  • David Wilson

    Contributing sermons since Aug 6, 2003
David's church

Grant Avenue Baptist Church
Redondo Beach, California 90278

About David
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: It is always my desire to build sermons that reveal the Word of God in its context. Context is so often missed in preaching. It is also my desire to preach messages that "meddle" in the lives of those seeking to serve God. Preaching needs to address the needs of those sitting in the pew. A sermon against drug abuse may not have much application in the church. Most Christians are already fully aware that we are not to commit adultery. However, a sermon about holding grudges or gossiping may hit the listener square between the eyes.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: I have been especially blessed through Alistair Baig’s preaching from the book of James. This dear Scottish brother, though difficult to understand at times, dispenses the Word of truth in a powerful and uncompromising manner. It is a blessing to hear him, and the best use of my ipod is listening to this brother expound the word.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: The Incredible Hulk and Dr. Banner is a great example of the Spiritual Warfare that Paul describes in Romans 7. When Dr. Banner lets the Hulk loose, the Hulk smashes, tears, throws, and destroys, leaving Dr. Banner to pick up the pieces, often leaving him unclothed and far from home. When we let the natural man loose- our spiritual man often has to deal with the fallout of the injured lives, the poor examples, the broken relationships, and the natural consequences of our sin.
  • Family: My ministry is fully supported by my wonderful wife, Marilyn. We met and married as a result of our involvement in church work. God saw fit to give us two adopted children. Joshua came to us at 16 months and years later Rebecca joined our family. Joshua is now 24 and Rebecca just turned 18. Both of my children are blessed to share none of my genetic material. They were born in Korea, but are Americans in every possible way.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My dad used to think some of my sermons were quite nutty-- "The Gospel According to Gilligan’s Island." "The Gospel according to Pinnochio" and "Curing the Hulk!" are some of the nutty titles. However, he has invited me to share these sermons.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife thinks my sermons are fine, at least when I leave her out of the illustrations.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: The best advice anyone ever gave me wasn’t so much about preaching as pastoring. My dad pastored for ove fifty years and his advice was "go where God calls you, stay where God puts you, give your all, and then leave when God calls you to leave." This has helped me keep my perspective not on circumstances, which at times have been grim, but my focus remains fixed on God and His divine leadership. I had an elderly assistant pastor, Brother Nolan Beaird, who really helped me keep the church going as I learned to pastor. On one occasion, I told him that I was going to get up on my high horse over certain people’s conduct and he giggled slightly and said "Don’t get so high up on your high horse that you can’t reach down and help them."
  • Books that have had an impact: Peter Lord’s book "Hearing God" had a tremendous impact on my life. I’ve learned not to just hear God, but to listen for that still, small, voice. I’ve learned that God is not impressed by the supposedly melodious sound of my voice, but that prayer also includes silence-- giving God time to speak.
  • Hobbies: I enjoy boardgaming, specifically wargames. (not that I am any good at them).. I’m active in the gaming community and they know of my faith. I have the nickname of "the preacher" and sign most of my email as David "the preacher" Wilson. I met quite a few other believers through my gaming contacts and occasionally get an opportunity to share my faith.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Let God change your heart so that you serve Him not out of a sense of fear and dread, but out of a heart filled with love.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: One Sunday, I was using an illustration from my own personal life. I was describing an encounter at a local filling station. I said something very close to the following: "So I was standing by my car passing gas..." I never got to finish that I was passing gas into the car via the hose... the whole church got tickled and it was a few minutes before I could complete my point.
  • What I want on my tombstone: He came! He was Faithful! He preached the Truth!
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