Robert's church

Southside Christian Church
Versailles, Kentucky 40383
859 8791775

About Robert
  • Education: BS from Georgia Tech, MDiv. from Emmanuel School of Religion.
  • Experience: 15 years in full-time pastorate.
  • Family: Wife, two kids.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Mom says to stick to preaching, not singing. Thanks mom.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She gets tired of hearing them over and over, and cringes when I mention her name.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Even though we don’t remember every meal we eat, each meal keeps us going another day. That helps when preaching to those who have been in the church for decades.
  • Books that have had an impact: Phil Yancey’s books. Anything by John MacArthur or John Piper. Tony Evan’s ’Kingdom Agenda.’
  • Hobbies: Reading, hiking, computer games.
  • What I want on my tombstone: I’d rather that Jesus return before I die.
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Newest Sermons

  • Matthew 2:1-12 "The Adoration Of The Magi"

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2011
    based on 10 ratings

    Part of an expository series on the Gospel of Matthew, focusing on the adoration of the Magi, encouraging us all to adore the Savior.

    “The Adoration of the Magi” Matthew 2:1-12 Robert Warren January 18th, 2009 Last week I introduced our Great Commission Mission and if you remember the very first and most important part of that mission was to Adore God. Loving God is the first and greatest of all the more

  • The Master's Men: Peter

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2010

    This sermon series looks at the apostles of Jesus; this particular sermon focuses on Peter.

    The Apostle Peter Matthew 10:2a July 11th, 2010 If you’ve ever gone into a fancy church you’ve probably seen pictures or statues of the Apostles. Growing up in Germany there were beautiful cathedrals all over the place: you couldn’t throw a rock without hitting a huge, more

  • The Bad Girls Of Jesus' Genealogy

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    By examining the four women in Jesus’ genealogy we see God’s love and grace by sending a savior for all people.

    “The Bad Girls of Jesus’ Genealogy” Matthew 1:1-17 Robert Warren Westmoreland Church of Christ March 6th, 2005 1. Once again I am going to preach from Matthew 1:1-17 which is the genealogy, or family tree, of Jesus, the son of Abraham, the Son of David. a. Last week we looked at the whole more

  • The Genealogy Of Jesus

    Contributed on Mar 2, 2005
    based on 46 ratings

    Though it might sound boring to preach on the genealogy of Jesus, this sermon received more favorable comments than any I’ve preached, it shows the lengths that God went through to save us through the genealogy of Jesus (and goes well with my prior sermon

    “The Genealogy of Jesus” Sermon Series on Matthew Matthew 1:1-17 Robert Warren Westmoreland Church of Christ February 26th, 2005 A genealogy is a list of a person’s ancestor, showing their family tree. To be honest, they are usually not very interesting. They list name after name of more

  • The Promise Fulfilled

    Contributed on Mar 2, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Shows from Matthew 1:1 that God fulfilled His promise to provide a sacrifice and a king through Jesus, "the son of Abraham and the son of David."

    Matthew 1:1 “The Promise Fulfilled” Robert Warren Westmoreland Church of Christ February 20th, 2004 Matthew 1:1, “A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham:” We Christians are a funny bunch. Have you ever stopped to think that we are the only more

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