Ken Sauer
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
The 4th Temptation
Contributed on Mar 5, 2025
A sermon about the temptation to believe God doesn't love us.
“The 4th Temptation” Luke 4:1-13 Who can tell me how many temptations Jesus faces in this morning’s Gospel Lesson? Three, right? That’s the obvious answer. It’s what we have been told or have come to believe. It’s what we just read. First, Jesus was tempted to turn stones into ...read more
Who Am I?
Contributed on Feb 26, 2025
A sermon about identity.
“Who Am I?” Luke 9:28-43 Jenny Caughman wrote a mid-week devotion for this past Wednesday that got me thinking. If you missed it, you might want to go back and have a look. If you don’t get the mid-week devotions sent to you by the church and you would like to, please add your email address in ...read more
Doing The Gospel
Contributed on Feb 19, 2025
How do we live out Jesus' call to love our enemies?
“Doing the Gospel” Luke 6:27-38 Raise your hand if you live by these instructions from Jesus all the time? Anyone? Why not? What’s gone wrong? Is Jesus way off base? Does He expect too much of us? Theologian N.T. Wright says the following about these instructions from Jesus in Luke ...read more
God Of The Marginalized
Contributed on Feb 13, 2025
A sermon comparing God's ways with our ways.
“God of the Marginalized” Luke 6:17-26 Something VERY radical is taking place here in Luke Chapter 6. Jesus is speaking to His disciples, His followers, His students and He is giving them their first lesson. But it sounds VERY strange to our ears, does it not? I mean, this isn’t the American ...read more
Now We See Only A Reflection
Contributed on Jan 29, 2025
A sermon about the primacy of love.
“Now We See Only a Reflection” 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 When I was a freshman in college, I had a radical conversion experience, for which I am forever grateful. What happened after that was a bit more troublesome. I happened along an extreme Fundamentalist Group on campus that believed the Bible ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
"24 Hours That Changed The World"
Contributed on Feb 14, 2013
What Gives Life Meaning?
Contributed on Dec 12, 2012
"What Gives Life Meaning?"
Contributed on Nov 28, 2012
Christmas Is Not Your Birthday"
Contributed on Dec 13, 2011
Chrsitmas Is Not Your Birthday
Contributed on Dec 7, 2011
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Hell At Ground Zero
Contributed on Sep 2, 2002
HELL AT GROUND ZERO Jerry Sillcocks is a New York firefighter and a Christian who helped search for survivors at “ground zero.” He writes that he and his co-workers called this place the “pit.” “Almost everywhere I looked, mighty columns of steel were twisted into sad, pointless ...read more
A Light Named Al
Contributed on Sep 2, 2002
A LIGHT NAMED AL On the morning of September 11, Jeannie Braca switched on the television to check the weather report, only to hear that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. Jeannie’s husband, Al, worked as a corporate bond trader for Cantor Fitzgerald. His office was on the 105th ...read more