  • Christian Jones

    Contributing sermons since Jun 3, 2023
Christian 's church

New Works Fellowship
Easley , South Carolina 29640

About Christian
  • Education: Lee University
  • Experience: I was born into a broken home in Asheville, NC. At the age of four, my parents separated, leaving my mother to raise me and my three brothers on her own. Despite the challenges we faced, my mother worked tirelessly to provide for us and instill in us a sense of hope and resilience. However, when I was nine years old, my father re-entered our lives, bringing with him a darkness that would cast a shadow over our young hearts. He exposed us to pornography, a destructive influence that would shape our future in unimaginable ways. In our vulnerability, me and my siblings sought solace in drugs and alcohol that our father exposed us to, seeking temporary relief from the pain that engulfed us. As the years went by, my father continued his erratic behavior, frequently finding himself in and out of prison. The absence of a stable father figure left a void in our life, and we yearned for something greater. Little did we know that our search for purpose and healing would lead us to the most profound transformation of all. In the midst of our turmoil, and the power of a praying mother and grandparents, we turned to Jesus seeking redemption and forgiveness for our past mistakes. Me, along with my siblings, came to understand that the blood of Jesus had the power to heal and restore even the deepest wounds. Through our unwavering belief in the redeeming power of Jesus, we began to rebuild our lives. We found strength in our newfound faith in Jesus, supporting one another through the difficult times and celebrating the triumphs that came our way. Our mother, despite the pain she had endured, held on to hope, watching as her children transformed before her eyes. Today, me and my siblings stand as a testament to the power of redemption through The Blood of Jesus. We have overcome the hardships of our early years, rising above the pain and addiction that once defined our life. With the love of Jesus guiding us, we have found purpose in helping others who have experienced similar struggles. We have dedicated our lives to spreading the message of hope and transformation, sharing our story. And perhaps most remarkably, our father, after years of waywardness, found his own redemption through the power of The Cross. He, too, gave his life to the Lord, finding forgiveness and a renewed sense of purpose. Together, my siblings and I along with our father have embarked on a journey of healing, mending the broken pieces of our relationship and embracing the love and grace that can only come from the power of The Cross.
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  • David & Goliath

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Illustration 1: In a vast valley surrounded by towering cliffs, a young shepherd named David stands confidently with his slingshot in hand. His eyes are focused, and his face displays determination as he gazes up at the formidable figure of Goliath. Goliath, a giant of a man clad in gleaming armor, more