Chuck Sligh
Contributing sermons since Apr 13, 2011
Newest Sermons
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night C
Contributed on Dec 11, 2022
One night shepherds were quietly watching over their sheep, only to be interrupted by an appearance of a heavenly army that declared the coming of the Savior in a manger. This message focuses on that event.
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night Chuck Sligh December 11, 2022 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation for this message is available by emailing me at chucksligh@hotmail.com. Please request the title, “While Shepherds Watched.” TEXT: Turn to Luke 2 INTRODUCTION Don’t you just love kids at ...read more
One Anothers #7: "Edify One Another”
Contributed on Jul 16, 2022
Paul teaches us to do and say everything to edify. What does this mean for us practically? This sermon looks at how believers can build up one another.
One Anothers #7: “Edify One Another” The One Anothers: The Church's "Body Builders" Chuck Sligh July 17, 2022 TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5:11 – “Therefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also you do.” INTRODUCTION Opening Illus. – One of the most inspiring ...read more
#66 Twenty-Four Little Hours (The Resurrection)
Contributed on Apr 15, 2022
What a difference a day makes. On Saturday the disciples were in the depths of despair. In 24 little hours, on Sunday, they were experiencing rapturous joy because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This message relives this joyous event through the eyes of the disciples.
#66 Twenty-four Little Hours Series: Mark Chuck Sligh April 16, 2022 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at chucksligh@hotmail.com. Please mention the title of the sermon and the Bible text to help me find the sermon in my archives. TEXT: Mark 16:1-8 – “And ...read more
#65 Buried, He Carried My Sins Far Away
Contributed on Apr 10, 2022
People love to fast forward through commercials during recorded TV shows and podcasts. That’s what we often do with the burial of Jesus. We focus on the cross and fast-forward to the resurrection. But the burial of Jesus is part of the Gospel.
#65 Buried, He Carried My Sins Far Away Series: Mark Chuck Sligh April 10, 2022 TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to Mark 15:42 INTRODUCTION Illus. – When I was a kid, the only kind of recordings we had were vinyl records. With modern inventions, like cassette tapes and 8-track tapes came an ...read more
The Glory Of God
Contributed on Mar 13, 2022
God created each of us with one supreme purpose: to glorify God.
The Glory of God Chuck Sligh March 13, 2022 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at chuckcsligh@gmail.com. Please mention the title of the sermon and the Bible text to help me find the sermon in my archives. TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to 2 Corinthians ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Christmas Through Their Eyes
Contributed on Dec 8, 2019
Contributed on Nov 3, 2019
The One Anothers: The Church's "Body Builders"
Contributed on Aug 17, 2019
82 Hours: Countdown To The Resurrection
Contributed on Apr 9, 2019
No Longer Slaves
Contributed on Feb 3, 2019
Newest Sermon Illustrations
What Does "All" Mean?
Contributed on Apr 14, 2013
WHAT DOES "ALL" MEAN? I know people who are carrying around a load of guilt over the past and they're loaded down with this extra weight God doesn't want them to have. I remember a lady in my church in Wiesbaden I'll call Jill. Jill had rebelled against her parents, had been on drugs, had had ...read more
Corporate Discipleship
Contributed on Jan 6, 2013
CORPORATE DISCIPLESHIP Did you know that there is not a single case of "one-on-one discipleship" in the New Testament? The choice to become and remain a disciple rests with individuals, but discipleship is always nurtured corporately. Discipleship is not a course you go through; it’s a life you ...read more
Fulfilling Your Purpose
Contributed on Apr 24, 2012
FULFILLING YOUR PURPOSE When we lived in Wiesbaden, some missionary friends bought a German toaster. When they got home, they plugged it in, placed some bread in it, and then waited for the toast to pop up a few minutes later. Well, the toast never did pop up from it because...well, it didn’t ...read more
Contributed on Mar 19, 2012
PREDESTINATION Rather than predetermining a person’s FATE, predestination predetermines a believer’s FOCUS—that is, God’s eternal purposes, goals and privileges for him. Every instance of the word “predestinate” in the New Testament refers to some purpose, goal or privilege that God has ...read more
Wearing 30,000 Bibles
Contributed on Feb 26, 2012
WEARING 30,000 BIBLES Years ago a missionary returned to England for a brief furlough after many years of faithful service in India. He was invited to a dinner at a great summer resort where he met many women of prominence and position. After dinner he went to his room and penned a ...read more