  • Jeff Taylor

    Contributing sermons since Sep 9, 2018
About Jeff
  • Education: BBS & MAMFC Hardin Simmons University MDiv Southwestern Seminary PhD Southern California
  • Experience: 38 years in various types of ministry; 30 years as a therapist.
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Newest Sermons

  • How To Handle The Storms Of Life

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    It was a storm on the Sea of Galilee, never beyond Jesus' control. But the storms of life can be equally violent; bringing us to a place of helplessness and hopelessness. I'm here to tell you that the one who calmed the storm then is still the One who calms the storms in your life today!

    Introduction: Have you ever been in a storm? No, I mean a REAL storm! One where the lightening flashes and you feel the electrical charge from miles away? Or where the thunder crashes so loud, it seems every window is about to shatter? Or the rain falls so heavy that you can’t see a foot in front more

  • Too Blessed To Be Stressed

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2020

    Summary: God’s guidance is clear on how to handle worry and anxiety in the midst of trials and threatening situations.

    Introduction: I had a friend in Memphis named Jerry Metcalf, who worked next door at the Memphis Mental Health Clinic. He also worked with the juveniles we treated, worked as a chaplain for our juvenile correctional unit, and he was also the praise leader at his church. On top of that, Jerry and more