Sermon Series

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  • 1. God Says Worship Me! - Genesis 1:1-5

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    I want to increase your worship capacity today. I want to energize your personal worship experience. I think that’s what’s going to happen today as we look at Genesis 1. That your personal worship will grow and increase.

    Well today is an exciting day for us because we’re starting a new study. This new study is in the book of Genesis. What I’ve tried to do in this study is I want us to go back to our roots. So if we understand the book of Genesis it can help us so much as we’re moving through just the rest of the more

  • 2. Hold It Together - Genesis 1:6-20

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The problem is we don’t know what to worship just by looking at the scriptures. Some people mistake that to be worship creation itself. Some people worship creation instead of the Creator. They misunderstand the message.

    We’re studying the book of Genesis and we start, of course, with Genesis 1 which is creation. Last week we looked at God created the heavens and the earth. We looked at day one where God created light. One of the things we said is here’s what happens when you start to look at creation. There is a more

  • 3. You Are Somebody Important - Genesis 1:20-31

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
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    In the second statement that’s being broadcast is this broadcast statement that God makes that says I can hold it all together and I want to hold you together.

    As we look at the book of Genesis, we start Genesis, we see that we have three different statements that are coming out of creation. I just want to remind you because we’ve looked at these over the last three weeks. The first statement that we have when we see creation is “worship me.” Now whenever more

  • 4. Why We Don't Observe Sabbath - Or Do We? - Genesis 2:1-3

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
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    On the seventh day God rested. So today we’re going to ask the question, what do we do with the Sabbath day?

    If you’d open your Bibles with me to Genesis 2 today. We’re in Genesis 2. I entitled this series of messages that we’re working on “Understanding Your Roots.” It's this whole study in the book of Genesis. The reason I call it “Understanding Your Roots” is because if you understand the book of more

  • 5. Marriage Isn't Cure For Loneliness Genesis 2:4-20

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
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    We need to talk about this issue of loneliness.

    Well today we’re going to talk about loneliness. The reason we’re going to talk about that is because we all experience the challenges of loneliness in our lives. We need to have a plan for dealing with that. So part of what that means is we need to know how to handle our own selves when it comes more

  • 6. How To Have A Great Marriage - Genesis 2:18-25

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
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    I think that sometimes when we get to this subject of marriage we find ourselves in a challenging place and we need to be able to acknowledge it.

    Each week I create a title for the sermon and I do that because they create images and they put this online so that we can find it the next time it comes out or that something else happens. So we can find it in our blog and so on. This week I created the title for this message: How to Have a Great more

  • 7. Never Have A Discussion With A Talking Snake! - Genesis 3:1-7

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
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    I’ll share with you things about temptation.

    I’m really glad that you are here, either online or here, because it makes a statement about you that you are interested in growing spiritually. That’s something we have in common. That we want to grow spiritually. That’s what Calvary Chapel is about. You know the value of learning. We never stop more

  • 8. Increasing Your Quality Of Life - Genesis 3:7-24

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    If you’re working on economic development or in third world countries or things to help them, you’re trying to improve their quality of life.

    Today I want to talk to you about quality of life. Quality of life is an issue that we mention a lot in life. If you are struggling with a terminal disease, for example, and you’re trying to wrestle with trying a treatment like chemotherapy or something, one of the questions asked is it’s a quality more

  • 9. 3 Lessons All Children Need To Know - Genesis 4

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
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    He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.

    Well let’s pick up the story where we left off last week because as we were looking at our story last week we talked about Adam and Eve and how they sinned. So we left off with the consequences of their sin. We talked about the curse that God proclaims on each of them and we learned some things more

  • 10. Why We Want And Need Heroes - Genesis 6-7

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    We all love and need heroes in our lives. Because what heroes do is they emulate something that we want, something that we need, something that we’re looking forward to.

