  • Scott Jensen

    Contributing sermons since Nov 28, 2004
Scott's church

Concordia Lutheran Church
SAN ANTONIO, Texas 78258

About Scott
  • Education: I am a graduate of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Seminary (a.k.a. Faith Seminary) in Tacoma, Washington. Master of Divinity.
  • Experience: I have served in various church positions since 1992 and as an ordained pastor since June 2007. I have served as Pastor in roles in Hawaii, South Korea, Kansas, Mississippi and Texas. I currently serve at Concordia Lutheran Church (LCMS), San Antonio, TX.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I appreciate any constructive critisism and welcome comments. I would also love to hear if I’ve been able to help your ministry in some small way.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: True stories that come from the heart can connect the congregation to you.
  • Family: I am married for over 27 years, have a daughter and a son.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My mother is very proud. I’m sure my dad would be as well, but he has passed to be with the Lord.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She is an inspiration by being both my biggest fan and my toughest critic.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Preach what the passages say to yourself. Generally, you won’t talk down to people and the words will come from the heart rather than canned speech. A catchy illustration might grab attention for a moment, but only God's Word can change hearts.
  • Books that have had an impact: Case for Christ - Beautiful description of a logical approach to discovering who Jesus was.
  • Hobbies: I am a retired officer of the United States Air Force and enjoy a bit of running, watching movies and a few video games.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Love God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. But, if you follow that advice, you’ll do more than just sit there; you’ll actually DO something to show that love - serve your fellow men, serve the Lord, study his scriptures.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Cared about people. Loved his family. Had a heart for God.
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  • Why We Follow Jesus

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2024

    Why do the people in Capernaum seek Jesus? What does the world seek? Why should we seek Jesus?

    What do we seek? Today’s Gospel is set in Capernaum on the day of the Sabbath. Jesus had a support base here with two Disciples, Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, calling this place home. With friends nearby, this city will become Jesus’ Galilean home and the staging point for part of His more

  • Poor In Spirit (All Saints Sunday)

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2023

    Jesus spoke to the Disciples, and to the crowd, but He also speaks to us. He spoke to the 'poor in spirit' and explained that they were blessed. But, who and what are the poor in spirit? This sermon attempted to answer that question.

    Opening and Introduction In today's Gospel lesson, we heard the introduction to the most famous sermon that Jesus delivered, the Sermon on the Mount. 1. Setting the Stage When we align all four of the Gospels, we see that a lot has already happened with His ministry. He’s been baptized by more

  • God's Peace

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2021

    There are all sorts of things around us that can put worry into our lives. Whatever it is in our lives today, God has a plan to restore our peace.

    Opening and Introduction Our Gospel lesson today starts with words that set the tone for todays’ message. It starts with, “the doors were locked for fear of the Jews” (John 20:19, ESV). Fear is something that’s been around us for this past year as we all had to adjust to a virus run rampant more

  • Being Obedient

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2020

    The Israelites grumble again against God. Moses responds to their grumbling with anger and loses the privilege of entering the Promised Land. Moses responded with anger and disrespected God. We can learn a few things form an angry man who lashed out against the Creator.

    Introduction Today’s topic is “Being Obedient” and as I look around our society in this COVID-19 time, I see a lot of people who are challenged with being obedient. Many businesses have signs that say you have to wear a mask to enter, yet many don’t obey that sign. We hear repeatedly that we more

  • Weeds Among The Wheat

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2020
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    We may see a lot of destruction and evil around us, but God uses it all to bless His people in ways we might not recognize.

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  • What I Wouldn't Give...

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2012

    WHAT I WOULDN'T GIVE... When Oliver Wendell Holmes was still on the U.S. Supreme Court, he and Justice Louis Brandeis took walks every afternoon. On one of these occasions Holmes, then ninety-two, paused to gaze in frank admiration at a beautiful young girl who passed them. He even turned to more

  • What's The Demand?

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2012

    WHAT'S THE DEMAND? The magazine, Christianity Today, reported in its April 4, 1986 issue of a tool company that manufactured drill bits. Faced with financial losses, company executives gathered to discuss the problem: a declining demand for drill bits. The CEO challenged his men: "How can we more

  • All I Could Do Was Listen And Talk

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  • The Oakland Police Force Recently Unveiled Its ...

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2009

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