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Sermons on San Juan 11:34:

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  • John's Story

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 31, 2020

    Today’s Gospel lesson tells us the story of Death, Resurrection, and Belief it the story of Jesus, It the Story of John’s Gospel

    • Today’s Gospel lesson tells us the story of Death, Resurrection, and Belief it the story of Jesus, It the Story of John’s Gospel 1. The Story of Death • John tells us that “a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha” • Yes this is what we do when more

  • The Resurrection And The Life

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Mar 31, 2020

    Jesus demonstrates the reality and scope of his resurrection power.

    March 29, 2020 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45 The Resurrection and the Life Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Former baseball coach for the New York Yankees, Yogi Berra, once said, “In more

  • The Emotional Jesus

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Apr 6, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Today is Palm Sunday. And in Jesus' triumphal entry, and elsewhere, we see the emotional side of Jesus. What did it mean then and what does it mean for us today?

    THE EMOTIONAL JESUS Palm Sunday In Our Griefshare group there has been a focus on the caring side of Jesus. It's important that we see the emotional aspect of Jesus. We need to understand that he is not just the Master of the Universe, he's not just the Savior, he's not just the King more

  • Breakthrough From The Grave - Good Friday Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Apr 9, 2020

    Breakthrough from the grave comes at the cost of killing God – remember Jesus is God in the flesh – yes it’s a conspiracy started shortly after Jesus birth and finds it fulfillment in the timing of God and Jesus on Good Friday.

    Ashley Song: Series: Breakthrough 2020 Sermon: Breakthrough from the Grave! Good Friday! Thesis: Breakthrough from the grave comes at the cost of killing God – remember Jesus is God in the flesh – yes it’s a conspiracy started shortly after Jesus birth and finds it fulfillment in the timing of more

  • "What Does All This Mean?”

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Apr 13, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    in the midst of the pandemic, what does the raising of Lazarus mean

    John 11:1-45 Good morning to you, wherever you are. You have just heard our long, well-known and beautiful Gospel reading from John about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Hold that story in you mind as I read you today’s poem by Padraig O’ Tuama, an Irish poet and theologian, entitled more

  • Mantener El Valor Cuando Se Enfrenta A La Muerte

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Apr 22, 2020

    En este discurso, el contenido de varias fuentes se presenta en forma editada con el objetivo de proporcionar fortaleza y consuelo a quienes temen a la muerte.

    ¿Qué es lo que más nos asusta de la muerte? ¿Es preocupante que extrañaremos desesperadamente a la persona que nos deja atrás, o que la persona que dejamos atrás nos extrañe desesperadamente? ¿Tememos no poder llevarnos bien sin la persona que amamos? En more

  • The Cemetary Road

    Contributed by David Roth on May 2, 2020

    Lent 5 (A) The Christ of the resurrection of the Last Day is one and the same Christ who is on the road of life with us now. He will not only bring us out of the grave then, He is on the road to the cemetery with us today, as we face the challenges, the losses, and yes, even the deaths, of today.

    J. J. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen. (Ps. 19:14.) “The Cemetery Road” Today we read of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha, the two sisters of more

  • Don’t Be Afraid Of Death

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on May 12, 2020

    What is death? , Is heaven real? , Is there Life after Death? Why would a loving God send people to hell forever?

    What is death? , Is heaven real? , Is there Life after Death? Why would a loving God send people to hell forever? These questions may not be pleasant to everyone and often come up as objections to some people. Life beyond death has always been a fascinating subject. There seems to be an increasing more

  • Unshakable Faith

    Contributed by Randy Bataanon on Nov 9, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    Lazarus is a symbol of disappointment to many of us. We can relate to Martha and Mary as they say “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. There is Lazarus in everyone’s life. Inside of us is a silent question, when I’m in pain where are you God?

    UNSHAKABLE FAITH John 11:1-44 It is a common knowledge that there is nothing in this world that can be considered as permanent. Even the world that we are living is being shaken by numerous Earthquake every day. This proves that everything in this world can be shaken. But there is verse in the more

  • The Lord's Great Miracle Of Life Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Nov 19, 2019

    Trust in the Lord: 1. When life is a mystery (vs. 1-6; 32-36). 2. When we are in agony (vs. 17-21). 3. For His ability (vs. 21-25; 39-44). 4. For our eternity (vs. 26-27).

    The Lord's Great Miracle of Life The Gospel of John John 11:1-44 (Reading vs. 1-15) Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - September 16, 2018 (Revised November 19, 2019) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to John 11, and we will begin to study one of our favorite miracles. more

  • Jesus Wants To Heal Your Broken Heart Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Nov 29, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The story of Lazarus shows us how: 1. Jesus comes and calls us closer to Him (vs. 27-32). 2. Jesus hurts when we hurt (vs. 32-38). 3. Jesus delivers us from doubt (vs. 37-43). 4. Jesus defeats our death (43-44).

    Jesus Wants to Heal Your Broken Heart The Gospel of John John 11:27-45 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - April 19, 2017 (Revised November 29, 2019) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to John 11 to continue our study of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. In this miraculous Bible more

  • Good-Bye To A Good Man (Funeral)

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Jan 7, 2020

    The highest and most powerful compliment you can give a person today is to call them a “good person” and sincerely mean it. Charlie Nanney was a good man … Charlie Nanney was a great man.

    Charlie was a piece of work, amen? A genuine … one-of-a-kind … masterpiece … Hand-crafted by the very Master Craftsman Himself … And this is how he saw all of you … as genuine … one-of-a-kind … lovingly hand-crafted masterpieces. That’s how he saw everybody. That’s how he treated more

  • Jesus' Bff Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 26, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus showed up 4 days late for Lazarus' funeral. Why? And what can that mean to us as Christians?

    Social Media (texting/twitter/etc.) has created a whole new set of terms. These terms are called “acronyms”, and they’re basically abbreviations of common phrases. For example “LOL” means (wait for the audience to respond) – that’s right “Laugh Out Loud.” LOL is simply shorthand for a term that more

  • Inhabilidad Total Series

    Contributed by Josue Martinez on Feb 4, 2020

    ¿Puedes elegir ser salvo? ¿Estamos muertos espiritualmente? ¿Enfermos espiritualmente?

    LA INHABILIDAD TOTAL Hace un tiempo hablamos de la doctrina de la Elección Incondicional y allí se quedó establecido que Dios eligió según su voluntad los que estarían en la gloria. Que los predestinó desde antes de la fundación del mundo; y a ellos, los more

  • Jesus Wept Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Feb 10, 2020

    The 34th sermon in a series we're doing on John's Gospel. In this particular sermon we look at the shortest verse in the Bible, and we discuss why Jesus wept. We examine sin and it's effects, and how Jesus is the answer to our sin problem.

    Jesus Wept (Gospel of John Part 34) Text: John 11:28-44 So; if you remember from last time, Jesus had just spoken with Martha, and Martha was strengthened in her faith and she ended up making an amazing confession of faith in Jesus. And she left Him, in order to go get her sister Mary. And more

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