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Sermons on cultural influence:

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  • Under The Influence Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on May 15, 2012

    There are at least three dynamics to be considered when planning worship.

    “The Word on Worship: Under the Influence” Acts 10: 23-48 Whatever happened to the day when the Sunday worship services could be planned in a matter of minutes. Bulletins were ordered a year at a time with the worship order already printed on the inside cover; the only thing which more

  • Influencers Series

    Contributed by Perry Fowler on Oct 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The word "influencer" is a big word in our culture. Moses was a big influencer in Judaism; but where did Jesus fit in? Who influenced the most? Moses or Jesus. Who influences your life the most? Jesus or someone with a platform? What difference does Jesus make? How does He influence us?

    Today, almost anyone can be a celebrity. With the expansion of social media there are people who with an iPhone and camera can become what is called “an influencer.” The title “influencer” is a huge word in our culture. Influencers are everywhere. The title “influencer” means: “to power to more

  • Why Did We Change The Grape Juice To Wine In The Communion Cup?

    Contributed by Scott Carroll on May 21, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A Biblical View of Wine and the Cultural Influences that Shaped the Church to Change Its Practice of Communion

    Why Did We Change the Grape Juice to Wine in the Communion Cup? A Biblical View of Wine and the Cultural Influences that Shaped the Church to Change Its Practice of Communion The Use of Wine in the Bible Before I speak directly about the element of wine in communion, it is necessary to take a more

  • Seven Spheres Of Influence Series (Introduction/Church) Series

    Contributed by Steve Greene on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    This message is the introduction to a four part series about how the church today needs to be involved in shaping every aspect of American culture.

    Seven Spheres of Influence Series Connecting to our Culture (Introduction – Church) There was a renewed sense of God’s presence and power as well as an awakened sensitivity to His purpose and calling. As a result of Nehemiah’s effort... Those OUTSIDE the walls CHANGED their opinion about who more

  • The 7 Mountains Of Influence In Society: Education, Religion, & Media Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 5, 2021

    I’d like to talk with you today about the 7 mountains of influence in society. I’m super excited about going through this teaching with you, it’s a great biblical teaching, it originates with teachers like Francis Schaeffer and Bill Bright.

    I’d like to talk with you today about the 7 mountains of influence in society. I’m super excited about going through this teaching with you, it’s a great biblical teaching, it originates with teachers like Francis Schaeffer and Bill Bright. And we’re gonna look at the seven key areas of society more

  • A Cultural Salvation

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Apr 11, 2010

    The Resurrection leads us to much more than a personal salvation.

    2010-04-07 A Cultural Salvation We have spoken at length about personal Salvation. We just celebrated the Resurrection of Christ last week, as we really do every week, but especially at Easter. We all know the feeling that exists within our hearts before our personal resurrection experience more

  • Influence And Conformity

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Feb 15, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    We will be influenced - but the Word tells us Do not be conformed. Who and what are influencing us, and to what effect?

    Influence and Conformity TCF Sermon February 7, 2010 Open with on-stage re-enactment/illustration of this scenario (see below) � ask individuals in your church to come: A few years ago psychologist Ruth W. Berenda and her associates carried out an interesting experiment with teenagers designed more

  • Christ Or Culture

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Dec 5, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    In exalting Christ we resist the leavening influence of cultural traditions upon Christian truth.

    CHRIST OR CULTURE Sunday, November 26, 2006 Pastor Brian Matherlee The Bible tells us to be prepared to give a defense in all things so I searched for some Scriptures that could help in some touch situations you might encounter over the next several weeks: When your wife asks you to help with the more

  • And Then... Number 2 (The Wonder Years) Series

    Contributed by Joel Newman on Jan 22, 2022

    After being born again, we are babes/children in Christ, and we are "raised" by the Spirit, and our earthly Christian influences.

    And Then… #2 Growth and Development Opening Readings For the Entire Series: “His lord said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’” (Matthew 25:23 NKJV) For Today’s more

  • Seven Spheres Of Influence Series (Education/Family) Series

    Contributed by Steve Greene on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the second message in the Seven Spheres of Influence series, exploring the church’s role in shaping American culture.

    Seven Spheres of Influence Series: Education and Family Connecting to our Culture The Seven Spheres of Influence are Arts and Entertainment, Business, Church, Education, Family, Media, Politics and Government. Colossians 3:12-17 (NLT) 12 Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you more

  • Seven Spheres Of Influence Series (Arts, Entertainment And Media ) Series

    Contributed by Steve Greene on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    This is the fourth in the series on how the church and Christians are to be involved in shaping American culture.

    Seven Spheres of Influence Series (Arts, Entertainment and Media ) Connecting to our Culture The Great Commission … Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT) 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new more

  • The Call To An Exemplary Life

    Contributed by Jack Perkins, D.min., Ladc, Csac, Cclc on Aug 28, 2023

    Paul writes to an audience steeped in the Greco-Roman culture. The message is a call to transform their minds, avoid the cultural influences that pull them away from the call of Jesus. He calls them to an exemplary lifestyle.

    While in Louisiana for the memorial service for her brother, we drove by a home we built while working as an engineer on the railroad. The home was a super nice home with 3,000 sq ft. On previous trips we witnessed it was empty and deteriorating. This time we were shocked; I wish I could show you more

  • Seven Spheres Of Influence Series (Business/Politics) Series

    Contributed by Steve Greene on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    This is the third in a series exploring how the church and Christians are to be involved in shaping Ameircan culture.

    Seven Spheres of Influence Series (Business/Politics) Connecting to our Culture – Part 3 Colossians 3:23-24, 4:1 Observations from the Business Sphere: 1. All of us live at least a portion of our lives in the business sphere. 2. Business is not just about a paycheck. It’s not just about more

  • Kingdom Collision Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    As followers of Jesus, we face a daily choice between living for the kingdom of culture or the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God brings love, grace, and hope, while the kingdom of culture often focuses on power and control.

    Today, we're going to talk about a cool story from the Bible that has a lot to do with the choices we make every day. It's about two kingdoms colliding and the tough decisions that come with it. So, let's dive in! Our story comes from John 18:28-39. It's about Jesus being brought before Pontius more

  • Be Influencers

    Contributed by David Taylor on Oct 7, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    What it means to be salt and light

    Sermon on Mount Being a People of Influence In the SOM, Jesus’ aim was to create a lifestyle in his followers that would make people think about the value of God, or to glorify God. Jesus goes from talking about persecution to being salt and light that is being an influence in the world around more

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