A Simpler Study Of The Book Of Revelation
Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 24, 2012 (message contributor)
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1. The Great Revelation And Announcement
Contributed on Apr 24, 2012
Revelation means to uncover or unveil. It means to pull back a covering or a veil that is hiding something. This is what the Book of Revelation is. It is the great revelation of Jesus Christ to us, His followers.
We begin by looking at some basic facts about the Book of Revelation. Revelation means to uncover or unveil. It means to pull back a covering or a veil that is hiding something. This is what the Book of Revelation is. It is the great revelation of Jesus Christ to us, His followers. ...read more
2. The Great Announcement
Contributed on Apr 24, 2012
There are four announcements that we will look at in these 5 verses.
Next we come to the great announcement to the churches. Actually there are four announcements that we will look at in these 5 verses. There were 7 churches in Asia to which this great announcement was being made but this great announcement that is being proclaimed here is to the churches of ...read more
3. The Son Of Man, The Glorified Christ
Contributed on Apr 24, 2012
Now we get a glimpse of the first vision that Christ gives John. He is going to proclaim a message for the 7 churches but before he does that, He gives John a vision of Himself.
Now we get a glimpse of the first vision that Christ gives John. He is going to proclaim a message for the 7 churches but before he does that, He gives John a vision of Himself. He wants believers down through the ages to know that the message to the churches is coming from the Supreme Majesty of ...read more
4. Pouring Out Of The Bowl Judgments
Contributed on May 23, 2012
There is a big difference between the bowl judgments and the other judgments. The seal judgments and the trumpet judgments will be limited judgments. But the bowl judgments are total judgment. The bowl judgments will stop man’s ungodly ways upon earth.
At the end of the world, right at the close of the period of history that the Bible calls the great tribulation there is judgment coming to this earth. There are three judgments during the last days of human history. 1. The seven seal judgments 2. The seven trumpet judgments. 3. The seven bowl ...read more
5. Religious Babylon: A False Religion
Contributed on Jun 28, 2012
Jesus Christ is coming back to earth. He is coming to bring righteousness to this earth. But before He can come and establish righteousness in the earth, a few things have to be done.
Jesus Christ is coming back to earth. He is coming to bring righteousness to this earth. But before He can come and establish righteousness in the earth, a few things have to be done. 1. All the evil armies of this earth have to be destroyed. We just saw that in chapter 16. 2. All the religion ...read more
6. The Collapse Of Political Babylon
Contributed on Jun 28, 2012
This chapter deals with the destruction of religious Babylon—the hub-city for the antichrist in the end time.
This is a long chapter and we need to try to look at it in its completeness so we will get right into it. PRAYER This chapter deals with the destruction of religious Babylon—the hub-city for the antichrist in the end time. In the end time, this city will be like any great capital city. It ...read more
7. The Great Wedding Supper
Contributed on Jun 28, 2012
God has planned this celebration above and beyond anything we could ever imagine or describe. It will be the first time that all the redeemed of all ages have ever come together at one time to honor the Lamb who was slain.
Tonight we get to talk about the great wedding supper of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the supper where all of heaven will be present to celebrate the union of Jesus Christ and the believers who have followed Him down through the centuries. Everyone in heaven will be there: God, ...read more
8. Further Assurances Of Hope
Contributed on Jun 28, 2012
Those who don’t repent and turn to God in the end time will have the wrath of God fall upon them. The assurance is that justice will triumph. But it will triumph at the expense of the ungodly.
Verses 9 – 12 of Rev. 14 are the picture of the anger and wrath of God against the ungodly and evil of this world. Those who don’t repent and turn to God in the end time will have the wrath of God fall upon them. The assurance is that justice will triumph. But it will triumph at the ...read more
9. The Description Of The New Jerusalem
Contributed on Jun 28, 2012
What will this city be like? It is indescribable. It’s like trying to describe God.
Last time we led up to where we are tonight. We said that the new heavens and the new earth will have a capital city, a specific place where the presence of God will be centered and where the Lord Jesus Christ will live and rule the universe. That place is called the New Jerusalem. Actually ...read more
10. The Great White Throne Judgment
Contributed on Jun 28, 2012
The final judgment is called the “Great White Throne Judgment.” Many people scoff at the idea of it all and refuse to believe that there will be a future punishment for sins.
