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Sermons on shame and guilt:

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  • When Satan Accuses You

    Contributed by Doug Mccoy on Feb 21, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We have an enemy who accuses us to God, but the One who wants us to return to Him saves us from these accusations.

    Text: Zechariah 3:1-10 Title: When Satan Accuses You Type: Expository Purpose: Encourage hearer to be confident in their forgiveness and future. Main Idea: God has given us clean clothes; He has forgiven all our sins. Opening: Now He Has Something He Can Use Against Me. True story: more

  • At The Crossroads Series

    Contributed by Wayde Wilson on Nov 13, 2000
    based on 114 ratings


    “At the CrossRoad” I encountered a man on the Road of Life so sure of himself - so convinced he was right. He had (his) religion, but he didn’t know God, and though he had eyes, I thought this rather odd: He only could see what he wanted to see. So, blind to the truth that could set his soul more

  • Let Us Rejoice In His/Our Message Of Peace Series

    Contributed by Dustin T Parker on Apr 11, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    As we continue in the easter series- we realize that God desires peace for us, and removes the guilt of sin, the fear of death, and gives us His presence to remove all doubt.

    Concordia Lutheran Church Second Sunday in Easter, April 10, 2010 Let Us REJOICE in His/our Message! † IN JESUS NAME † As we realize that the grace, the mercy and the peace of God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ has created in us life as the Holy Spirit has breathed life into us, let us more

  • Availability Of A Righteousness From God Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 1, 2018

    Paul continues the subject of the guilt of the Jews. He anticipates arguments in rebuttal to his conclusion that neither Israel’s law, her circumcision, or her birth could save her.

    (11) Availability of a Righteousness from God Romans 3:1-8 In the first eight verses of chapter 3, Paul continues the subject of the guilt of the Jews. He anticipates arguments in rebuttal to his conclusion that neither Israel’s law, her circumcision, or her birth could save her. These more

  • The Face Of Forgiveness-The Thief Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 16, 2012

    Everything about Jesus’ death was designed to bring Him suffering and shame. His enemies crucified Him between two thieves for the purpose of humiliating Him. They wanted to present Him as a common criminal dying with His kind. But, as usual, Jesus tur

    5-25-03 Title: The Face of Forgiveness: The Thief Text: (Luke 23:39-43) Scripture Reading: Luke 23:26-43 Introduction Everything about Jesus’ death was designed to bring Him suffering and shame. His enemies crucified Him between two thieves for the purpose of humiliating Him. more

  • A Perfect Picture Of Grace

    Contributed by James May on Jul 26, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    God’s wonderful grace is sufficient for all of our need.

    A Perfect Picture of Grace Sunday, July 26, 2009 By Pastor Jim May 2 Samuel Chapter 9 This chapter in 2 Samuel contains one of the most outstanding stories of grace found in the Old Testament. It is the story of two people; one named Mephibosheth, the child of grace; and Ziba, the more

  • Just A Stone's Throw Away

    Contributed by Rick D Brackett on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 38 ratings

    The sermon deals with the adulterous woman but the emphasis is placed on forgiveness and restoration.

    “JUST A STONE’S THROW AWAY!” ILLUSTRATION There was a man that told his friend that they had dismissed their pastor. His friend asked, why? The man said, “Because he told us we we’re going to hell.” The friend asked, “What does your new pastor say?” The man said, “He says we’re going more

  • The Obvious Truth Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Mar 30, 2016

    When Pilate is asked to judge the guilt of Jesus Pilate finds himself asking a very significant question: What Is Truth? The truth is that Jesus is declared innocent by Pilate, but He is still put to death because Jesus is also an inconvenience.

    Message John 18:28-40 The Obvious Truth Who ate the lollies? Not me. Not me. Not me. Every parent has had that conversation at one time or another. So, you go to the old faithful approach. “I can tell you are lying when you stick out your tongue”. Who ate the lolly? Not me. Not me. (muffled more

  • This I Believe: I Have Chosen To Be A Sinner Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 9, 2012
    based on 134 ratings

    Adam and Eve chose to Sin. And when we sin, it’s our choice. It’s our fault. But why is it important that I admit my own fault?

    OPEN: (We opened with a Dorito’s commercial that has Eve attempting to share the forbidden fruit with Adam and he rejects her offer – holding up a Dorito’s Bag and saying “I’m good.” Now, I liked that. Not only was it humorous… but it a great point. The more

  • The Night Of Darkness Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 12, 2004
    based on 61 ratings

    1st Person portrayal of Peter during his imprisonment by Herod and his angelic deliverance.

    (Setting: Peter is kneeling. His wrists are in chains - plastic chains wrapped twice around the wrists with the end held in the palm of each hand. The stage is dark and the lights are bro’t up to half power on this section of the stage.) (These first words are mournful, reflecting the despair that more

  • The Truth Shall Make You Free!

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Feb 25, 2022

    One of Jesus' better-known statements is recorded for us in John 8:32. Some see this as political freedom, but it goes much further, for it describes Jesus Himself and the power to set us free from the oppression of sin.

    When we think of the concept of freedom, we here in America refer to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that guarantee us freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right to address our grievances, the right to bear arms, the freedom to assemble peacefully, and the right to legal more

  • Prayer - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Apr 18, 2024

    This is the first of a three-part Bible study on prayer. In this first study, we look at the types of prayers and the foundations on which our prayers must rest.

    NOTE: New Light Faith Ministries and Barry Johnson Ministries, founded by Rodney V. Johnson and Barry O. Johnson, respectively, are partnering to offer Bible studies for Christians seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is a Bible study lesson, not a sermon. The Bible studies teach more

  • Seven Tweets On Grace Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 4, 2021

    Not only is the forgiveness of your sins by God’s grace, but the entire Christian life is by the grace of God.

    I have one simple hope for you today: to convince you that you need the grace of God. My aim is to persuade you that you that God’s grace is a big deal. Many of you have consciously experienced the grace of God at your conversion… and I hope to deepen your God-given appreciation for it. The back more

  • Worship Offerings

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jul 4, 2022

    What principles can Christians learn about worship from the book of Leviticus?

    What principles can Christians learn about worship from the book of Leviticus? Are there spiritual applications of the physical rituals in this first worship book? Burnt Offering God spoke to Moses in Leviticus 1 about the burnt offering. The fire pictures the Holy Spirit cleansing us from sin. more

  • The Book Of Galatians – Chapter 5:7-11 Message 18 – Disobedience; Division; Study Of Leaven; Stumbling Blocks Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jun 21, 2024

    What does the scripture teach about leaven? The Galatians, through disobedience had departed from Christ, and Paul has confidence they will return. We look at stumbling blocks and returning from sin. What is the offence of the cross?

    THE BOOK OF GALATIANS – CHAPTER 5:7-11 MESSAGE 18 – DISOBEDIENCE; DIVISION; STUDY OF LEAVEN; STUMBLING BLOCKS We continue this vital study of Galatians so that our faith is secured in the realities of faith, and not pushed around by the whims of men and false teaches. These Galatian Christians more

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