Sermon Series

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  • 1. Where Do I Come From?

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2003
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon explores the question of origins from Genesis 1.

    Daddy. Where do I come from? There are few questions that teach a parent that they are not ready for parenting more than that one. For many of you that question was asked of you in a time before all the wonderful Christian resources that help answer that question existed. This morning I am more

  • 2. The Image Of God

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2003
    based on 113 ratings

    In this sermon we explore what it means to be made in the image of God.

    It has been almost 150 years since Charles Darwin published his book on the origin of species. In those 143 years, Darwin’s theory of evolution has come to be the dominant scientific view of the origin of life on planet earth. Now again this week I am not going to spend a great deal of time more

  • 3. What If?

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    In this sermon we examine the perfect state in which man lived prior to the fall in order to lead to the gospel.

    If I knew then what I know now, I thought I did you somehow. If I could have the time again, I’d take the sunshine leave the rain. No I don’t believe in if anymore, If’s an illusion, if’s an illusion. No I don’t believe in if anymore. If is for children, if is for children. Building more

  • 4. The Consequences Of Sin

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    In this sermon the consequences of the original sin in the garden are examined.

    Genesis 3:8-24 October 6, 2002 We live in a society where the idea of consequences for one’s actions are downplayed. We have been told for decades now that you can practice free love - there are no consequences. You can get divorced - there are no consequences for the kids. Why, in Canada more

  • 5. Sinking Fast

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 4 ratings

    In this message we look at how sin overtakes Cain and consumes him.

    Genesis 4:1-16 October 20, 2002 Did you ever watch any of those cheesy Saturday afternoon jungle movies from the forties and fifties. Many of them seemed to involve some form of a treasure hunt where great white hunters slogged through the deepest densest jungle you could find. Another scene more

  • 6. My Way

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    The song My Way reflects the arrogance of man in rebellion to God and our only hope rests in doing it God’s way.

    Genesis 4:17-26 November 24, 2002 If I asked you to pick one song which best describes the human condition - what song would you pick? Pastor you’re asking a lot. One song to describe the human condition? Surely there is not one song that sums up man. I think I have that song this more

  • 7. A Family Tree

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    In this message we discover truths from the family tree of Seth.

    Genesis 5:1-32 December 1, 2002 A friend of mine loves genealogy. He has researched his family back through untold generations. For years he loved to tell us about his Scottish heritage. He had a tie with his clan’s tartan, he had memorized his clan’s motto and he knew all about the clan’s more

  • 8. Are You Ready?

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    The sermon asks the question: What would you do if you knew exactly when judgment was coming.

    Genesis 6:1-8 January 19, 2003 We were not living in Harrow at the time of the great flood. However, when we came to Harrow on March of 1996 we could still see the effects of that flood. In several of the houses that we looked at, when we went down into the basement we could see a line on the more

  • 9. The Flood

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    This sermon addresses some issues concerning the flood, but emphasizes the grace involved in the ark.

    Genesis 6:9-8:22 January 26, 2003 Imagine a future without dry land. A future where the earth, covered in water, has evolved into a gritty, nautical society held together by determination and ingenuity. The inhabitants of this once-flourishing planet cling to life on incredible floating cities, more

  • 10. "Why Are There So Many Songs About Rainbows?"

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    The rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant of grace.

    Genesis 9:1-17 February 9, 2003 This morning I want to open with the words of one of the great philosophers of our age - Kermit the Frog Kermit: Why are there so many songs about rainbows And what’s on the other side? Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, And rainbows have nothing to more

  • 11. Naked In His Tent

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 49 ratings

    The great hero of the flood, Noah, is now found drunk and naked in his tent. Sin survived the flood.

    Genesis 9:18-29 February 16, 2003 To err is human. Arthur Pink: "It is human to err, but it is also human to conceal the blemishes of those we admire." One of the most striking evidences that the Scriptures are the Word of God comes in its willingness to reveal the errors of even its more

  • 12. The Babble Of Babel

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    God judges man’s pride by confusing language. The gift of tongues in Acts is seen as the beginning of the removal of that curse through Christ.

    Genesis 10:1-11:9 March 2, 2003 I watched a special recently on the history channel. The special was comparing the civilizations of the ancient world. They particularly focused in upon the fact that pyramid building was a common thread among civilizations that were distinct and distant from more

  • 13. If We Are Faithless, He Remains Faithful

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    God’s grace is still faithful even though we continue to sin.

    Genesis 12:10-20; 20:1-18 March 23, 2003 Fairy tales have a sense of justice What if the ugly stepsister married the prince? What if the wolf huffed and puffed and really blew the pig’s house down. If asked you this morning to tell me a story about one of your ancestors, what kind of more

  • 14. Which Will We Choose?

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    Abram and Lot make different choices that reflect on their spiritual lives.

    Genesis 13 March 23, 2003 She’d cut off her nose to spite her face. I used to laugh when my mother would use that expression to describe someone who was so vindictive that they didn’t even care if they got hurt as long as the other person got what was coming to them. I say I used to more

  • 15. God Behind The Scenes

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    Abram’s victory shows us God’s providence at work.

    Genesis 14 March 30, 2003 The young couple were in a rush to be on their way. They put the baby’s care seat on the roof of the car while they were loading up for their trip. Somehow in the confusion and rush, they drove away with the car seat still sitting on the roof of the car. The car more

  • 16. It Has Always Been About Grace

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    Genesis 15 shows that God’s plan for salvation has always been salvation by grace through faith.

