  • Jerry Cosper

    Contributing sermons since Dec 7, 2010
Jerry's church

Southeast Baptist
San Antonio, Texas 78222

About Jerry
  • Education: M DIV from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Experience: 28 years as Senior Pastor.
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Newest Sermons

  • A Gift Worth Giving

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2024

    This is a short conclusion to a Christmas cantata performed by the choir leading into the invitation and response time.

    As we come to the conclusion of our program this morning and leading up to our response and invitation time, I would like to BRIEFLY close the program out with these words. Choir, you have given us memories to hold on to. Your gift of giving of yourselves to make this program possible is a more

  • It's A Wonderful Life Ii

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2024

    I wonder how many people have been touched by this simple film. People who have seen it have testified that it gave them hope. Hope is what Christmas is all about. The Scripture passages we read this morning are all about hope.

    Every year about this time television stations bring out of their vaults an old black and white film that is still popular today. They have already shown it this year. The film is It’s a Wonderful Life. In the film, George Bailey never felt like he amounted to much in life. He had dreams of more

  • A Christmas Story To Dispel Fear

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2024

    Even when we know that God is behind the change, fear can still be present.

    Our church is entering a month of change. I think most of you know what I'm talking about. As most of you know, this is my last month to serve as pastor of Southeast Baptist Church. You may have noticed today that we have several that are not here that normally are here. That is because more

  • The Major Events At The Cross

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2024

    John was an eyewitness of the crucifixion, and he closed his account of the crucifixion by saying “the man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true…that you also may believe.”

    The most significant event in history is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We are saved by His death. Because He died, we live. But there IS a condition. We have to believe, and it’s the necessity for belief that John stressed throughout his gospel. He was an eyewitness of the crucifixion, and more

  • Indecisive Compromise

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2024

    Our scene flows along with Pilate moving back and forth to Jesus and to His accusers or the people. Eight times in this passage Pilate moves back and forth, showing how indecisive he was in this matter.

    Our scene flows along with Pilate moving back and forth to Jesus and to His accusers or the people. Eight times in this passage Pilate moves back and forth, showing how indecisive he was in this matter. READ 18:28. Last time, we saw how Jesus was arrested in the garden, taken to Annas behind more

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Newest Sermon Series

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Joy In The Circumstances Of Life

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2023

    The ingredients of our life can lead to joy if we look at them from God’s viewpoint. I am reminded of the family that sat down to a meal with their grandpa and dad, an old farmer. The farmer was asked to ask the blessing on the breakfast of biscuits and gravy. They bowed their heads as the more

  • God's Assurance

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2023

    Have you ever been in a store and see a child that has gotten separated from his parents? The fear is very evident on the child's face as well as the parents’ face. It's a horrible feeling when the child turns around and can't find his parents. They frantically look through every more

  • Stand Strong

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2023

    I want you all to think back with me as we begin this morning. Many of us looked forward to leaving high school behind with all of its challenges. Then we began to experience a whole new set of challenges in college or in the workplace. We began wondering what direction we were going to take in more

  • Victorious Living

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2023

    2 weeks ago as I sat in the office of my lawyer, he showed me a photocopy of a handwritten letter from Abraham Lincoln that was written to my lawyer’s great-great uncle. The uncle happened to be the president of the University of Pennsylvania at that time. He was involved in writing a pamphlet on more

  • Being Persecuted

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2023

    As we live our Christian lives there are a lot of questions that are related to the Christian Life that don't really fall into life and death categories. Questions like: what's your favorite version of the bible? How can I be a better group member? Or the BIG ALL-IMPORTANT QUESTION: if a more