We hear it preached, we read about it, and for the most part, we all believe it—the final judgment is coming, that great day when all unbelievers will stand before God and give an account to God. The final judgment is called the “Great White Throne Judgment.” Many people scoff ...read more
11. The New Heavens And The New Earth
Contributed on Jun 28, 2012
What will eternity be like? What will it be like to live with God forever and ever? Chapter 21 tells us.
What will eternity be like? What will it be like to live with God forever and ever? Chapter 21 tells us. All the bad and negative things of this world are going to be conquered and destroyed. All the pollution, the ungodliness, the evil, all the suffering and pain, even death will be gone. ...read more
12. Eleven Facts About The Message Of Revelation
Contributed on Jul 10, 2012
The message of Revelation is so important that the Lord takes the time and space to talk about the message of Revelation itself. There are 11 facts given in this last chapter.
Our passage tonight closes the book of Revelation. It’s also the final words of the Word of God because it’s the last book of the Bible. The things we have been shown in the past 2 years of this study have been astounding. Let’s think back for a moment over what we have ...read more
13. The New Jerusalem: Its Citizens And Provisions
Contributed on Jul 10, 2012
The Scripture shows us the citizens and the provisions of the great city of God. So this is yet another beautiful passage of assurance of what we can expect as Christians
Tonight’s lesson adds to the lesson from last time. The last few lessons have dealt with the fact that the new heaven and earth will have a capital city. This city is called the New Jerusalem. The city is being prepared in heaven and is beautiful beyond description. Last week we looked ...read more
14. The Heavenly Preparation For Judgment
Contributed on Jul 10, 2012
So now the 7th trumpet blasts forth its judgments. And the judgments come fast and furious. Why? Because they are the very last judgments. God has decided to end human history.
We are going to start tonight with a little review to bring us up to date. The number seven continues to pop up throughout this book. There were the seven churches. Then we studied the seven seals. Then the seven trumpet judgments. But when the seventh trumpet blasted, an amazing thing ...read more
15. The Message To Pergamum
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
Nothing corrupts a church any quicker than worldliness. Pergamum was a corrupted church. It is a picture of a church that is married to the world.
Would you agree that worldliness corrupts churches? There are 4 things that cause a church to become worldly. 1. The church begins to participate in worldly functions. 2. The church allows worldly activities to take place in the church and even in the homes of its members. 3. The church begins ...read more
16. The Message To Thyatira: The Compromising Church
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
We live in a world of compromise where people seek their own interests at any cost. People, in a sense, sell their souls for the pleasures of the world.
Just like last time when we said that worldliness will corrupt a church, tonight we will see that compromise will also destroy a church. We live in a world of compromise where people seek their own interests at any cost. People, in a sense, sell their souls for the pleasures of the world. ...read more
17. The Message To Sardis: The Church With Reputation But Dying
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
Sardis had the reputation of being a highly respected church, but it was dead and lifeless.
Have you ever been in a church that was dead or dying? How does that happen? Usually it happens when a church gets satisfied with itself, with keeping things the way they have always been. This is usually a church that rests on its laurels and its past history, that revels in what used to be? ...read more
18. The Message To Philadelphia: The Church That Is Faithful And Alive
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
So finally we come to a church with a positive record. This church shows what Christ wants a church to be.
Have you ever seen a church that is alive and faithful to Christ? A church that focuses upon Jesus Christ? A church that makes Jesus Christ the center of its ministries and activities? A church that focuses upon reaching and growing people for Christ? A church that focuses upon teaching people ...read more
19. The Message To Laodicea: The Church Tha Is Affluent But Lukewarm
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
This is the last church addressed by Christ, and it is the worst church. Christ does not commend Laodicea at all. He doesn’t have anything good to say about them. This is a church that may as well have not existed.
This is the last church addressed by Christ, and it is the worst church. Christ does not commend Laodicea at all. He doesn’t have anything good to say about them. This is a church that may as well have not existed. What made them so bad? They were lukewarm. What does that mean? ...read more
20. The Throne Of God
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
Now we begin a new vision—the second vision given to John the Apostle. Now it’s time for the churches to see the future events that are coming upon the earth.
The Lord’s personal message to the individual churches is now over. He has told them who He is, pointed out their failures, and warned and counseled them to correct their failures. He has also given them the great promises of heaven if they will only overcome. Now we begin a new ...read more
21. The Book Of Destiny Is Sealed But Then Opened - Part 1
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
This book or scroll is the official document of the last days of human history. The world’s future is about to be unfolded before our eyes.
