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  • Por QuÉ Las Oraciones No Son Respondidas

    Contributed by James Dina on Jun 18, 2021

    He clamado a Dios y Él me ha escuchado, y ha atendido la voz de mi oración; bendito sea Dios, que no ha rechazado mi oración, ni ha alejado de mí su misericordia.

    POR QUÉ LAS ORACIONES NO SON RESPONDIDAS "Clamo a ti, y no me escuchas: Me levanto, y no me miras" (Job 30:20) He orado y clamado al "Dios que responde a la oración", pero Él no responde; tal vez no me ha escuchado. Esa es la pregunta que pasa por la mente de more

  • La Lluvia De Dios

    Contributed by Kelly Cabrera on Feb 7, 2010
    based on 31 ratings

    En la Palabra encontramos muchas veces la utilización de la lluvia como simbolismo de bendiciones. Así que por ello entendemos que hay una lluvia espiritual que cada hijo de Dios debe pedir que sea derramada en su vida.

    Levítico 26:4 Yo os enviaré las lluvias (guéshem-lluvia fuerte, abundante) a su tiempo, y la tierra y el árbol del campo darán su fruto. En la Palabra encontramos muchas veces la utilización de la lluvia como simbolismo de bendiciones. Así que por ello entendemos que hay una lluvia espiritual que more

  • Firmes En El Servicio A Dios

    Contributed by Joel Bethancourt on Sep 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Dios ha visto tu trabajo realizado en el pasado por El y quiere que sigas firme en tu servicio a El en el presente y de cara hacia el futuro. No seas perezoso, sino heredero de las promesas de Dios.

    Heb 6:10 Porque Dios no es injusto para olvidar vuestra obra y el trabajo de amor que habéis mostrado hacia su nombre, habiendo servido a los santos y sirviéndoles aún. Heb 6:11 Pero deseamos que cada uno de vosotros muestre la misma solicitud hasta el fin, para plena certeza de la more

  • Activando Su Gloria

    Contributed by Kelly Cabrera on Mar 21, 2010
    based on 25 ratings

    Todos anhelamos cada día experimentar la Gloria de Dios en nuestras vidas. Dios ha prometido a su pueblo mayor Gloria. Si logramos entender lo que es la Gloria de Dios y como activarla lograremos q esta promesa sea cumplida.

    Hageo 2:9 9 La gloria postrera de esta casa será mayor que la primera, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos; y daré paz en este lugar, dice Jehová de los ejércitos. Todos anhelamos cada día experimentar la Gloria de Dios en nuestras vidas y que la palabra dada por el profeta Hageo se active. Dios ha more

  • La Diferencia Esta En Tener Vision Series

    Contributed by Marco Vinicio Villatoro on Sep 9, 2014

    Puedes tener mucho conocimiento, pero eso no significa que seas sabio. O que sepas que hacer con la información que tienes. Probablemente sabes cuanta gente compra determinado artículo o cuán importante es cierto servicio o incluso sepas las necesidades

    Puedes tener mucho conocimiento, pero eso no significa que seas sabio. O que sepas que hacer con la información que tienes. Probablemente sabes cuanta gente compra determinado artículo o cuán importante es cierto servicio o incluso sepas las necesidades de las personas en tu iglesia; pero si no more

  • Walk On Water

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 29, 2020

    Who do we look to for help when we seem to be all alone and in total darkness as life tosses us about? Let’s understand that the One who loves us will come to our rescue. Let’s look at the story of a small boat in a stormy sea in Matthew 14:22-33.

    Who do we look to for help when we seem to be all alone and in total darkness as life tosses us about? Let’s understand that the One who loves us will come to our rescue. Let’s look at the story of a small boat in a stormy sea in Matthew 14:22-33. Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the more

  • Waiting For A Hot Ride Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 27, 2012
    based on 97 ratings

    How many times did God’s people cross water that had parted for them? And what does this simple trivia question tell us about God’s main message in Scripture?

    OPEN: I love trivia. I enjoy all kinds of trivia games. AND being a preacher, I especially love Bible trivia. In fact, I’ve even came up with my own Bible trivia question that I use sometimes to stump other preachers once in awhile. The Question: “How many times in Scripture did people cross more

  • What Is Your Scarlet Thread?

