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  • The Revival Of Praise & Worship Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Feb 4, 2017

    The Revival of Praise & Worship through the adoration of 1) God’s Greatness (Psalm 145:1–6) 2) God’s Goodness (Psalm 145:7–10) 3) God’s Government (Psalm 145:11–13) and 4) God’s Grace (Psalm 145:14–21).

    Today is Super bowl Sunday. There is no bigger sports phenomena in the world for a combination of viewership, marketing, advertising and hype. As excited as people get for sporting events, it’s no exaggeration that there are Super bowl fanatics. Celebrating their favourite team, and player, more

  • Estrategia Maestra: Corrección

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jun 24, 2019

    El discipulado es un proceso de corrección de nuestras vida para ser más como Jesús

    No sé cómo sea en tu caso, pero yo he tenido aprendizajes significativos de mis errores, que incluso, se incorporan rápidamente a mi repertorio cognitivo. Por ejemplo, uno de los aprendizajes más vivenciales que he tenido fue cuando en una ocasión, mis hermanos y yo, siendo more

  • True Conversion Demonstrated Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Aug 24, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This message is an exposition of Philippians 3:7-11. Here Paul offers himself as an example of the changes that occur when a person is truly born again: (1) A Change in Values (2) A Change in Righteousness (3) A Change in Life Goals.

    We are in a study of Philippians. Our text today is found in Philippians 3:7-11. We will begin by reading that from the New International Version. “But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth more

  • Súmate Al Equipo Se Necesita Trabajo En Equipo Para Hacer Que El Sueño Funcione Aquí Es Mi Tiempo

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Nov 7, 2020

    Este sermón trata sobre la importancia de darle nuestro tiempo a Dios. Nunca sabemos cuánto tiempo tenemos para servir a Dios. O estamos invirtiendo, malgastando o compartiendo nuestro tiempo.

    Súmate al equipo Se necesita trabajo en equipo para hacer que el sueño funcione Aquí es mi tiempo 8/11/2020 Salmo 90: 1-12 Marcos 3: 13-19 Estamos en la parte 2 de nuestra serie “Súmate al equipo: se necesita trabajo en equipo para hacer que el sueño funcione. La semana more

  • El Rey Nació: Su Linaje

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Dec 1, 2023

    Jesús es hijo de Abraham, Hijo de David, es el Cristo.

    Hoy comenzamos nuestra nueva serie del mes de diciembre: “El rey nació”. En esta serie estaremos recordando y celebrando la venida del Señor Jesucristo en su encarnación, según lo relatado en el evangelio de Mateo. La encarnación de Jesucristo es una doctrina importante more

  • Toda La Verdad: Hay Autoridad

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Feb 11, 2023

    Jesucristo es la autoridad en el cielo y en la tierra.

    El 23 de agosto de 2021, el periódico El Clarín, en su versión digital, publicó la siguiente nota: Raphael Samuel, un joven de 27 años que vive en la India, demandó a sus padres por haber nacido sin su propio consentimiento. "Quiero que comprendan que no les more

  • Vida En El Pacto: Los Mandamientos Del Pacto

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jan 20, 2023

    En el pacto de gracia hay mandamientos para cumplir.

    Éxodo 20 Los veranos de casi toda mi infancia y adolescencia temprana los pasaba en Chuburná Puerto. Allá mis padres tenían una casa que estaba cercana a las instalaciones del Campamento Federico R. Passler. Cuando había actividad de campamento, me unía al programa more

  • Deja De Desperdiciar Tus Talentos

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jun 7, 2023

    Esta es la quinta y última de la serie sobre las consecuencias de la decisión del rey David de perseguir a Betsabé. Esto se enfoca en Absalón y el mal uso de sus talentos

    Deja de desperdiciar tus talentos Por Rick Gillespie-Mobley 2 Samuel 13:20-18:33 Resumen: Esta es la quinta y última de la serie sobre las consecuencias de la decisión del rey David de perseguir a Betsabé. Esto se enfoca en Absalón y el mal uso de sus more

  • God Says Worship Me! - Genesis 1:1-5 Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Jul 23, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    I want to increase your worship capacity today. I want to energize your personal worship experience. I think that’s what’s going to happen today as we look at Genesis 1. That your personal worship will grow and increase.

    Well today is an exciting day for us because we’re starting a new study. This new study is in the book of Genesis. What I’ve tried to do in this study is I want us to go back to our roots. So if we understand the book of Genesis it can help us so much as we’re moving through just the rest of the more

  • Questions Thinking People Ask Series

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Feb 3, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Part 1 of series of sermons on this topic--inspired by Adam Hamilton who did a similar series in his congregation, Church of the Resurrection

    (I have included web sites that I researched in the text of the sermon) (Graphic: ) SLIDE 1 Prayer Greeting, attendance pads, Class 101 Read gospel: SLIDE 2 Matthew 2:1-2 Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of more

  • Five Stones For Victory

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Apr 15, 2009
    based on 16 ratings

    david and goliath

    By any earthy standard, the outcome of this battle would be "sure thing." However, when God enters the picture the entire outcome becomes quite different because of faith. It is interesting that David chose five smooth stones from the brook when only one was needed. Why did David do this? There is more

  • Five Stones For Victory

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Jun 2, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Putting on the armor of God

    By any earthy standard, the outcome of this battle would be "sure thing." However, when God enters the picture the entire outcome becomes quite different because of faith. It is interesting that David chose five smooth stones from the brook when only one was needed. Why did David do this? There is more

  • Can You Hear His Voice Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Sep 10, 2010

    As we hear the voice of God, we are to respond in worship through 1) Rejoicing (Psalm 95:1-5), 2) Reverence (Psalm 95:6-7b) & 3) Remembering (Psalm 95:7c-11)

    Physicist Stephen Hawking made headlines this past week for taking on arguably the most influential scientist in human history, Sir Isaac Newton. Newton, the 17th century scientist who left enduring legacies in mathematics and the natural sciences. Newton warned centuries ago against using the law more

  • Five Stones For Victory

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    david and the palistines

    By any earthy standard, the outcome of this battle would be "sure thing." However, when God enters the picture the entire outcome becomes quite different because of faith. It is interesting that David chose five smooth stones from the brook when only one was needed. Why did David do this? There is more

  • Clamor Del Hombre, Respuesta De Dios Series

    Contributed by Kenton Wood on Jan 1, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Quien es el Esp Sto y cual es su tarea actual en los creyentes y en el mundo.

    16 Mayo 2010 Juan 16: 5-15 CLAMOR DEL HOMBRE, RESPUESTA DE DIOS ¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo? # 1 en serie: Poder Para Vivir TODA PERSONA EN EL MUNDO TIENE DOS GRANDES NECESIDADES ESPIRITUALES. ° La more

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