There should be no break between chapters 4 & 5. We are still at the scene of the throne of God. Read verse 1. So God is seen sitting on His throne and holding a sealed book in His right hand. The book is sealed. It has never been opened. We must emphasize again and again that the book is ...read more
22. The Book Of Destiny Is Sealed But Then Opened - Part 2
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
John gets the first sight of Jesus Christ in heaven. John had seen Christ in his first vision but He was standing in the midst of the seven churches. Now he gets his first glimpse of the glorified Son of God in heaven.
And now comes the supreme moment, John gets the first sight of Jesus Christ in heaven. READ 6 & 7. John had seen Christ in his first vision but He was standing in the midst of the seven churches. Now he gets his first glimpse of the glorified Son of God in heaven. He is described as the ...read more
23. Breaking The First Four Seals
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
The events that we will see with the seals are not the end of history itself. They are events that precede the end. The seals have to be broken before the book can be opened. This is exactly what Christ had said.
Now the time has come. God’s book—the Book of Destiny, the book that spells out what is to happen in the end time—is now to be opened. We need to note that the Lamb doesn’t open the book at this point. He merely breaks open the seals. The events that we will see with ...read more
24. The Lamb Breaks The Fifth Seal
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
When Jesus Christ breaks the fifth seal, the souls of all the martyrs of the world are seen under the altar of God.
We continue with the dramatic opening of God’s Book of Destiny that spells out the future of the world. We should be reminded that Jesus Christ, the Son of God is the only one worthy of opening this book. He has stepped forward, taken the book from God’s hand and has begun to break ...read more
25. God's Wrath Begins
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
The sixth seal is now broken and the great day of God’s wrath begins. We will look at the effects of God’s wrath upon the universe, the effects of God’s wrath upon the people, and the reason for the catastrophes and the panic of men.
The sixth seal is now broken and the great day of God’s wrath begins. Tonight we will look at the effects of God’s wrath upon the universe, the effects of God’s wrath upon the people, and the reason for the catastrophes and the panic of men. We have to remember that this is ...read more
26. The Fate Of Believers In The Great Tribulation
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
We are coming to the section that the Lord Jesus labeled the Great Tribulation. This period takes place after the church leaves the earth, after the church concludes its mission and is taken to be with the Lord.
So far, God has given us a glimpse into the things of the end time. Why? To warn us to turn to His Son. Christ can save us from the judgment to come. We have seen Jesus break open six of the seals that bind the book. We’ve seen the four horsemen who represent the wars and killing, famine ...read more
27. The Seveth Seal And The First Five Trumpets
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
When the seventh seal is broken, we seen three preparations for judgment. 1. A shattering silence. 2. The instruments of judgment. 3. The signs of the coming judgment begin upon earth.
Now we come to the seventh seal. Remember that the seals are not part of the scroll. They only bind it and keep it together. So the seal judgments that we have seen and will see tonight are events that happen before the end time itself. So, thus far, we are still before the Great ...read more
28. The Blast Of The Sixth Trumpet
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
Now the sixth trumpet is going to sound and another horde of demons come forth. This time there is a difference.
So far we have seen the first 5 trumpets blast. We have seen 1/3 of the vegetation of the earth destroyed, 1/3 of the water supply, the sea life, and the shipping and fishing commerce of the world. We saw the demonic-like plague of locusts. They were like scorpions, inflicting injury and ...read more
29. The Little Book
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
Now it’s time for the seventh trumpet to blast forth. But before it does, there is so much horror that has been released upon the earth that those remaining will cry out wondering if this is the end of the earth. Is all hope lost?
Now it’s time for the seventh trumpet to blast forth. But before it does, there is so much horror that has been released upon the earth that those remaining will cry out wondering if this is the end of the earth. Is all hope lost? The answer to their questions is no. Yes, all this ...read more
30. The Two Witnesses
Contributed on Jul 11, 2012
John is instructed to take a rod and measure the temple, its altar, and the people who worship there. Why are these being measured?
Read verses 1 & 2. We could get very deep in the study of just these 2 verses but again a lot of it is speculation. So let’s look at what we know. John is instructed to take a rod and measure the temple, its altar, and the people who worship there. Why are these being measured? ...read more