    We all love and need heroes in our lives. Because what heroes do is they emulate something that we want, something that we need, something that we’re looking forward to. Just think about heroes that you have in your life. What heroes are you attracted to. You see I think we’re attracted to heroes more

  • 11. Three Life Truths We Need Today - Genesis 8-9

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Have you ever thought about Noah and recognized that God gave a lot of instructions to Noah about how to get into the ark, about all the things to do about getting into the ark.

    Have you ever thought about Noah and recognized that God gave a lot of instructions to Noah about how to get into the ark, about all the things to do about getting into the ark. But He doesn’t give him a lot of instructions coming off the ark. In fact there's this bird thing going on where more

  • 12. A Deadly Character Flow - Pride - Genesis 11

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    I’m surprised that my wife married me. Because if you hear our story of how we met, the very first time that we met Carrie was impressed with my arrogance.

    Today I’d like to talk to you about pride. How many of you would say you have a problem with the sin of pride? I find it hard. It's kind of frustrating. Can I just say it’s a frustrating topic to preach about? I think it’s frustrating to preach about it because the people who need to hear about more

  • 13. Are You A Bucket Or A Hose? - Genesis 12:1-9

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    God wants to bless you. How many of you are already blessed?

    God wants to bless you. How many of you are already blessed? Alright. So you already experienced the blessing of God. God wants to bless you more. The word ‘blessing’ is this idea of gift. God wants to give you gifts. He wants to bless you with these gifts. When we say bless the Lord, O my soul, more

  • 14. It's Time For A Spiritual Tune Up - Genesis 15

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    We have a time in Abraham’s life where he really needs to kind of get it back together.

    Well over the last several weeks we’ve been looking at the life of Abraham. We followed Him as he left Ur and he went up to Haran and then came back down to Palestine. We tagged along with him as he went into Egypt where he lied and not so many good things there happened. But then he came back to more

  • 15. The Secret Weapon - Genesis 16

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    When someone mistreats you at work, someone mistreats you at home, someone mistreats you at school or in any situation, this is the secret weapon.

    Today I’m going to share with you a truth that you need in your life. Some of you are going to need this tool that I’m going to share right now in your hearts. The challenges you’re facing right now require this tool to be ready and available for you so you can put it into practice now. It’s a word more

  • 16. Think Bigger! - Genesis 17

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    It’s the comments that he made about the games that really influenced me quite a bit in how I perceived myself and what that did for me.

    When I was growing up I grew up in a Christian home with parents who really had it together. I’m really grateful. My dad every evening before we went to bed he would play game with us. I remember playing games with my dad as a preschooler, elementary, even early teenager, we were playing games more

  • 17. Entertaining Angels - Genesis 18:1-15

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    Abraham and Sarah and then Hagar. That’s a challenge for all of them and we see how God deals with each person individually.

    Please open your Bibles with me to Genesis 18. We’re going verse by verse through the book of Genesis. It’s a great trek for us to be wandering through Genesis and learning practical principles along the way. We come to this one section in Genesis 16-18 that’s about this fractured family. Abraham more

  • 18. The Sexually Healthy Church - Genesis 18:16-33

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    Now I do think it’s important to talk to children about sexuality.

    Today we’re going to look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. So for those of you who are online, I just want to remind you as I’ve tried to share with you in advance already that this is probably not appropriate for children nine years and younger. Now I do think it’s important to talk to children more

  • 19. What Is Your Integrity Quotient? - Genesis 20

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    Did you know that there are only three people in the Bible that are said to have integrity.

    Did you know (I didn’t know this before this week) that there are only three people in the Bible that are said to have integrity. Now there are lots of people who had integrity in the Bible, don’t get me wrong. But only three people the word ‘integrity’ is used to describe them. One of them is Job. more

  • 20. Tickled By The Promises Of God - Genesis 21:1-21

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    So let’s see what God has to say to us and for us from Sarah’s perspective in this story.

