Gospel Of Luke
Contributed by John Dobbs on Nov 27, 2024 (message contributor)
1. Forerunner Of Hope
Contributed on Nov 27, 2024
Today we begin a journey through Luke’s Gospel.
Forerunner of Hope Luke 1:1-25 Introduction Many churches will begin today focused on a season of Advent or expectation of the coming Christ. The themes of Advent, often signified by the lighting of candles, are Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. We will use those themes this month as well. Today we ...read more
2. Peace Where There Is No Peace
Contributed on Dec 6, 2024
Life is interrupted in many different ways … death, disease, unhappy events, struggles within and with others. These anxiety producing events leave us struggling to find peace in a world that offers very little peace.
PEACE WHERE THERE IS NO PEACE LUKE 1:26–56 Introduction Last week we began our series through the gospel of Luke by studying about the birth and life of John the Baptist - the Forerunner of Hope. Today we continue through Luke 1 and search out the theme of Peace. Which is strange - ...read more
3. Joy To The World
Contributed on Dec 19, 2024
Christmas brings a lot of stress: emotional, financial, decorations, gifts, gatherings, travel. Have you ever been tempted to skip it?
JOY TO THE WORLD Luke 2:1-20 Introduction Christmas brings a lot of stress: emotional, financial, decorations, gifts, gatherings, travel. Have you ever been tempted to skip it? John Grisham’s Skipping Christmas was made into a movie called Christmas With the Kranks. The lesson ...read more
4. Love At First Sight
Contributed on Dec 26, 2024
John the Baptist was the Forerunner of Hope. Mary maintained Peace in a difficult calling. Angels proclaimed a time of great Joy for all. Today we want to see the Love that Jesus inspired in others - as an infant and even today.
LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT LUKE 2:21-40 Introduction In December we have observed the Advent Themes of Hope, Peace, Joy. -John the Baptist was the Forerunner of Hope -Mary maintained Peace in a difficult calling. -Angels proclaimed a time of great Joy for all. -Today we want to see the Love that Jesus ...read more
5. About The Father's Business
Contributed on Jan 3, 2025
On this first Sunday of a new year, we continue our study of Luke’s Gospel. Luke gives us more insight into the young childhood of Jesus than the other Gospel writers.His key message seems to be the growth of Jesus. Jesus Grew (vs 39-40; 51-52)
About The Father’s Business Luke 2:39-52 Introduction On this first Sunday of a new year, we continue our study of Luke’s Gospel. Luke gives us more insight into the young childhood of Jesus than the other Gospel writers.His key message seems to be the growth of Jesus. Jesus Grew (vs 39-40; ...read more
6. The Greatest Example: Jesus
Contributed on Jan 9, 2025
John pointed to Jesus and we want to do that too - the greatest example of all! This is where Luke tells us about the baptism of Jesus.
THE GREATEST EXAMPLE Luke 3:15-22 Introduction In Luke 2 we studied about Jesus’ statement that he must be about his Father’s Business. Today we will see him inaugurating his public ministry. Dr. Luke moved quickly from the infancy of Jesus to his 12th year, and today to his ...read more
7. The Messiah's Message
Contributed on Jan 16, 2025
His mission as the Messiah is firmly in mind as he begins in earnest his public ministry.
The Messiah’s Message Luke 4:14-21 Introduction We have been studying the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. He was about his Father’s business at the age of 12. At the age of 30 he is baptized by John the Baptist. From this point on, we have an up-close view of Jesus. Jesus is led into ...read more
8. Hear The Call Of Jesus
Contributed on Jan 23, 2025
As we see the calling of the first disciples, we are sensing that He is calling us into his mission to save the world. Do we hear the call? Are we willing to take first steps to following the Master? Are we continuing in the mission?
Hear The Call of Jesus Luke 5:1-11 Introduction The public ministry of Jesus is not a solo mission. He needed and called disciples, some of which became Apostles, and they carried on the work that he founded and empowered. Even today disciples of Jesus are carrying the banner of ...read more
9. What Kind Of Life Are You Building?
Contributed on Jan 31, 2025
The two builders that conclude Jesus’ sermon indicate to us that He is teaching us how to build the life that honors Jesus.
What Kind of Life Are You Building? Luke 6:17-49 Introduction We are familiar with the Sermon on the Mount, surely one of the most profound messages in our Bible. Today’s text presents a Sermon on the Plain. “He went down with them and stood on a level place…” Lk 6:17. There are many ...read more
10. Moved By Mercy
Contributed on Feb 7, 2025
Two accounts of Jesus being moved by Mercy. The Healing of the Centurion’s servant (Luke 7:1-10) and The Raising of the Widow’s Son (Luke 7:11-15).
Moved By Mercy Luke 7:1-17 Introduction For the past few weeks we have been focused on the theme of hearing Jesus - listening to him. But we also learn from watching what Jesus does. Luke wrote both Luke / Acts. In Acts 1 he writes, “In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all ...read more
11. The Challenge To Love Much
Contributed on Feb 13, 2025
Our text today does not contain a miracle as such. The setting is a much more relaxed atmosphere - dinner at Simon’s house. The Pharisees play a major role in the story of Jesus.
The Challenge to Love Much Luke 7:36-50 Introduction Last week we saw Jesus demonstrate amazing powers as he healed the centurion’s servant at a distance and raised the son of the widow of Nain. The miracles of Jesus serve to: -Show us his great love and compassion for ...read more