Scott's church

GraceWay Bible Church
Hamilton, New Jersey 08619

About Scott
  • Education: Dr. Scott Turansky obtained his doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary and two masters degrees from Western Seminary.
  • Experience: Scott has been a pastor for over 45 years and also is the co-founder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. You may visit that organization online at He teaches parenting seminars most weekends a year all over the country. He’s co-authored sixteen books on parenting and has six video training programs used in churches. He is also a professor at Concordia University where he teaches the Masters Level Parenting Course to students who are obtaining a Family Life Education Degree. He teaches each Sunday verse by verse through the Bible., emphasizing practical application.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: The Fatherhood of God
  • Family: Scott is married to Carrie for over 45 years, and they have five children and eleven grandchildren. Scott is a professor at Concordia University. He also heads up the National Center for Biblical Parenting where he trains Biblical Parenting Coaches all around the world in an online training. You can learn more at
  • Hobbies: Scott enjoys walking, gardening, pastoring, writing, reading, and traveling.
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Newest Sermons

  • The Search For Truth

    Contributed on Jan 1, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The further you pursue science in any discipline, you're going to get to Jesus Christ. Because that's where the truth is. If you have an open heart and you pursue science to its fullest, you're going to get to God and you're going to understand more about who God is.

    Today we're going to look at the wise men. In order to look at the wise men, we have to go back about 600 years to start our story. The story takes place, I'm going to say, about 600 years before with a man named Belteshazzar. You might not know him. You might know him as Daniel. The more

  • Joseph’s Obedience

    Contributed on Jan 1, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Joseph is the unsung hero of Christ's early life. Through obedience, he impacted Mary, he impacted Jesus, he impacted the other children, and I think he impacted Jesus’ entire ministry.

    Sometimes there's words that we just don't like. Sometimes it's because of the way they sound. Some sound weird or sometimes they conjure up something kind of gross. One word that I don't like is the word ‘maggot.’ Really, if you think of maggots, is anything pleasant ever really more

  • The Power Of The Cross

    Contributed on Jan 1, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The power of the cross is so great that we've chosen to make this cross the emblem. We look at that cross and we don't just think about death, we think about life.

    I think there's something inside of all of our hearts that loves superheroes. I think that as I was growing up, I really liked the Old Testament Bible stories of Samson, David, Moses, and Joshua. Those are great stories. I can imagine the Jewish young men growing up, the disciples themselves more

  • A Hidden Kingdom

    Contributed on Jan 1, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This is a kingdom where He's going to overthrow the power of sin in your life. This is a kingdom where He's going to come in and reign with peace in your heart. That's the kind of kingdom that Jesus is bringing in.

    Imagine being a disciple, maybe Peter or Andrew or James or John, and the resurrection is taking place. Jesus ascended into heaven and you're kind of lying there on your bed sometimes, and you go, “Whoa, do you remember what He did then? Oh, now I remember why He did that.” Particularly while more

  • The Gratitude/Resentment Test

    Contributed on Dec 25, 2022

    We all need gratitude because gratitude is one of those things that God has designed to keep us centered in our lives.

    Do you know the difference between gratitude and gratefulness? Gratitude is something inside of your heart. Gratefulness is something you do. Or thankfulness is something you do. When you have gratefulness or you have thankfulness, those are really exercises that build gratitude inside of hearts. more

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