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  • The Church At Ephesus

    Contributed by John Lowe on Dec 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    His basic problem with the church in Ephesus is that even though church members had stood fast against evil and false teaching, they had left their “first love”—their basic love for Christ and for one another.

    By: Tom Lowe Date: 3-18-2015 more

  • The Church At Thyatira

    Contributed by John Lowe on Dec 29, 2016

    An outstanding feature of the message to the church at Thyatira is the introduction of the divine speaker by name—“The Son God.”

    The Church at Thyatira Commentary on the Book of Revelation By: Tom Lowe Date: 5-24-2015 Topic # II. Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia (2:1-3:22) more

  • The Church At War

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Hulse on Sep 18, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Saints, there is a colossal invisible war between good and evil taking place around us and just as retired Generals we see on TV explaining the strategy of of our enemy, this message will serve to open our eyes to expose the strength and methods that our enemy loves to use against God's people.

    SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES (Romans 7:14-25) (14) "For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin." (15) "For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but more

  • A Church's Prayer: Prayer For Salvation Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jan 18, 2015

    The church's top priority is to pray for people's salvation: that they come to know the Father through Jesus, the Son; and that they find freedom through Jesus, the Savior.

    Several years ago, because of all the tornados in the area, a developer in Tulsa, Oklahoma, offered an optional tornado-safe room in the new homes he was selling. Nine of the first ten buyers opted to pay the extra $2,500 for the room, which can also be used as a closet, bathroom, or vault when not more

  • The Rapture Of The Church

    Contributed by John Putty on Apr 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    In 2010, when the movie 2012 was released, I used it as a platform to discuss end time prophecy. I hold a pretribulation view regarding the rapture but understand that other BIblical views are held by very wise and godly men. My notes are scattered and

    2012: The Rapture of the Church 7 things you can do if you get bored in church! 1. Slap your neighbor. See if they turn the other cheek. If not, raise your hand and tell the preacher. 2. Devise ways of climbing into the balcony without using the stairs. 3. Listen for your preacher to use a word more

  • Letter To The Church At Pergamum: The Church Near Satan's Throne Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jan 29, 2023

    The city of Pergamum in the ancient world was a city seated on a hill, a tall hill, and this place was like the capital of Asia minor.

    I was at the gym last night, on the stair-stepper enjoying a good work out. All the workout machines in the area point one direction, and so looking forward in front of me there are always many televisions all lined up one by one. I counted them last night and I counted 20 tvs. All of them on more

  • Power Encounters In Church Planting

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 13, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    Power Encounters in Church Planting

    Power Encounters in Church Planting Learning Objectives 1. Learn the false presuppositions about the sources of power. 2. Discover why power encounters are important in church planting. 3. Articulate the basic principles of the nature of power encounters from the scriptures. 4. Learn how more

  • God’s Idea Of Church Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 2, 2011
    based on 134 ratings

    Church Consultants probably wouldn’t have started a church like God did... but His worked. How can we do Church today like He did back then?

    How many of you have ever read the magazine called “Reminisce”? Several years ago there was an article in that magazine by a woman who told of her father having returned from the war. He, like many men, wanted to buy tools for his worksho, and one of the tools he wanted was a drill press. But more

  • The Devoted Became The Devotees Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Feb 8, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon explains that if we want to experience the abundant blessings that the first church received, we must devote ourselves to the same things they devoted themselves to.

    The Devoted Became the Devotees Acts 2:42-27 February 3, 2002 Intro: A. [Church Growth, Church Depth, Citation: Vance Havner in On This Rock I Stand. Christianity Today, Vol. 30, no. 13.] I heard of a preacher the other day who was asked, "What’s the size of your pastorate?" he said, more

  • Looking At The Church Through The Eyes Of God

    Contributed by James May on Jul 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God sees His church from a very different perspective that what most of us will use. He looks through eyes of love, hoping that every one of his children will be a part of that Bride of Christ that's going to be with Jesus.

    Looking at the Church Through the Eyes of God By Pastor James May July 26, 2011 How does God see his church today? What is the main factor in the mind of God when he looks at the church? There are a lot of things that come to my mind as I look at the church. 1) I see a lot of churches that more

  • The Message To Philadelphia: The Church That Is Faithful And Alive Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jul 11, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    So finally we come to a church with a positive record. This church shows what Christ wants a church to be.

    Have you ever seen a church that is alive and faithful to Christ? A church that focuses upon Jesus Christ? A church that makes Jesus Christ the center of its ministries and activities? A church that focuses upon reaching and growing people for Christ? A church that focuses upon teaching people more

  • "Who Knew?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jun 10, 2009
    based on 19 ratings

    A sermon about God using small things to achieve great goals!

    1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 “Who Knew?” By: Rev. Ken Sauer, Pastor of Grace UMC, Soddy Daisy, TN The front page of a Texas newspaper a few years ago carried the picture of a young and beautiful African American mother born without arms and legs! The State Department of Public more

  • God And The Church Series

    Contributed by Terry Owens on May 28, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    Experience the joy of coming to the House of God with this message on God and the Church.

    This we believe part 1 Galatians 1:6-9 How many this morning wants to experience what is laid up for you in heaven? If we want to walk in all the fullness that God has for us then it’s important that we understand what the scriptures say. If we don’t have a basis for our faith then we can be more

  • Church 101

    Contributed by Larry Brincefield on May 30, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Just the basics about the Church. Jesus said, "I will build my church at the gates of hell will not overcome it". Also, some personal thoughts in the conclusion about the importance church attendance, involvement, and support.

    June 1, 2003 Title: Church 101 Text: Matthew 16:13-18 Introduction 1. When I was in college, some of the classes would be designated "101" For example, Psych 101 (intro to Psychology) Greek 101 (intro to Greek) Sociology 101 English Lit 101 and so on. The "101" simply means an more

  • The Antioch Church Series

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Jun 4, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    Becoming a New Testament, missions minded church.

    The Antioch Church Acts 11:19-26 Purpose Statement: To renew our focus on becoming a New Testament missions minded church In many churches these days, the buzz word is “purpose statement”. Churches and church leaders are in many churches trying to put together a statement that reflects what more

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