    Well I thank you for joining with us and being here today. We’re going to look at Genesis 21 and Galatians 4. I call this two-for-one Sunday because actually there’s going to be two sermons today. These two sermons are represented in the passage that we’re going to look at, both in the Old more

  • 21. No Plan B - Genesis 22

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    Abraham goes up with Isaac to the top of Mount Moriah to sacrifice his son.

    It was 11:30 in the morning on May 29, 1953 when the BBC announced that two people had reached the top of Mount Everest for the very first time. Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa guide made it all the way to the top on this expedition they were on. It took a lot of people to be involved in this more

  • 22. It Is Better To Go To A Funeral Than A Wedding - Genesis 23

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    Sarah is the first one of those six people who dies and Abraham is going to obtain this place to bury her.

    If you were to travel to Israel today there would be a list of things you would want to visit and see. If you’re Jewish the number one visiting place would be the Wailing Wall, which is that wall of the leftover of the old Temple that’s still there. People will take their prayer requests and more

  • 23. Boy Meets Girl - Genesis 24

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    You’ve heard that it’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Of course that’s true. We can read a picture book to a child and they can get all into that even not having any words to look at.

    You’ve heard that it’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Of course that’s true. We can read a picture book to a child and they can get all into that even not having any words to look at. It's been said that in the New Testament for every New Testament truth there’s an Old more

  • 24. You're A Winner! - Genesis 25

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    Esau sold his birthright to Jacob.

    It’s fun to listen to the birds out there, isn’t it? Alright. Question: Who knows the longest running game show on TV? What do you know? What do you think it is? Not Jeopardy. What else? The Price Is Right! Not the Wheel of Fortune. The Price Is Right. In 1956 The Price is Right came out. It’s more

  • 25. Increase Your Quality Of Life With This One Big Idea - Genesis 26

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    There's much said about quality of life on a number of different planes.

    There's much said about quality of life on a number of different planes. You can go to certain lists of states that have a better quality of life than others. But today I want to zero in on a truth that will increase your quality of life. In fact you know there are several different biblical more

  • 26. One Thing To Boost Your Faith - Genesis 12:10-20

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    Now Abraham is one of those guys we see a tremendous amount of faith.

    Well today we’re going to get out the faith meter and we’re going to measure the faith of the superheroes in the Bible. We’re going to look at one of them in particular. We’re going to look at Abraham and we’re going to ask the question how is his faith doing. Now Abraham is one of those guys we more

  • 27. When You Trust The Lord You Get The Better Deal - Genesis 13

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    I’m sure that you know someone whose life is so complicated because they made bad decisions.

    I’m sure that you know someone whose life is so complicated because they made bad decisions. They make one bad decision, it leads to other bad decisions and then life gets so complicated. You get to a place where you wonder how are they ever going to get out of this problem. It is so deep of a hole more

  • 28. Check Your Motivation - Genesis 14

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    Motives are those things that are kind of inside the heart of a person. Caleb even says when he thinks about the heart that’s what he thinks about.

    Today we’re going to look at motives. I want you to just examine your own motives for a bit. Motives are those things that are kind of inside the heart of a person. Caleb even says when he thinks about the heart that’s what he thinks about. He thinks about motives. That’s what is this deeper stuff more

  • 29. The Blessing - Genesis 27

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
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    We use the word ‘dysfunction’ to describe a family that has some challenges in it.

    We use the word ‘dysfunction’ to describe a family that has some challenges in it. Many of you know what that means when we talk about dysfunction because you grew up in a dysfunctional home, a challenging home where there was dysfunction and difficulties. Others of you have challenges inside your more

  • 30. Don't Leave Home Without It - Genesis 28

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Maybe it’s just every day when you get up you need to be thinking about what God is doing that is new and moving you forward.

    Well in our story today we go to Genesis 28. It's a story about a man leaving home. He’s moving out. Which gives us some great applications for our lives. If you’re a young person today, you’re going to end up moving out of your house. So you’ll find some very specific applications in this more