    Genesis 15 April 6, 2003 One of the biggest mistakes I believe the early dispensationalists made was calling the OT age Law and the New Testament age Grace. I prefer Israel and the Church. Grace has always been God’s operating program with man. Genesis 15 falls into a double more

  • 17. It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Like Sarai we often come up with plans to help God out which unfortunately usually end in disaster.

    Genesis 16 April 27, 2003 It was one of those rare moments in a thirteen-year-Olds life. For once I was thinking of someone other than myself. My parents were both working and I decided that I would be considerate and make supper for them. I got the meat going in the oven without too much more

  • 18. When Two Wrongs Make A Right

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    God takes the sinful schemes of the patriarchs and accomplishes His soverign plan despite them.

    Genesis 26:34-27:40 August 31, 2003 Last week I was doing a little channel-surfing with the remote control. I came across a game show that I had never seen before. I think the name of it was "Friend or Foe?" From the few minutes I caught, the basic premise of the show is that two strangers more

  • 19. Which Came First - The Chicken Or The Egg?

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    The sermon examines the relationship between faith and works as God gives Abraham the rite of circumcision.

    Genesis 17 May 18, 2003 Which came first - the chicken or the egg? It is one of those silly questions that the human brain can get a little silly with. You can’t have a chicken without an egg, yet you need a chicken to lay the egg in the first place. Of course science has solved the more

  • 20. When God Visits

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 48 ratings

    Is there anything too wonderful for God?

    Genesis 18:1-15 May 25, 2003 Genesis chapter 18 contains an odd little story. To emphasize its strangeness, I want to begin this morning by retelling the story to you. Abraham is a powerful man. He has enormous wealth and is accustomed to the finest that life has to offer. He is more

  • 21. Will Not The Judge Of The Earth Do What Is Right?

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    God will judge the wicked and spare the righteous because even in judgment he can be trusted to do what is absolutely right.

    Genesis 18:16-33 June 1, 2003 This morning we have a conversation unlike any other conversation ever recorded. 1. God reveals his intentions to Abraham 18:16-21 a. The basis for God’s revelation 18:16-19 b. The revelation 18:20-21 2. Abraham pleads for the righteous of more

  • 22. At The Edge Of The Falls

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    All of us stand at the edge of God’s judgment. What can save us?

    Genesis 19 June 22, 2003 The Associated Press March 20, 2003) — NIAGARA FALLS — A 48-year-old man who fell in to the Niagara River off Goat Island stood a few feet from the brink of the falls for two hours before a rescue helicopter pulled him from the precipice. "Hold me! Don’t let me more

  • 23. From Faith To Flop

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Because we are simultaneously saints and sinners there are times when we go so easily from faithful service to failure.

    Genesis 26:1-11 August 17, 2003 We’ve all been there. One minute we are being used by God to accomplish something wonderful for His kingdom. Our faith is strong. We are riding high on the wonder of God’s grace working through us. Then the very next minute we do something so boneheaded more

  • 24. A Little Good News

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    God fulfills his promises so we need to respond in obedience and praise.

    Genesis 21:1-7 June 29, 2003 I rolled out this had the morning news show on Bryant Gumbel was talking about the fighting in Lebanon Some senator was squawking about the bad economy It’s gonna get worse you see we need a change in policy There’s a local paper rolled up more

  • 25. God Can't Be Thwarted

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    No matter what the Philistines did to Isaac, they could not stop GOd’s blessing

    Genesis 26:12-33 August 24, 2003 The Ballad of Jed Clampett Come ’n listen to my story ’bout a man named Jed Poor Mountaineer barely kept his family fed An’ then one day, he was shootin’ at some food, An’ up thru the ground came a bubblin’ crude. Oil that is! Black gold! Texas tea! Well, more

  • 26. Aftermath Of A Disaster

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    Even the moral failures of all those involved could not stop God’s promise of blessing.

    Genesis 27:41-28:9 September 7, 2003 Finish the story Last week - the stealing of the blessing This week - the aftermath Esau is furious - threatens murder 41 Rebekah creates a second plot 42-46 Isaac blesses Jacob and sends him away 28:1-5 Esau - too little too more

  • 27. God Reaches Out To The Outcast

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    As Jacob flees from home, GOd takes the initiative to reach out to Jacob and to bless him.

    Genesis 28:10-22 September 14, 2003 Do you remember the first time that you were away from home? Maybe it was staying with grandma or grandpa. Maybe it was your first sleep-away camp. Maybe it wasn’t till you went away to university or got your first job. Do you remember what was going more

  • 28. The Old Bait And Switch

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    The deception which Jacob had sown he now reaps from Laban.

    Genesis 29:1-30 September 21, 2003 While I was in Bible College I had a friend who took a Job at the Horseshoe Motel. It used to stand on Wellington street in London right where you come off the highway 401. It had a big neon sign out front that said "rooms starting at $29.99." After just a more

  • 29. The Baby Derby

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    The actions of the wives are disgusting yet God still works his plan.

    Genesis 29:31-30:24 September 28, 2003 Read the story about the Toronto baby derby. Today we have our own baby derby. 1. God cares for the unloved Leah 29:31-35 key God honours Leah because of her rejected status. Key - first three sons - looks for husbands love fourth son more

  • 30. Tale Of Two Schemers

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    At first glance the story seems to be about two schemers, but it is really about faith and GOd’s sovereignty.

    Genesis 30:25-43 October 5, 2003 Stories have layers. Sometimes you get one picture from the face value of the story. Yet at the same time you can get a different picture if you dig a little deeper. For example, a few weeks ago Pastor Josh gave one picture of the VBS in Wallaceburg. more