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  • The Blessings Of Unity & Hope Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Nov 22, 2015

    In Christ we have a living hope that lifts us from fear and despair. We also have unity, which is not uniformity but a celebration of diversity. We are truly blessed.

    Bible Blessings – the Blessings of Unity & Hope, Romans 15:5-13 -Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts (22 November 2015) With Thanksgiving approaching, we have lots of blessings to be thankful for. We've seen in this series that the Bible is a treasury more

  • Maintaining The Unity Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jul 4, 2018

    The theme of this letter is "Christian Unity." Paul had established many churches, and watched them grow, so he realized that without unity, nothing else really matters.

    The Book of Ephesians By: Tom Lowe Date: 8/3/17 Lesson 16: Maintaining the Unity (Ephesians 4:1-6) Ephesians 4:1-6 (KJV) 1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2 With all more

  • God Has A Great Concern For Christian Unity Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on May 3, 2024

    That's why... 1. God gave us a preacher of unity (vs. 1). 2. God puts a priority on our unity (vs. 3). 3. God points us to His pattern of unity (vs. 4-6).

    God Has A Great Concern for Christian Unity Ephesians 4:1-6 Sermon by Rick Crandall Series: The Book of Ephesians (Prepared May 3, 2024) BACKGROUND: *The Lord has always had a great concern for unity in His Church. Even the first Apostles had to overcome bitter jealousy and arguments. Mark more

  • Love And Unity In The Community

    Contributed by Mark Engler on Jan 2, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    The first century Christians at Rome struggled with unity in their Christian community, the church of today does too. If are to accomplish the mission of Christ, Christians must work together in unity as one mind, one heart.

    Love and Unity in the Community Romans 14:1-15:13 INTRO: A man said: I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. I immediately ran over and said, “Stop! Don’t jump!” “Why shouldn’t I?” he said. I said, more

  • “a Committed Christian Advocates For Christian Unity” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Feb 19, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    How does a committed Christina promote unity within the body of Christ?

    In our passage, when we are told that the church in Jerusalem was “all together,” the emphasis is not only on the fact that they were in a particular place, but that they met with a particular purpose. The description here is not just one that speaks of their physical location, but also more

  • Jesus Prays For The Unity Of His Church

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on May 7, 2018

    How is Christian unity different than earthly concepts of unity?

    Jesus Prays for the Unity of His Church John 17:20-26 Today we come to the third part of the Lord’s great prayer. He had prayed for Himself in the upcoming arrest, trial and crucifixion. But the disciples and we too overhear the prayer as well. This reminds us of who Jesus, His relationship to the more

  • Preserving Unity Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jun 17, 2014

    To build a strong church, preserving the unity that is ours in Christ, don't underestimate or overestimate yourselves. Instead, be faithful to serve, focusing on those things we share in common.

    A woman was sitting in the waiting room for her first appointment with a new dentist. She noticed his DDS diploma, which bore his full name. Suddenly, she remembered that a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in her high school class so many years ago. “Could this be more

  • Communion And Unity Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 17, 2009

    Eucharist is the supreme manifestation of the unity of Christians

    January 19, 2009 Sacramentum Caritatis There is a special co-incidence of today’s readings, the week of prayer for Christian unity, and the words of the Holy Father in Sacramentum Caritatis, where we are at article 15. This Mass, this memorial of Christ, is the supreme sacramental manifestation more

  • Community Is Unity Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 30, 2014

    A sermon on what the Holy Spirit gives (or wants to give) to the church (Material adapted from Daniel Overdorf's book, Rediscovering Community, chapter 9 Spirit Empowered)

    HoHum: Imagine Clark Kent living his whole life without knowing he was Superman. Can we picture Clark Kent on his deathbed, looking down and muttering, “What’s that big “S” on my T-shirt? Superman? What’s that?” How sad! Even sadder is the fact that more

  • Unity Of Believers

    Contributed by Warren Curry on Dec 19, 2024

    Too many believers have been plagued by identity politics... Identifying oneself with a narrower description rather than what truly matters... Christian, child of God, follower of Jesus

    Christians, believers, disciples, followers, children of God, brethren, the church, saints, people of God and others… • Each of these terms are used in Scripture to describe those who belong to God • But not just belong to God, but belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ • Jesus is the unifying more

  • Christian Hospitality

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 9, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    How important is it to be a welcoming church? How are we received? How do we receive faithful Bible teachers, each other, and new or weak disciples? Let’s look at the importance of hospitality in Matthew 10:40-42.

    How important is it to be a welcoming church? How are we received? How do we receive faithful Bible teachers, each other, and new or weak disciples? Let’s look at the importance of hospitality in Matthew 10:40-42. Now it happened one day that Elisha went to Shunem, where there was a notable woman… more

  • Unity In Christ Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jul 11, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    It should be the desire of every Christian to work towards unity.

    Unity In Christ Text: Eph. 4:1-10 Introduction 1. Illustration: A farmer noticed a highway department truck pulling over on to the shoulder of the road. A man got out and dug a hole, then got back into the truck. Then the other occupant got out, filled up the hole and got back in the truck. more

  • "Now We See A Reflection"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jun 3, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    A sermon on Christian unity through love.

    "Now We See A Reflection" 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Tom Long, Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology, Emory University tells a story about meeting a man while fishing in a stream. They got to talking, and the man asked Tom what he did for a living. Tom told him and the man said, "I more

  • Unity In The Church: And The Boundaries Of Unity Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jun 6, 2024

    We have a perfect example from Jesus about what it means to walk in unity. On Earth, Jesus sought to do the perfect will of God the Father.

    You can tell when you walk into a church, and spend any amount of time there, whether that church is united or not. What is Christian unity? We know it when we see it. We can feel it. You can feel the peace around the table. You can sense the peace and unity in the service, the bible studies, the more

  • "Getting Connected For Health" Series

    Contributed by Ron Newton on Oct 17, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    Christian unity is necessary for spiritual health.

    Spiritual Gifts Series # 3 Introduction 1. Illus... Asperger’s Syndrome from Homiletics Online / Source: Osborne, Lawrence. “The little professor syndrome.” New York Times Magazine. June 18, 2000, 55ff. The syndrome was first discovered in 1944 by Hans Asperger who noticed that certain autistic more