John's church

Monroe, Louisiana 71201

About John
  • Education: Masters of Science in Ministry from Amridge University, Bachelor of Arts Major in Bible, Minor in Communications from Magnolia Bible College, Kosciusko, MS.
  • Experience: Over the years I have served as minister, campus minister, and youth minister. Have experience in TV and Radio ministry. Worked for many years with Christian Camps (Sardis Lake Christian Camp and Gulf Coast Bible Camp). Also, I have a four-lesson series called Acquainted With Grief to help the grieving and those who want to encourage them.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I hope that they give you a little something to kickstart your own thought processes. If you use one of my sermons (and change it significantly) send me your finished product. I’d be interested to see what you did!
  • Family: I am married to the former Margaret Willingham. I have a daughter- Nicole, a son - John Robert (deceased), and grandchildren - Claire and Blake.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: The church already has a Savior, and you are not it.
  • Books that have had an impact: If I could have five books forever they would be The Bible, The Ragamuffin Gospel, The Shack, He Still Moves Stones, and My Utmost for His Highest.
  • Hobbies: Photography, Reading, Coffee
  • What I want on my tombstone: If you hear a trumpet, stand back!
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Newest Sermons

  • The Rich Man And Lazarus

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2025

    In today’s text we have a story about a wealthy man and an impoverished man whose stories intersect at the gate of the wealthy man. This is a haunting story and one that features people with opposite experiences in life and death.

    The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31 Introduction Luke’s gospel is known for having a lot to say about riches and poverty. We might assume that Jesus mostly talked to poor people, but we know he spoke to the Pharisees, many of whom would have been wealthy. (16:14) He also was known to hang more

  • Lost And Found

    Contributed on Mar 20, 2025

    Getting lost is easy, coming to your senses is hard, finding your way home is worth it. 

    Lost and Found   Luke 15 Introduction: Getting lost is not as easy as it used to be! Global Positioning System (GPS) on most of our phones will direct us anywhere we want to go. Have you ever been using GPS and driving through a cow pasture wondering if you’re doing it right? more

  • A Lament For The Unrepentant  

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2025

    Lament is a word that we do not use very often. A lament is a passionate expression of grief, sorrow, mourning. In Scripture there are many examples of lament. 

    A Lament for the Unrepentant     Luke 13:1-9; 31-35 Introduction Lament is a word that we do not use very often. A lament is a passionate expression of grief, sorrow, mourning. In Scripture there are many examples of lament. Psalm 13:1-2 “How long, Lord? Will you forget me more

  • Jesus, Teach Us How To Pray

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2025

    We all want to be stronger in our prayer life. The people who have the strongest prayer life will confess that prayer is still difficult at times.

    JESUS, TEACH US HOW TO PRAY!   Luke 11:1-13 Introduction Leonard Ravenhill wrote, “The disciples never said, ‘Lord, teach us to preach.’ They never said, ‘Lord, teach us to do miracles.’ They said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ Because they saw that Jesus’ power was in His prayer life.” We more

  • Like A Good Neighbor

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2025

    “Like a Good Neighbor” fits in very well with our text for today. What does it mean to be a good neighbor?

    Like A Good Neighbor   Luke 10:25-37 Introduction In a 2011 commercial, a wife found her husband on the phone at 3 am. When she asked who he was talking to, he said, “Jake from State Farm.” She sarcastically grabbed the phone and asked, “What are you wearing, Jake from State more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Jerry Kramer: Overcoming

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2010

    JERRY KRAMER: OVERCOMING From the age of 5 Jerry was the victim of a series of strange and agonizing accidents. While holding an axe overhead, it slipped and cut a cleft into his chin. While a sophomore in high school, he backed into an electric lathe. When he was 17, he had an accident with a more

  • In An Effort To Attract The Unchurched, Some ...

    Contributed on Jan 9, 2010

    In an effort to attract the unchurched, some churches have considered translating their unfamiliar terminology into familiar football phrases: *Blocking: Talking endlessly to the preacher at the church door and keeping everyone else from exiting. *Extra Point: What you receive when you tell more

  • A Little City In Mexico Was Fed Up With All Of ...

    Contributed on Oct 16, 2007

    A little city in Mexico was fed up with all of the late night revelry and noise from thousands of people late into the night during the summer. So their answer was to create a law to put a decibel limit on urban noise levels. Unfortunately this disrupted a noise that has been heard in that city for more

  • I Heard About A Little Boy Sitting On His Front ...

    Contributed on May 9, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    I heard about a little boy sitting on his front steps with his face cradled in his hands, looking so forlorn. His dad came home just then & asked him what was wrong. The little boy looked up & said, "Well, just more

  • I Heard About A Missionary Who Was Trying To Stir ...

    Contributed on May 9, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    I heard about a missionary who was trying to stir up interest to get people to go to a foreign country to preach the gospel. At the end of the service a woman dragging a little boy behind her, told the missionary, "I just feel like God is calling me to be a missionary." "He is, more