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  • An Answered Prayer From A Cave

    Contributed by David Wilson on Jan 7, 2016

    David's emotional outpouring as he hides in a cave, with Saul closing in... is heard and answered by God.

    Psalm 142 The first thing we see in this Psalm is the descriptive label placed over it in English translations. When written in the Hebrew, these descriptions would actually have been part of the Psalm and so should be carefully considered when studying these Psalms out. We are told that more

  • David In Saul’s Camp

    Contributed by John Gaston on Sep 8, 2022

    We see another magical moment when David walks with God and ventures into the impossible. God gave David Saul’s spear-scepter and the king's source of anointing. This was a prevision of what David was later to gain as King.

    DAVID IN SAUL’S CAMP 1 Sam. 26:2-25 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. I was thrown out of the break room of my Walmart yesterday. They asked me what I was doing there. I told them, “I’m on a break.” 2. They said, “But you don’t work here!” I said, “I just finished using the self-checkout, so clearly more

  • David Cuts The Corner Of Saul's Garment In The Cave Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 19, 2023

    David didn’t kill Saul, but he’s even upset that he cut off a corner of his robe. How could he do this to the one God has placed as king? This is a man with a very strong conscience.

    Have you ever had something really bad happen, and you wonder to yourself? How could God let this happen? Why is this happening? Or maybe you think, I can’t handle this. You feel overwhelmed. What do we do when we feel overwhelmed? We get through it. We let ourselves feel it. And we get through more

  • The Cave Of Adullam

    Contributed by Norman Lawrence on Jul 4, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    A look at David and the patience he had while knowing he was called to be King in the future, yet with Saul still hunting him down to kill him.

    THE CAVE OF ADULLAM 1 Samuel 22:1-2 David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father’s house heard it, they went down thither to him. [2] And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was more

  • Hope: Cave Secrets

    Contributed by John Bishop on Mar 25, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    God does His best work in caves. When we get to the end of ourselves and have no where to look but up, then God can whisper to us in the cave, "I’m still here. I haven’t left you." When we realize He is all we want, we find out He is all we really need.

    We’re going to be in the Book of First Samuel; if you have a Bible you can turn there, and we’ll get there at some point. I think that, when you’re talking about hope; the biggest problem with hope is, when we are going thru trouble, we don’t know how to kind of deal with it right? So, check it more

  • The Cry From The Cave

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Jan 9, 2005
    based on 83 ratings

    David was hiding in a dark cave from Saul, but his greatest darkness was that of his spirit, and soul

    The Cry From The Caves Psa 142:1-7 The book of Psalms it a book that deals with practically every human emotion. If you’re dealing with an emotional problem, you’ll probably find something in the Psalms that you can identify with. It is an extremely honest book more

  • In The Cave

    Contributed by Roger Whipp on Dec 29, 2014

    During our low moments, maybe even depression, do we hid ourselves away? We can't hid from God. We need to come out of our emotional caves into the light of Christ.

    1 Samuel 24 In the Cave: God said to Adam “Adam I want you to do something for me” Adam replied, "Gladly, Lord, what do You want me to do?" "I want you to go down into that valley, across the river, and over to the hill. On the other side of the hill you will find a cave. In the more

  • The Cave

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 3, 2015


    1 Samuel 21:10 - 22:1-4 THE CAVE I. THE REFUGE OF THE CAVE - 1 David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam(a) David's Fear - more

  • Cave In

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Oct 4, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Throughout scripture we find ourselves many Godly people ending up living in Caves. What are these "cave experiences". This sermon shows the "blessings" found in caves!

    CLIMBING OUT OF YOUR CAVE Psalm 61:1-2 Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer. 2From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Listen to what David said in those verses. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by life? We all do from more

  • Act #3- Saul Exiled David Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 13th Sermon in the Series "Israel's 1st King". This Series is about King Saul.

    Series: Israel’s 1St King [#13] ACT #3- SAUL EXILED DAVID 1 Samuel 23:14 Introduction: Saul sent for David and brought him into his court. This was the beginning of a lot of drama between Saul and David. This type of drama still exists today- When you find someone who is being blessed by God more

  • Cave In

    Contributed by Carl Finney on Nov 3, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Trapped Underground a sinner reviews his life while he waits for rescue.

    Imagine yourself working underground as a miner. Maybe in a coal-mine in Kentucky or maybe as a sandhog in the state of New York. But your working a mile underground with over a million tons of rock setting on top of you. As usual the mountain creeks and groans an eerie unnerving sound. But that’s more

  • Saul Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Nov 6, 2022

    Before he became king, he was just a man in search of his father's donkeys..................

    November 05, 2022 The story of Saul begins in the 8th chapter of 1st Samuel. Being old, Samuel appointed his 2 sons, Joel and Abijah, to take his place. Unfortunately, Samuel’s sons were pretty terrible: They did not walk in his ways, they took bribes and perverted justice {1 Samuel more

  • Reasoning With An Unreasonable King (1 Samuel 24:1-22)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Sep 9, 2024

    David's journey to the throne seemed to stop when he found himself in a cave hiding from King Saul's army. David had an opportunity to kill Saul. However, he handled it in a way that demonstrated both his godly character and leadership.

    We have followed the life of David from the time where he was a shepherd boy tending the flocks of his family to the battlefields of Israel. He has matured from a boy into a man, killing a giant, winning the heart of the nation, and developing into a man of God. He had reached the pinnacles of more

  • Saul!

    Contributed by Robert Cox on Sep 17, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    From Blessed to Cursed!!!

    1 Sam 15:1 Samuel also said to Saul, “The LORD sent me to anoint you king over His people, over Israel. Now therefore, heed the voice of the words of the LORD. 2 Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt. more

  • The Cave Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 16, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    From the real life lessons of David on the run, we discover ways to cope with danger, difficulty, and the demands of living a life of faith in a godless world.

    Psalm 56 was written when David escaped from Saul to Gath, a city of the Philistines (1 Samuel 21). He also wrote Psalm 22 at the same time. Last week we talked about how Saul wanted to kill David and so chased him around the countryside. One of those escapes was to Nob, where David had retrieved more

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