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Mar 20, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    The world is, for the most part, is in panic mode concerning the coronavirus. As Christians, what should be our response?

    Do you remember the story in the book of Joshua about the two men who were sent secretly to spy out land that included the fortified city of Jericho? After ending their reconnaissance, they spend the night at the house of a harlot named Rahab. Word gets back to the king that two men from Israel had more

  • Be Still! Be Calm! The God Of Creation Is With Us!

    Contributed by Nickolas Kooi on Jun 18, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at Jesus' miracle of stilling the storm and applies it to our lives. The first half looks at the text, and the second text applies it with the hymn "Be Still, My Soul."

    Man and water have always had an interesting relationship. It is something that man cannot control, although it is all around him and vital for his survival. Over 75% of the earth’s surface is covered by water. We live in the land of 10,000 lakes, it is all around us as well. Despite that, it more

  • Now Therefore Arise

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Jan 3, 2023

    Too many in the Church are content with not fulfilling what God has called them to do. This message is about God’s expectations of us.

    Turn with me to Joshua chapter one. Tonight we’re going to look at a chapter that’s very familiar to us. But I want to bring out some things in that chapter for a very specific reason because of what the Lord expects of us. Let’s begin with verse one. (1) Now after the death of Moses the more

  • Come And Join Us!

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Mar 7, 2024

    This sermon deals with the call of Levi a most unusual man that was called to follow Jesus and how that call informs our outreach today.

    Scripture: Mark 2:13-17; Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 10:14-15 Theme: Evangelism Title: Come and Join Us! This sermon deals with the call of Levi a most unusual man that was called to follow Jesus and how that call informs our outreach today. INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son more

  • How To Have Integrity

    Contributed by Bradley White-Findeisen on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 31 ratings

    Jesus did two things that turned the major institutions of his day against him: First, he pointed to the real condition of the institutions of his time: In Matthew 23:13-32 he says, "How terrible for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You are hypocrites! You travel across land and sea to fi

    Jesus did two things that turned the major institutions of his day against him: First, he pointed to the real condition of the institutions of his time: In Matthew 23:13-32 he says, "How terrible for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You are hypocrites! You travel across land and sea to find more

  • El Tesoro Del Poder De Dios Series

    Contributed by Adrián Olivas on Dec 21, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Sermón #6 de la serie "Tesoros del Padrenuestro". Conociendo, pues el que nuestro Dios es TODOPODEROSO, confiadamente podemos decirle, “cuando nos permitas ser tentados, escúdanos del pecado para ser victoriosos y que la tentación sea una bendición en vez

    El tesoro del poder de Dios Mateo 6:13; Efesios 6:10 Introducción: Este es el sexto sermón de la serie “Tesoros del Padrenuestro”. Haciendo repaso, si se recuerdan comenzamos entendiendo que Dios es nuestro padre solamente por los méritos de Cristo y por Cristo también nos ha hecho ciudadanos more

  • Who Was Afraid Of Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Feb 9, 2021

    Jesus Christ has all authority over both the natural and supernatural world. He brought freedom to a tortured soul, stirred a local crowd into anger, and calmed a raging sea. His ministry brought grace, mercy, love, hope, and for some, fear. Why would anyone fear Him? You would be surprised.

    Chapter 4 of Mark's Gospel presented to us the authority that Jesus had over the forces of nature by rebuking a storm on the Sea of Galilee. He and His disciples were in a boat heading to the eastern shore of the Sea when a violent storm erupted, which was a common occurrence according to more

  • He Does All Things Well!

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Nov 23, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus comes to Decapolis and the people saw what He did with a demonic man, heard how He fed the five thousand and then how He calmed the wind and the sea and now they bring a deaf man to Jesus for healing. He heals the man, and the people are astonished, saying, “He has done all things well.”

    Mark 7:31-37 “HE DOES ALL THINGS WELL!” November 24, 2024 (The Condition - The Command - The Confession) The passage opens with Jesus leaving the Gentile cities of Tyre and Sidon headed back to Galilee. But Jesus and His men do not go straight back, Verse 31 tells us that they went through more

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