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Sermons on San Lucas 6:27:

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  • What To Do With A Slap In The Face

    Contributed by John Perry on Jul 27, 2011

    What do you with a slap in the face? When Someone treats you badly, betrays you, offends you or humiliates you, what do you do, how do you respond when someone gives you a slap in the face?

    Bunbury Wed pm 27/07/2011 “What to do with a slap in the face” Intro: *** As you all know Vergel & Lee have just recently moved into town & a new residence. They are now going through what we all hate about moving – trying to get everything in place / order again! One of the more

  • What To Do With A Knife In The Heart

    Contributed by John Perry on Aug 6, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    It's one thing to take a slap in the face but what do you do with a knife in the heart? Jesus tells us not only how to deal with offences but the enmey who delivers the offences.

    Bunbury Wed pm 3/08/2011 “What to do w/ a knife in the heart” Intro: *** In the movie the Cross & the Switchblade David Wilkerson manages to get the Mau Mau’s & the Bishops together at a large theatre complex w/ the intention of preaching to them & seeing them converted. more

  • What To Do With Spit In Your Face

    Contributed by John Perry on Aug 10, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus tells us how to deal with the attitudes of people & the people themselves that come against us in life. The big picture that Jesus is revealing to us is that we are to be people of a different spirit.

    Bunbury Wed pm 10/08/2011 “What to do w/ spit in your face” Intro: We have been focusing for the past two Wednesday nights on this text & so far we have looked at offences & the enemy that delivers the offence to our lives. T/n we want to focus on something that Jesus singles out as more

  • True Disciples Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 31, 2011

    A disciple is simply a pupil not necessarily a true disciple of Christ even though they follow Christ.

    When someone says they are Christian, what do you think they mean?? There are too many definitions of Christianity out there. Which one is right? Let me ask this important question: What is the main root word of the word “Christian”?? Since the main root of the word Christian is Christ, the only more

  • The Real Deal

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Feb 4, 2011
    based on 318 ratings

    Far to many times I have heard someone share that they know someone who says they are a Christian, but their life is impure. It literally destroys the witness of Christ when believers do not live out their faith. So, are you the real deal? Updated February 2023.

    Dr. Evan Kane ... was the chief surgeon ... of Kane Summit Hospital ... in New York City. He had practiced his specialty ... for 37 years. Over the course of time, ... he came to question the wisdom of using general anesthesia ... for every surgery. He believed people would recover quicker ... more

  • A Shared Privilege

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Oct 28, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    An All Saints' Day sermon about celebrating the people in our lives who have followed Christ's command of love and our call to do the same.

    Dorothea Hertzberg served a term as a Peace Corps volunteer in the tiny, impoverished African country of Burkina Faso. One swelteringly hot day she was riding her bicycle along a cattle trail, when she felt something in the machinery snap. The wheels of the bike still turned, as did the pedals, but more

  • Holocaust Memorial Day - Rwanda (Past And Present)

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Feb 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A short talk / sermon given at a local school for Holocaust Memorial Day. I was asked to talk about Rwanda, so include reference to my 2007 visit, plus up to date story / testimony. Be encouraged!

    Rwanda is a tiny country in Central Africa, a bit bigger than Northern Ireland, with a population of over 8 million people, and thousands of hills. Rwanda is a beautiful country of hills, mountains, forests, lakes, laughing children, markets full of busy people, drummers, dancers, skilled workers more

  • Rethinking Love

    Contributed by Dave Workman on Apr 26, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus love is raging, it’s extravagant, it’s illogical, it’s over-the-top, it’s revolutionary, it pushes the boundaries of how we define love.

    A while back there was a news story on the BBC about a teenage girl in England who had her boyfriend’s nickname tattooed in Chinese on her stomach, symbolic of her “undying love” for him. A tattoo on your stomach?—that’s got to hurt. A little later—and who would more

  • The Best Thing Possible For The Worst Person Possible

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Apr 28, 2011

    A sermon about loving enemies and allowing God to maintain justice for wrongs done against us.

    Turn your Bible to Luke chapter 6, Luke chapter 6. And we are just kind of walking our way through the Book of Luke. And this is a fascinating part of—in fact, Luke 6 is one of my favorite chapters of the whole book. And the reason is because this is when Jesus really begins to unpack some of more

  • A Love That Forgets And Forgives

    Contributed by Jim Kane on May 18, 2009

    The fifth sermon of a post-Easter series on Love.

    (Slide 1) It was a conversation that has stuck with me over the years. I was not a part of the conversation, per se, but I was a part of the audience that listened. I think that it took place in 1986 but I cannot remember. It was, I remember, a Sunday night at the church where I was serving as a more

  • Love Your Enemies Series

    Contributed by Js Collins on Mar 14, 2012

    Set values for the unconditional believer- Realizing the obedience is the key to blessings

    Love your enemies Luke 6:27-36 27 ¶ "But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28. "Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. 29. "To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him, who takes away your cloak, more

  • More

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Aug 3, 2012

    Sermon for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B.

    John 6: 24 – 35 / More Intro: I want you to imagine this morning that you are a solitary traveler in a lonely desert. As you travel, you become very thirsty. Just ahead you see a rusty old pump at the edge of an oasis. Handing on the pump is a note that reads, “I have buried a more

  • The Sermon On The Plateau Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 6 verses 20 through 36

    Luke 6: 20 – 36 The Sermon on the Plateau 20 Then He lifted up His eyes toward His disciples, and said: “ Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. 21 Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. 22 Blessed are more

  • The Third Way

    Contributed by Kevin Barron on Dec 30, 2012

    Jesus has a third way to deal with violence other than fight or flight!

    THE THIRD WAY LUKE 6:27-38 MAY 2, 2012 OSCEOLA, AR CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE INTRO. It seems that our instinct when faced with violence is fight or flight. Those are the only two things we know how to do! Jesus, though, has a third way - nonviolent engagement. How does this work for him? I. TURN more

  • How To Be Blessed- Part 2 - Be A Peacemaker Series

    Contributed by David Wilson on Jan 14, 2013

    A peacemaker is blessed because he obtains the reputation of being a child of God.

    How to Be Blessed Part Two We are continuing out theme obtaining God’s blessing with our texts coming from various parts of the Bible. I truly believe that God desires to bless us and has provided us with a blueprint for receiving His great blessings, it is called the Bible. The Bible is a more

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