Phillip's church

Elkhead church of Christ
, Tennessee

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Newest Sermons

  • What Is The Gospel?

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2025

    Each and every Christian should desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as they have opportunity. Knowing we should preach The Gospel, what is The Gospel? Look at a sermon about The Gospel found in scripture.

    Each and every Christian should desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as they have opportunity. Jesus commanded his Apostles first to preach the Gospel to every creature; secondly, each believer should follow that directive, also. (Mark 16:15-16, Matthew 24:14) Knowing we should more

  • Gone Home

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2025

    In our lifetime, we have witnessed many family and friends passing from this life to the Spirit Realm. It is strongly believed when Christians die, their spirits go to a place of rest in the heavenly realm. Many say, "They have gone home".

    A Christian is identified as one who believes and follows Jesus The Christ ,The Son of God. In our lifetime, we have witnessed many family and friends passing from this life to the Spirit Realm. It is strongly believed when Christians die, their spirits go to a place of rest in the heavenly realm. more

  • Reviving A People For The Lord

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2025

    As we enter late winter and early spring, many assemblies are preparing for their ‘Gospel Meeting’ or ‘Revival’. Advertisements for their dates, time and place are sent out. From past knowledge, how successful were these meetings? Can improvement be made to increase its efficiency?

    As we enter late winter and early spring, many assemblies are preparing for their ‘Gospel Meeting’; as some may say, ‘Revival’. Advertisements for their dates, time and place are sent out. From past knowledge, how successful were these meetings? Some people come away saying their meeting did not more

  • Are You Ready To Meet The Angel Of Death?

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2025

    When the Angel of Death comes down after you, can you smile and say that you have been true. Can you truthfully say with your dying breath, that you're ready to meet the Angel of Death.

    Several decades ago a music artist sang a song titled, ‘Angel Of Death’. It is about being ready when your time comes to die. Jesus told his disciples “Be ye therefore ready also;” Let us notice the words of this song. "Angel Of Death" In the great book of John You're warned of the more

  • The Resurrection: When Shall It Come?

    Contributed on Jan 28, 2025

    We have determined there will be a resurrection of the saints. The next logical question is, “When shall the Resurrection come?” The coming Resurrection some call a Rapture. We will define this term in our lesson today.

    In our study of the Resurrection and what scripture tells us, we read the introduction of the topic of a resurrection by our Lord, Jesus Christ. (The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail) Last week we studied the resurrection as spoken by Jesus and his Apostles. (Resurrection?) We have determined there more

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