Warren's church

Clarion Church of Christ
Clarion, Iowa 50525

About Warren
  • Education: Graduate of Minnesota Bible College in Rochester, MN Bachelor of Science, Major: Biblical Studies & Theology Minors: Counseling & Youth Ministry. Liberty University M.A. in Human Services Counseling (Addiction & Recovery) M.A. Pastoral Counseling (Crisis Response & Trauma)
  • Experience: Fairmont Church of Christ, Fairmont, MN Summer of 95’ Kasson Church of Christ, Kasson, MN School year 95’- 96’ Footville Church of Christ, Footville, WI Summers 96’& 97’ Albany Chrisitan Church, Albany, GA January 1998 - July 2000 Faith Christian Church, Quincy, IL July 2000 - September 2001 Sheldon Church of Christ, Sheldon, WI October 2001 - July 2002 Kasson Church of Christ, Kasson, MN October 2003 - August 2008 Clarion Church of Christ, Clarion, IA September 2008 - Present
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I am just a guy who has felt God’s call on His life to serve in ministry. The sermons I have submitted are for the teaching of non believers, edification of believers and a challenge to the church to recognize the incredible gift we have received in Jesus our Lord and not to keep it to ourselves but to tell others wihtout fear when opportunities arise. I don’t have all the answers, and anyone who says they do is lying. I just desire to have an unconditional trust in God.
  • Family: Wife: Kara 3 Sons: Benjamin, Caleb, Nicolas
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My most honest critic throughout the years. I know she appreciates the messages, but she loves to point out "buzz" words that I repeat often. She has threatened to start having the congregation play "Sermon Bingo" while I am preaching, and they are to mark off the playing card every time I say one of the words I am known to say a lot. I'm sure it would be an interesting moment to have a member in the congregation stand and yell, "BINGO" some Sunday morning.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Having nerves before you get up to preach is healthy. You are getting up to share the most important truth anyone will ever hear and you don’t want to screw that up.
  • Books that have had an impact: Bible Salvation Belongs to Our God by Christopher J.H. Wright Lasting Investments by Kent Humphreys The 9-5 Window by Os Hillman Hebrews Through A Hebrews Eyes by Dr. Stuart Sacks Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch
  • Hobbies: Spending time with my wife & kids, reading, music, golfing, hunting, fishing (even though I don’t like touching fish), eating at Buffalo Wild Wings, watching old TV shows (especially Andy Griffith), John Wayne, sitting out back at home by an open fire enjoying the nature all around me, watching & experiencing thunderstorms with my family, road trips (to wherever), cooking large quantities of meat on the grill, mowing the lawn, making people laugh, dreaming about the future
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Once while preaching, I got a little to close to the pulpit, and without knowing it, a post-it note from inside the pulpit, attached itself to me in a very embarrassing location on the front of my pants. My wife and another lady from our congregation began signalling me from the back of the sanctuary. I thought my zipper was down. When I positioned myself back behind the pulpit, I non-descreetly reached down for my zipper and discovered the issue. I brushed it off & carried on.
  • What I want on my tombstone: A man who pleased God.
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Newest Sermons

  • Unity Of Believers

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2024

    Too many believers have been plagued by identity politics... Identifying oneself with a narrower description rather than what truly matters... Christian, child of God, follower of Jesus

    Christians, believers, disciples, followers, children of God, brethren, the church, saints, people of God and others… • Each of these terms are used in Scripture to describe those who belong to God • But not just belong to God, but belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ • Jesus is the unifying more

  • Intimacy With God

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2024

    Intimacy is more than knowing about someone... it's actually knowing them and being known by them.

    Have you ever considered yourself a man/woman who has intimacy with God? I know, the term intimacy brings to mind certain images/thoughts we might reserve for husbands and wives, but intimacy with God ought to go further and deeper than that. Hosea 2:19-20 (NLT) (God describing the relationship He more

  • Avoid Quarreling

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2024

    Arguments happens... but avoiding them actually honors the Lord.

    Let’s be honest… we all have engaged in some form of argument, debate, or quarrel… • Parent/child • Siblings • Husband/wife • Co-workers • Boss/employee • Political stances • Sport rivalries • Cultural ideologies • Religious viewpoints • And most likely which direction the toilet paper should more

  • Satan & His Demons

    Contributed on Sep 26, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Recognizing the reality of the good angels, gives validation to the reality of the fallen angels. Yet, there are still those in our world today who are so caught up in the materialistic and secular culture that they deny any existence of a spiritual real

    Satan and His Demons (Taken from Neil Anderson’s "Bondage breaker") Last week, I lead us through the reality of the spiritual world and those parts of the invisible creation. We focused on specific beings/creatures known as angels. The focus was upon the angels of God who remain faithful and more

  • Dressed For Battle

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    A brief discussion on Spiritual Warfare. My own heart and mind are being stretched at the time of this sermon prep.

    Dressed for Battle Ephesians 6:10-18 The last few weeks we have been dealing with the things of the spiritual world. The last two weeks in specific, we have looked at the reality of our enemy the devil and his angels, A.K.A., demons. We began a journey back at the first of January in regards more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • From Hot Illustrations By Len ...

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    Illustration from Hot Illustrations by Len Kageler Just about everyone enjoys playing computer games. One of the best is Microsoft’s “Flight Simulator.” In most versions of the game, you can choose a prop plane or a Lear jet, and you can also choose which of 180 airports around the country to take more

  • The Attitude

    Contributed on Sep 22, 2004
    based on 3 ratings

    John Maxwell defines it this way: -- “The Attitude is an inward feeling more

  • A Businessman Owned A Warehouse That Had Sat ...

    Contributed on Sep 22, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    A businessman owned a warehouse that had sat empty for months and needed repairs. Vandals had damaged the doors, smashed the windows, and trash was everywhere inside the building. The businessman showed a prospective buyer the property and took great pains to say that he would replace the broken more

  • Have You Ever Been To A Church Where You Didn't ...

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2004
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever been to a church where you didn’t feel welcome? You went in and looked around the foyer area and no one greets you. You proceed through the doors into the sanctuary and find yourself a seat in the back row and begin to prepare yourself for the worship time. People come filing in more

  • We Know We Have A Healthy Body When Each And ...

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    We know we have a healthy body when each and every member is working together and looking out for one another. Paul uses a lot of analogies comparing the human body and the church. There is not one part of our body that is not dependent on another part. Behold, a team went forth to play a game more