • The Flood Series

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    This sermon addresses some issues concerning the flood, but emphasizes the grace involved in the ark.

    Genesis 6:9-8:22 January 26, 2003 Imagine a future without dry land. A future where the earth, covered in water, has evolved into a gritty, nautical society held together by determination and ingenuity. The inhabitants of this once-flourishing planet cling to life on incredible floating cities, more

  • The Flood Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 2, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    A lot of people consider the flood to be a myth - or at best, a localized event. But we consider Scriptural and scientific evidence for the flood and how it answers many questions about our earth and our destiny.

    So we come to Chapter 7 - the Flood This is the single greatest judgment ever to hit planet earth - so far. This and chapter 8 are also one of the hardest for us humans to swallow. Four things we need to keep in mind about the Flood: " It really happened (New Testament quotes it four times) " more

  • The Flood

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Mar 6, 2020

    The story of Noah's flood is a familiar one to many of us. It's the story of a big boat and a whole lot of water. But, it's also a story of the character of God and how much He loves us.

    Opening and Introduction Our text today, is the start of a story that many of us have heard from our Sunday School days. It’s the beginning of the Noah’s Ark story. Sin had grown so great, that God decided to start over, erase the world, and begin again. It’s a story of the tragedy of sin. more

  • The Flood Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Aug 21, 2022

    How do you see God right now in relation to your sins?

    We continue our series of messages surrounding the truth from Romans 3:23 which states “All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God”! Again, this is a truth we need to deal with, especially as we anticipate the return of Jesus Christ to earth. Each one of us sins and the whole world around more

  • The Flood

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Aug 15, 2021

    Next in Genesis series. 2nd sermon on the flood, focusing on apoligetics.

    Genesis 7-8 The Flood (2) - Read Genesis 7:1-8:22 This morning we are going to look at the account of the flood in the book of Genesis again. Last week we look at the reason for the flood, God’s hatred of sin. We looked at God’s provision in the midst of the flood, God had Noah build an ark to more

  • The Flood Series

    Contributed by Travis Moore on Dec 13, 2000
    based on 71 ratings

    God’s mercy in times of judgment

    The Flood Genesis 6-9 1. The Purpose of the Flood A. To destroy the giants of the earth. (Gen 6:1-4) B. To deal with the guilt of man’s sin. (Gen 6:5) C. To declare the grief of God’s heart. (Gen 6:6-7) D. To demonstrate the grace of God toward Noah. (Gen 6:8) 2. The Prediction of the Flood A. more

  • The Flood

    Contributed by Matthew Miles on Jan 13, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    This is for those of you who don’t know what the Lord has got in store for you. Maybe this sermon will help you out...

    Hey everybody I got a word from the Lord today. I went to church last night and we had the Holy Ghost fire up in there, and when worship was over, my youth pastor stood up and said, "Listen... not with your physical ears but listen in the Spirit." Well I heard something that I’m not going to say more

  • The Flood Series

    Contributed by Tim Hbc on Oct 19, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A messed up world, the grieving heart of God, and a man who dared to be different...

    Introduction It makes such a wonderful children’s story. Can you see lovely old uncle Noah with a white beard? There he is with a saw and hammer and nails, making his cosy little boat. And there are all the lovely animals walking 2 by 2 into the ark with smiles on their faces. A cloud appears, it more

  • Extent And Effect Of The Flood - (Lessons On Genesis) Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 12, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    After all preparations had been completed, the Flood came. The rain did not stop until it had rained for forty days. At the same time, there were gigantic upheavals and shifting of the earth’s crust which caused the ocean’s floors to rise and break up their reservoirs of subterranean waters.

    November 8, 2013 Commentary on the Book of Genesis By: Tom Lowe Lesson I.D.6: Extent and Effect of the Flood. Genesis 7.17-24 17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth. 18 And the waters more

  • Universality Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jun 11, 2003
    based on 23 ratings

    Thanks to Constantine’s move, the church gradually began to think of its universality as power rather than as an evangelical mandate. Christ is to be lord of our political life, our cultural life, our everyday life -- every aspect.

    Christ is lord of all! What a bold statement! Maybe even an arrogant statement! Lord of all? Do we believe that? It was said of one preacher that “for tender minds he served up half a Christ.” Behind that lie two realities – first, that many of us don’t want the full gospel, we’d rather just more

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